GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to Honor&e:-
I . I I v p I - - , "
The applicant was offered a personal appearance before the Discharge Review Board (DRB) but declined to
exercise this right.
-- - -
The attached brief contains the available pertinent data on the applicant and the factors leading to the
FINDINGS: Upgrade of discharge is denied.
The board finds that neither evidence of record nor that provided by the applicant substantiates an inequity
or impropriety, which would justify a change of discharge.
The applicant's issues are listed in the attached brief.
Issues 1-4. These issues are essentially the same under the subject of overall service and are treated
together. The board found that the applicant indeed had very good service through his first assignment and
appeared headed for a successful Air Force career.
Issue 5. There is no evidence in the record, nor was any provided by the applicant to substantiate this issue.
If the applicant has additional evidence to substantiate this issue, the board encourages the applicant to
exercise his right for a personal appearance. The board would welcome any additional evidence or sworn
testimony from a personal appearance board to re-consider this issue as a mitigating factor.
Issue 6. Again, there is no evidence of record to substantiate this issue and the board would welcome
swom testimony or statements from witnesses to corroborate this allegation.
Issue 7. The applicant states that the command "abused its authority" in effecting the discharge. From the
written record alone, it appears that the command followed all the appropriate steps in bringing about a
discharge. There is no evidence of the application for a Hardship Discharge in the present record. If the
applicant has that evidence the board would again welcome the introduction of that as an exhibit in a
personal appearance hearing.
The Board found no evidence in the record of impropriety or inequity in this case upon which to base an
upgrade of discharge.
CONCLUSIONS: The Discharge Review Board concludes that the discharge was consistent with the
procedural and substantive requirements of the discharge regulation and was within the discretion of the
discharge authority &d that the applicant was provided full administrative due process.
In view of the foregoing findings the board further regrets that there exists no legal or equitable basis for
upgrade of discharge, thus the applicant's discharge should not be changed. The board once again
encourages the applicant to exercise his right of a personal appearance board to pursue his appeal.
Examiner's Brief
- .
. I
1 I.(--^-,,.
1. MATTER UNDER REVIEW: A p p l rec'd a GEN Disch f r USAF 9 0 / 1 0 / 1 9 UP AFR 39- 10,
p a r a 5- 46 (Misconduct - Minor D i s c i p l i n a r y I n f r a c t i o n s ) . A p p e a l s f o r H o n o r a b l e
( F o r m e r SRA)
a . DOB: 6 8 / 0 3 / 2 3 .
E n l m t A g e : 1 7 1 1 / 1 2 . Disch A g e : 22 6/12. E d u c : H S D I P L .
E- 50, G - 5 0 , M-44. PAFSC: 81150 - S e c u r i t y S p e c i a l i s t .
DAS: 8 9 / 0 4 / 1 3 .
A- 85,
b . P r i o r Sv: A F R e s 8 6 / 0 2 / 2 6 - 8 6 / 0 9 / 0 1
( 6 months 6 days) ( I n a c t i v e ) .
a . E n l d a s AB 8 6 / 0 9 / 0 2 f o r 6 y r s . Svd: 4 Y r s 1 M o 1 8 Das, a l l M S .
b. G r a d e S t a t u s :
(NCO S t a t u s V a c a t e d ) .
SRA - 9 0 / 1 0 / 1 2
SGT - 8 9 / 0 2 / 1 7
SRA - 8 9 / 0 2 / 1 7
, AMN-A1C - (APR I n d i c a t e s ) : 8 6 / 0 9 / 0 2 - 8 7 / 0 9 / 0 1
c. T i m e L o s t : none.
d . A r t 1 5 ' s :
e . A d d i t i o n a l : LOR, 1 2 OCT 90 - R a c i a l s l u r .
LOR, 08 S E P 90 - Dorm room i n s p e c t i o n f a i l u r e .
LOR, 11 S E P 90 - L a t e f o r d u t y .
LOR, 2 0 J U L 90 - F a i l u r e t o go.
LOR, 22 MAY 90 - T r a f f i c v i o l a t i o n s .
LOC, 1 3 MAR 90 - L a t e f o r d u t y .
LOC, 1 9 AUG 8 9 - Misconduct.
f . CM:
g . R e c o r d of SV: 8 6 / 0 9 / 0 2
8 7 / 0 9 / 0 2
8 8 / 0 4 / 1 1
8 8 / 1 0 / 1 2
8 9 / 0 2 / 0 9
8 7 / 0 9 / 0 1 RAF L a k e n h e a t h 8
8 8 / 0 4 / 1 0 RAF Lakenheath 9
8 8 / 1 0 / 1 1 RAF L a k e n h e a t h 9
RAF L a k e n h e a t h 8
8 9 / 0 2 / 0 8
9 0 / 0 2 / 0 8 Dyess AFB
( D i s c h a r g e d from Dyess AFB)
h . A w a r d s & Decs: AFTR, AFOUA, AFGCM, AFLSAR, AFOSLTR.
i . S t m t of Sv:
( 4 ) Y r s ( 7 ) Mos
( 2 4 ) Das
- . .
