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AF | DRB | CY2001 | FD01-00080
Original file (FD01-00080.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied




GENERAL:  The applicant appeals to change the reason and authority for the discharge, and to change his 
reenlistment code. 

The  applicant  was  offered  a  personal  appearance  before  the  Discharge  Review  Board  but  declined  to 
exercise this right. 

The attached brief contains available pertinent data on the applicant and the factors leading to the discharge. 

FINDINGS:  Change of reason, authority for discharge, and reenlistment  code are denied 

Issue.  Applicant  received  an  Honorable  discharge  based  on  a  character  and  behavior  disorder  that 
interfered with military service but did not medically disqualify him.  Applicant  contends the discharge was 
improper because he does not believe he has nor has ever had a personality disorder.  Member also noted he 
was undergoing  a  difficult time  in  his  marriage,  and was distracted from  his  duties due to undergoing  a 
bitter  divorce.  Member states he desired to separate, and his supervisor told him it would be easy to do so 
due to a personnel  draw down.  Member was then  sent for a Mental Health  evaluation and confided  about 
the  turmoil  of  his  divorce  and  desire  to  separate.  He  now  states  he  was  rushed  through  the  discharge 
process  and  did  not  understand  the  damaging  implications  of  the  stated  reason  for  his  discharge.  He 
believed  that  since it  was characterized as Honorable, that  was all that  mattered,  but  has since found out 
otherwise.  Records review  disclosed  member underwent  a commander-directed mental  health  evaluation 
after  making  a  suicidal  gesture  that  resulted  in  admittance  to the  VA  hospital.  During  the  evaluation 
interview, member indicated he was still suicidal and it was believed he was capable of hurting himself.  He 
was seen as having irrational thought processes and his deteriorated behavior and performance were seen as 
so  severe  that  they  would  continue  to  impair  his  ability  to  serve.  At  the  time  of  discharge  member 
consulted legal counsel but chose not to submit matters in his own behalf.  Through the records review the 
Board  confirmed  member’s  inability  to  function  in  a  military  environment  and  could  not  find  an 
impropriety or an inequity upon which to base a change in reason or authority for the discharge. 

Applicant fbrther noted  his post-service  accomplishment in obtaining his airframe and power plant license 
and noted he has been a good citizen.  Although applicant submits some post-service information about his 
accomplishments, the Board noted they occurred after member’s separation from the Air Force.  While the 
Board commends applicant for his post-service successes, this information is not relevant  to the period  of 
service under review, and therefore does not provide a basis on which to change the discharge. 

If  the  applicant  can  provide  additional  documented  information  to  substantiate  his  issues,  he  should 
consider  exercising his right  to  a personal  appearance hearing.  Should he chose to exercise that  right,  he 
should  be  prepared  to provide  the  Board  with  evidence  of the  inequity  and  any  exemplary  post-service 
accomplishments and contributions to the community. 

CONCLUSIONS:  The Discharge  Review  Board  concludes that  the  discharge was  consistent  with  the 
procedural  and  substantive requirements of the  discharge regulation  and was within  the  discretion  of the 
discharge authority and that the applicant was provided full administrative due process. 

In view of the foregoing findings the board further concludes that there exists no legal or equitable basis to 
change the reason or authority for the discharge, thus the applicant’s discharge should not be changed. 

Examiner‘s Brief 




(Former SRA) 

E’D-  0 1 - 00 0 80 

1.  MATTER UNDER REVIEW:  Appl rec’d a HON Disch fr USAF 8 7 / 0 6 / 2 6   UP AFR 39- 10, 
para 5 - 1 1 1   (1) & 
( 3 )   (Conditions That Interfere With Military Service-Character 
and Behavior Disorder).  Appeals for Change the Reason and Authority for Disch 
and the RE Code. 


a. DOB: 

.  Enlmt Age: 1 8   1 1 / 1 2 .   Disch Age:  2 1  5 / 1 2 .   Educ:HS  DIPL. 


: N/A.  A- 95,  E-43,  G-48,  M-79. PAFSC: 43152A  -  Airlift/Bombardment 
raft Maintenance Specialist. DAS: 8 5 / 0 7 / 1 8 .  
b.  Prior Sv: AFRes 8 5 / 0 1 / 1 0   -  8 5 / 0 4 / 0 1  

( 2   months 22  days)(Inactive). 


a.  Enld as AB 8 5 / 0 4 / 0 1   for 6  yrs.  Svd: 2  Yrs 2  Mo 2 6   Das, all AMs. 
b.  Grade Status:  SRA  -  8 7 / 0 5 / 1 4  
A1C -  8 5 / 0 5 / 1 4  

c.  Time L o s t :   none. 
d.  Art 1 5 ‘ s :  
e.  Additional: none. 

f.  CM:  none. 

g.  Record of SV: 8 5 / 0 4 / 0 1  
8 6 / 0 5 / 2 5  

8 6 / 0 5 / 2 4   Barksdale AFB  9  (Annual) 
8 7 / 0 1 / 3 0   Barksdale AFB  9  (CRO) 

(Discharged from Barksdale AFB) 

h.  Awards &  Decs:  AFTR, AMMB. 
i.  Stmt of Sv:  TMS:  (2) Yrs  ( 5 )   Mos  ( 1 7 )   Das 
TAMS:  ( 2 )   Yrs  ( 2 )   Mos  (26) Das 

4.  BASIS ADVANCED FOR REVIEW:  Appln  (DD Fm 2 9 3 )   dtd 0 1 / 0 2 / 1 4 .  

(Change the Reason and Authority for Disch and RE Code) 


Issue 2:  My overall performance was not taken into consideration. 


Issue 3 :   I feel that I was given bad advise (sic) by my superior. 
Issue 4:  I served on active duty from April 1975 to June 1987.  During 
this time, I was stationed at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana about 30 miles from 
where I was born and raised. 

I was raised in a very strutured Baptist family and had never spent more than 
one week away from home in the 19 years prior to my enlistment. 

After joining the military, I found that I liked and did a very good job as 
indicated by my performance reports.  I had gotten married in April of 1986. 
About March of 1987, I found out that my wife had been cheating on me with 
several men on base.  I confronted her and she did not deny it.  What she said 
was that she was unhappy and wanted a divorce.  Some of the men that she 
cheated on me with, were guys that I worked with.  This was a very, very 
difficult situation for me and I found it very hard to handle.  I was going 
through a very bitter divorce and was very distraught, confused and immature 
about the ways of life.  At the time of my pending divorce, I talked to my 
immediate supervisor and told him of my personal problems.  During our 
conversation, I told him that I wished I had never joined the military.  I 
blamed the military for my divorce.  His advice was that it would be easy to 
get out because the military was down sizing on my base.  The B-52 G model I 
worked on was being phased out and replaced with the B-52H model.  I believed 
him and saw this as the perfect opportunity to get out of the military.  He 
further advised me to go the Operations Commander and tell him of my desire to 
get out of the service.  I followed his instructions and I was immediately 
sent to a psychiatrist.  I told him about the turmoil I was going through 
because of my divorce and of my desire to get out of the military.  Shortly 
after this, I was sent to another workstation and discharged. 

Being so young and immature, and because I was rushed through the system, I 
did not understand the implications of my type of discharge.  I was told that 
it was honorable and I thought that was all that mattered.  I did not know 
that the narrative reason for separation would be so damaging to my life. 

After my discharge, I enrolled and completed a 14-month Technical School.  I 
received my Airframe and Powerplan License in May of 1988.  After completion, 
I started applying for jobs with the major airlines and ran into brick walls. 
I was told it was because of the reason for separation on my military 
discharge.  One interviewer told me that they could not have someone with a 
behavior disorder signing off an Aircraft with 300 passengers.  He said that 
his union would kill him if hired someone with my discharge.  I have been out 
of the military for over 13 years but this has followed me and hurt me. 

I have also been turned down by the Big Brother/Big Sister program because of 
my discharge.  This made me feel very hurt.  I cannot function in some aspects 
of society with this narrative reason for separation. 

I am proud of my country and I am proud to be a veteran.  If I could relive my 
past with more wisdom, I would.  I do not believe that I have a personality 
disorder as I never had any problems until my divorce and I do not have 

ED0 1-00080 

problems now.  I do not see how a psychiatrist labeled me with a personality 
disorder in such a short time.  I feel it was just immaturity and I wish I had 
gotten better advice.  My supervisor also told me that I could not go from an 
Outstanding Airman to a dischargable airman.  He said I would have to work on 
getting some negative reports and that this would not affect my Honorable 
Discharge Status.  This is the reason that I started getting into trouble. 
That is what I was told to do and I followed the advice. 

I am attaching a copy of the police record showing that I have not gotten into 
any trouble and a sample of a mechanic employment application showing how the 
reason for separation follows me everywhere I go.  This has hindered my career 
for any chances of advancement.  I had not applied for a correction earlier 
because I was unaware that I could petition the board until recently. 