( A n n u a l )
( A n n u a l )
TAMS: (4) Yrs (1) Mos (18) Das-
li . " _
4. BASIS ADVANCED FOR REVIEW: Appln (DD Fm 293) dtd 01/01/11.
(Change Discharge to Honorable)
Issue 1: My average conduct and efficiency ratings/behavior and proficiency
marks were good (or better).
Issue 2: I received several awards and decorations and letters of
Issue 3: My awards and letters of recommendations came from voluntary
activity to help improve military and/or civilian relations. EX. (Special
Olympics - ERT, etc.) .
Issue 4: My record of promotions showed I was generally a good service
Issue 5: My ability to serve was impaired slightly by my troubled young
marriage and other family problems.
Issue 6: I faced racial discrimination and that impaired my ability to
serve. When I was stationed overseas my tour of duty was at R.A.F. Lakenheath,
a very diverse unit. Especially among the Enlisted Corp. I had no problems
previously among my peers until the incident that initiated the disciplinary
process that led to my discharge. My stateside duty at Dyess A.F.B. didn't
reflect the same diversity. My tour of duty stateside was above average.
The incident that initiated the discharge process involved a SSgt ------ , who
himself was under investigation for trying to "forcibly" recruit young Airmen
into the "Arian Brotherhood'' (A racial organization that discriminates against
non-whites). When this information was noted to my Commanding Officer, he
blatantly refused to acknowledge it. I had several statements from witness that
were in the immediate vicinity when the "incident" occurred between SSgt ------
and myself.
taken into account. I was given a choice: go to jail for 30 days with a
demotion or opt for a "General Discharge." I was told I "could have my
discharge upgraded to Honorable after 6 months with no problems." I didn't join
the military to go to jail, especially for something I didn't do SQ I opted to
take the discharge. I was properly (sic) an E-4 Sargeant (sic) and proud of it
and I believed there was a better solution but not advised. Had any
investigation been done I would have been exonnerated (sic) of the false charges
brought against me.
Two SSgt's and 1 Sgt., whose statements were submitted but not
Issue 7: M y command abused it's authority when it decided to discharge me
I was told by my commanding lieutenant
an decided' to give me a bad discharge.
(sic) that he couldn't get me the "General Discharge" unless I agreed. I was
also having personal problems prior to all of this and sought to get a "Hardship
Discharge", due to the fatal illness of my Grandmother that raised me. The
lieutenant (sic) said he tried to get the "HD" for me but couldn't. He stated
"he could put a packet- together with "Minor offenses" that could constitute
reason enough for a "General Discharge." I asked my SSgt. supervisa- for
guidance, and "he told me to take the discharge", "i$.wasn't that bad." I
talked to the Unit Chaplain, but he didn't help. I do believe there was a
better solution, but not offered, (like counseling etc.) I also believe if my
case had been fully investigated and all factors taken into consideration, the
outcome would have been different, more postiwe. Under proper counse-Sinq I
would have refused-the "General Discharge.
. I ---,".
My life I know has been affected negatively. I wanted to make a "career" out of
the "Air Force." To attend College to become a "Pilot", (my entry tests,
physical and aptitude were good enough to be considered for the position of
Pilot after college). My military record reflects that I was a member devoted
to my duty, despite my personal problems. I was exemplary in my duties, I
"followed orders", "completed assignments", and followed my "chain of command. 'I
I understand it was not the fault of the Air Force for my discharge. But I
believe the actions of one over zealous young lieutenant (sic). I do pray that
"maturity" allowed him to make better decisions for the Air Force. May God
bless you and your duty to our nation. Thank you.
Please respond to above listed references if denied. Thank you.
H E A D Q U A R T E R S 9 6 T H B O M B A R D M E N T W I N G (SAC1
DYESS AIR F O R C E BASE. T E X A S 7 9 6 0 7 - 5 0 0 0
. .
1 . AS previously briefed to you Friday morning ( 1 9 Oct YO), S r A
believes his discharge is tainted because the final incident
ing in initiation of discharge proceedings was not, in fact, a
racial incident as it has been characterized. Further, he asks that
his discharge be Honorable rather than General. In support of his
itted two additioi
isputing what S r A
ness statements from Sgt
is alleged to have said
i o
a n
to ssgt
t 90, Sr
and TSgt
oke with me briefly and told ,me
of Social Actions supported S r A
in his posi
called TSgt
incident. After a lengthy discussion I determined TSgt
position to be that he was uncertain i f the sta
guys need to get a brain,” had been made by S r A
because several statements had been made by different parties and the
statements were i_n conflict.
ding-the incident not being a racial slur). I
and spoke with him to verify hls
3 . However, i f the statement had been made, T
. term it a racially disparaging term rather tha
defined by AFR 30-2. I would agree with TSgt
of racially disparaging terms are prohibited by AFR 30-2 as well as
racial slurs although the degree of offensiveness may be less for a
disparaging term. On 19 Oct 90, I called Soeial
Social Actions would be submitt
or Capt
Neither TSg
the person at Sociai--Actions whom I was speaking with, was aware of
my conversation with TS
the previous day And stated that
ecided not to subrn1t-a statement
and Capt
regarding SrA
e incident in question.
tter on SrA
were availa
r as
ysis. Use
also spoke to me of family problems that he had been
the death of a close relative, marital problems,
problems UJith personal stress and sleepin-g. He attributed some of
the failure to go,incidents to his problems getting to sleep and then
waking up late after finally falling asleep. He stated that he had
been working for several month
had been working with Chaplain
aining a hardship discharge and
in that regard.