My career field is a highly competitive industry and I have worked to enhance 
my education to better myself; however, my narrative reason for separation 
makes it impossible f o r   me to move up.  I hope that you can give my request 
favorable consideration either through merit or clemency so that I may have a 
better future by changing the narrative reason for separation. 

Thank you for consideration in this very important matter to me. 

1. Personal Statement, 15 Feb 01. 
2. Criminal Record Report. 
3 .   Aircraft Mechanic Application. 
4. Statement of Doctor. 
5. Operators License. 






8 6   'urt  reg? 

-10,  Chap  5 ,   Sec  B ,   P a r a s   S - l l i ( l )   and  (3)  (SrA 

2 M s ,  Barksdale  AFB,  LA) 

1.  B a s i s   f o r   Action:  By  l e t t e r   dated  3  June  1986,  t h e   Squadron  Comnander, 
2FMS,  ?&cornended  t h e   respondent  be  discharged  under  AFR  39-10,  Chap  5 ,   Sec  B, 
p a r a s   5 - l l i ( l )   and  (31,  f o r   t h e   convenience  of  t h e   government  based  on  con- 
d i t i o n s   t h a t   i n t e r f e r e  w i t h   m i l i t a r y   s e r v i c e ,   s p e c i f i c a l l y ,   p e r s o n a l i t y   and 
adjustment  d i s o r d e r s .   The  coonnander  a l s o  recommended 
b e   c h a r a c t e r i z e d   as  Honorable.  You  are  t h e   d i s c h a r g e   a u t h o r i t y   i n   t h i s   case. 

t h e   respondent's  d i s c h a r g e  

2.  P e r s o n a l   Data: 

a .   Length  of  S e r v i c e :  
b.  Date  of  B i r t h :  
c.  T e s t   Scores:  AQE:  A-95;  E-43;  G-48;  M-79 
d.  Awards  and  Decorations: 
e.  Performance  Reports: 


30  Jan  87  - "9";  24  May  86  - "9" 

2  y e a r s ,   21/2  months;  1 A p r i l   1985 

3.  Evidence  f o r   t h e   Government: 
u a t i o n   performed  a t  t h e   Mental  Health  C l i n i c   a t  B a r k s d a l e   AFB  by  Capt-  

The  government  relies  on  a  psychological  eval-  

on  30 A p r i l   1987. 

T h i s   r e p o r t   confirms  t h a t   t h e   respondent  has  an  a d j u s t -  

ICD-9  301.89). 

ment  d i s o r d e r ,   (DSM 11 309.28,  1 0 - 9   309.08)  and  a mixed  p e r s o n a l i t y   d i s o r d e r  
(DSM  111, 301.89, 
The  respondent's  r e c o r d   r e v e a l s   t h a t   he  was 
counseled  on  a  number  of  o c c a s i o n s   p r i o r   t o  h i s   r e f e r r a l   t o  Mental  Health.  The 
respondent  was  counseled  f o r   l o s i n g   h i s   temper,  having  a  poor  a t t i t u d e ,   poor  job 
performance  and  unusual  b e h a v i o r ,   t o   include  t a l k   of  s u i c i d e .   Capt-elt 
t h a t   t h e   respondent's  c o n d i t i o n  would  continue  t o  a f f e c t   h i s   duty  performance 
and  was  s o   s e v e r e   t h a t   h i s   a b i l i t y   t o   f u n c t i o n   i n   t h e   m i l i t a r y   environment  was 
4.  Evidence  f o r   t h e   Respondent:  By  l e t t e r ,   d a t e d   3  J u n e   1987,  t h e   respondent, 
a f t e r   c o n f e r r i n g   w i t h   c o u n s e l ,   chose  t o  waive  h i s   r i g h t   t o   submit  any  evidence. 

5.  Preprocessing  R e h a b i l i t a t i o n :   Before  i n i t i a t i n g   t h i s   d i s c h a r g e   a c t i o n ,   t h e  
squadron  commander  t r i e d   to  r e h a b i l i t a t e   t h e   respondent,  g i v i n g   him  a n   oppor- 
t u n i t y   to-overcome  h i s   d e f i c i e n c i e s   a s   required  by  AFR  39-10,  para  5-2. 
S p e c i f i c a l l y ,   t h e   commander  used  t h e   following  r e h a b i l i t a t i v e   t o o l s :   numerous 
counseling  and  r e f e r r a l   t o   t h e  Mental  Health  C l i n i c .  

There  are no  e r r o r s   n o r   i r r e g u l a r i t i e s   which 
6.  E r r o r s   o r   I r r e g u l a r i t i e s :  
m a t e r i a l l y   p r e j u d i c e   t h e   respondent's  r i g h t s .   However,  AFR  39-10,  para  6-4, 
r e q u i r e s   a  r e c e n t   APR be  produced  on i n d i v i d u a l s   b e i n g   discharged  under  para 
5-11.  The  l a s t  APR  i n   t h e   r e s p o n d e n t ' s   record  i s  d a t e d ,   30  January  1987.  Tab  4 
c o n t a i n s   a n  AF  Form 2095  which  i n d i c a t e s   t h e   r e s p o n d e n t ' s   r e p o r t i n g   o f f i c i a l   was 
changed  on  21  May  1987. 
received  a n  APR  w i t h i n   t h e   l a s t   120 days.  This  d i s c h a r g e   a c t i o n   was  i n i t i a t e d  
12 days  l a t e r ,   on  2  June  1987.  The  Commander's  Recommendation  f o r  Discharge  t o  
This  error  does  n o t   i n  
2CSG/CC  does  n o t   a d d r e s s   t h e   absence  of  t h e   f i n a l   APR. 
The  Letter  of  Recommendation  provides  t h e  
any  way  p r e j u d i c e   t h e   respondent. 
commander  w i t h   i n f o r m a t i o n   so  he  can  make  an  informed  d e c i s i o n .   Para  2(1)  of 
t h e   recornendation  l e t t e r   i d e n t i f i e s   each  record  of  counseling.  Para  3  makes  i t  
c l e a r   t h a t   t h e   squadron  attempted  t o  r e h a b i l i t a t e   t h e   respondent.  These  a c t i o n s  

No APRwas  required  a t   t h a t   t i m e  because  he  had 

, .  

.. .. 

were  necessary  due  t o   t h e  
pondent's  decreased  p r o d u c t i v i t y .   The  p s y c h i a t r i c  
e v a l u a t i o n   c o n t i n u e s   t h a t   t h e   r e s p o n d e n t ' s   c o n d i t i o n   can  b e   expected  t o   i n t e r -  
f e r e  w i t h   h i s   a b i l i t y   t o   f u n c t i o n   i n   t h e   m i l i t a r y   envirooment. 

7 .   Discussion: 

a .   Under  AFR  39-10,  T a b l e   1-3,  t h i s   respondent  must  be  furnished  a n  

honorable  d i s c h a r g e .   A f t e r   r e v i e w i n g   a l l   r e l e v a n t   f a c t s   and  c i r c u m s t a n c e s ,   t h e  
squadron  commander  determined  t h e   respondent  deserves  an,honorable  d i s c h a r g e .  

b .  

I n   t h i s   case,  a f t e r   c o n s i d e r i n g   t h e   s e v e r i t y   of  t h e   r e s p o n d e n t ' s   con- 

You  may  e i t h e r   d i r e c t   r e t e n t i o n   i n   t h e  USAF o r   you  may  d i s c h a r g e   t h e  
I f   you  d e c i d e   t h e   respondent  should  be  d i s c h a r g e d ,   then  you  must 
determine  whether  p r o b a t i o n   and  r e h a b i l i t a t i o n   (PhR)  should  be  o f f e r e d .   Under 
AFR  39-10,  Chap  7 ,   airmen  s h o u l d   b e   o f f e r e d   PLBwhen  i t  i s   reasonably  p o s s i b l e  
t o  do  so. 
d i t i o n ,   t h e   squadron  c o m a n d e r   recommended  t h e   respondent  n o t   b e   o f f e r e d   P&R. 
The  respondent  has  demonstrated  n e i t h e r   a  p o t e n t i a l   t o   s e r v e   s a t i s f a c t o r i l y   n o r  
a  c a p a c i t y   t o  b e   r e h a b i l i t a t e d .   T h i s   f a c t   i s   e v i d e n t   i n   t h e   Records  o f  
Counseling  g i v e n   t o   t h e   respondent  and  t h e   subsequent  p s y c h i a t r i c   e v a l u a t i o n ,  
d a t e d   30  A p r i l   1987.The  r e t e n t i o n   of  t h i s   respondent  would  b e   i n c o n s i s t e n t   w i t h  
t h e   maintenance  of  good  o r d e r   and  d i s c i p l i n e .  
A l l   a v a i l a b l e   i n f o r m a t i o n   i n d i -  
cates  t h a t   t h i s   respondent  should  b e   discharged. 
d i s c h a r g e   has  been  e s t a b l i s h e d .  
r e s u l t   i n   conduct  which  would  p r o v i d e   a n   a d d i t i o n a l   b a s i s   f o r   d i s c h a r g e .  

Continued  r e t e n t i o n   of  t h e   respondent  could 

A  s u f f i c i e n t   b a s i s   f o r  

8.  Recommendation:  The  squadron  commander's  f i n d i n g s   and  recommendations  are 
l e g a l l y   s u f f i c i e n t   and  I  recommend  you  a c c e p t   them.  The  respondent  should  b e  
discharged  and  h i s   d i s c h a r g e   should  be  c h a r a c t e r i z e d   as  honorable. 
d i s c h a r g e   should  n o t   b e   c o n d i t i o n a l l y   suspended. 



i n ,   USAF 
t e  

1 Atch 
Case  File- 

I  concur. 

Deputy  S t a f f   Judge  Advocate 




2 June 1987 

SUBJECT:  Letter of Notification 

TO:  SrA 

1.  I am recommending your discharge from the United States Air Force for 
the convenience of the government based on conditions that interfere with 
military service, to wit:  personality and adjustment disorder.  The 
authority for this action is AFR  39-10, para 5-lli(l)  and ( 3 ) .   If my 
recommendation is approved, your service will be characterized as honorable.  - 
2.  My reason for this action is:  On 30 Apr 87, you were given a psycho- 
logical evaluation which resulted in a diagnosis of an adjustment disorder 
with mixed emotional features (DSM  I11 309.28, ICD-9 309.08)  and a mixed 
personality disorder with dependent and passive aggression personality 
features (DSM 111, 301.89,  ICD-9 301.89). 
These conditions make you un- 
suitable for further Air Force service.  They have had an adverse impact on 
your performance of duty and are so  severe that your ability to function in 
the military environment is significantly impaired. 
Copies of the documents to be forwarded to the separation authority in sup- 
port of this recommendation are attached.  The commander exercising special 
court-martial jurisdiction or higher authority will decide whether you are 
discharged or retained in the  Air Force and, if you are discharged, how your 
service will be characterized.  If you are discharged, you will be 
ineligible for reenlistment in the Air Force. 
3.  You  have the right to consult legal counsel.  Military legal counsel has 
.  You 
I have made an ap ointment for  ou  to consult 
been obtained to assist you. 
Capt -,,at 
may consult civilian counsel at your own expense. 
4.  You  have the right to submit statements in your own behalf. 
ments you want the separation authority to consider must reach me by 
I will 
5 June 1987 
send them t o  the separation authority. 
5.  If  you fail to consult counsel or to submit statements in your own 
behalf, your failure will constitute a waiver o f   your right to do so. 
6.  You have been scheduled for a medical examination.  You  must report to 
the USAF Hospital Non-Flying Exams at  0800 
hours on  5  June 87  for the 
ex ami n at i on. 

Bldg 3435, second floor, on  3 s une 87  at  O&O 

unless you request an extension for good cause. 

Any state- 

P e a c e   . .  . .  is  o u r   P r o f e s s i o n  

7.  Any personal information you furnish in rebuttal is covered by the 
Privacy Act Statement as  explained in AFR  39-10, attachment 6. 
AFR 39-10 is available for  your use in your unit orderly room. 

A  copy of 

acknowledgement and return it to me immediately. 


30 Apr 8 7  

6 Atch 
2.  SAC Form 845,  16 Apr 87 
3.  SAC Form 845,  15 Apr 87 
4 .   SAC Form 845,  1 Apr 87 
5.  SAC Form 845,  30 Mar 87 
6.  Receipt of Ltr of 



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  • AF | DRB | CY2001 | FD01-00055

    Original file (FD01-00055.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied

    AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE I CASE NUMBER FD-01-00055 I GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable. - The Board finds the applicant submitted no issues contesting the equity or propriety of the discharge, and after a thorough review of the record, the Board was unable to identify any. As a result, YOU received a letter of counseling, dated 21 Mar 89. e. On or about 21 Mar 8 9 , at Yokota AB, Japan, you failed to go to your scheduled...

  • AF | DRB | CY2002 | FD2002-0006

    Original file (FD2002-0006.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied

    Attachment : Examiner's Brief I DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD ANDREWS AFB, MD FD2 0 02 - 0.0 0 6 (Former AB) (HGH AMN) 1. RECOMMENDATION: Respondent’s misconduct and unwillingness t o conform his H i s service behavior t o Air Force s t a n d a r d s support h i s immediate separation. c. Your duty performance was Substandard, This is evidenced by Letter of Reprimand, by the Commander, dated 5 May 92 (atch c).