War is our profession -- Peace is our product
. ..
~ *
firmed some of what SrA
ersonal problems SPA
-hardshig ,r&j&?&a~ge.
concerning his declining
t, anothei. incident would
racial slur incident
_- - -
5 . This msrning ( 1 3 O c t Y O , , hlaj
had told me. He w a s aware
was having and his attempt
tated that he had counselled SrA
last warning to S r A
duty performance and had warned SrA'
result in administrative actioii.
came s o o n after Maj
6. ANALYSSS: There is sufficient evidence to
incident Gj
ree occurred involving S r A
comment was a racial slur o
Whether SrA
not important. Even i f i t is not viewed as a
'racial" incident but rather as a disorderly conduct inciden
provoking speech and gestures incident, it appears that SrA
comments constituted misconduct. It may not have been a
incident of misconduct but it must be remembered that SrA
not being discharged for this single incident but for a s
incidents over the past ten months.
sufficient evidence to support SrA
separated.for a series of minor dis
scharge package has
discharge. He is being
y infractions.
was the m o s t recent incident o f misconduct
The latest i
involving Sr
but not ne
times within the last year SrA
these incidents could have resulted in Article 15 punishment. Had
such punishment been given, the package would appear a little
stronger but AFR 39- 10 makes it clear that a member may be processed
only with a series of counselings and reprimands as in the case here.
'ly the most significant. Three
has been late f o r work. Any of
AS for the characterization of
of an Honorable discharge, S r A
An Honorable discharge for misconduct is an extremely infrequent
occurrence. Ordinarily, the only discharge cases where Honorable
discharges are awarded involve failure to meet weight standards,
discharges for homosexual misconduct, and character and behavior
disorders. Using the standards set out in AFR 39-10, paragraph 1 - 1 8 ,
a General discharge is most appropriate.
as a General discharge instead
as little cause f o r complaint.
7. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that you sign the attached action
which reconfirms your original decision to separate SrA
General discharge under paragraph 5 - 4 6 without the oppo
probation and rehabilitation.
H E A D Q U A R T E R S 96TH C O M B A T S U P P O R T G R O U P ( S A C I
D Y E S S A I R F O R C E B A S E , T E X A S 79607-5000
Letter of Notification
1 . I am recommending your discharge from the United States Air
Force for Misconduct - - Minor Disciplinary Infractions. The
authority for this action is AFR 3 9 - 1 0 , Section H, paragraph 5-46.
I f my recommendation is approved, your service w i l l be
characterized as Honorable or General. I am recommending that your
service be characterized as General (Under Honorable Conditions).
2 . My reasons for this action are:
a. Investigation disclosed that you did, on or about 7 Oct 9 0 ,
at Dyess AFB, TX, make a racial slur towards SSgt
statement was something to the effect of “You whi
get a brain,” as evidenced by LOR dated 12 Oct 9 0 , and for this
your NCO status was vacated, as evidenced by AF Form 418 dated 12
Oct 90.
b. On or about 6 Sep 9 0 , a dormitory inspection was conducted
and your room did not meet standards, as evidenced by LOR dated 8
Sep 90.
c. You were, on or about 8 Sep Y O , at Dyess AFB, TX, without
authority, late for duty, i - e . , SPOS-A Guardmount, as evidenced by
LOR dated 1 1 S e p 9 0 .
d. You did, on or about 20 Jul 9 0 , at Dyess AFB. TX, without
authority, fail to report to your place of duty, i.e., ‘guardmount,
as evidenced by LOR dated 20 Jul 90.
e. You were, on or about 17 Jun 9 0 , at Dyess AFB, TX, issued
three traffic citation, one for no drivers license, ticket
tR826039; Speeding, ticket xR826037; and defective tail light,
ticket #R326050, as evidenced by the above mentioned tickets.
f . You did, on or about 19 May 90, receive your fourth parking
ticket at-Dyess AFB, TX, as evidenced by-LOR dated 22 May 9 0 .
P e a c e .
. . i s o u r P r o f e s s i o n
g . You did, on or about 13 Mar 9 0 , without authority, late
for work, also further investigation revealed that on or about 1 4
Dec 8 9 , you were counseled for being late for work, as evidenced by
LOC dated 13 Mar YO.
. --*-,”
- I.
h. You were, on or about 19 Aug 8 9 , observed talking and
walking out of formation. This was a military formation and you
were directed to be at ease, not at rest, as evidenced by-LOC dated
19 Aug 8 9 . -
Copies of-the documents to be forwarded to the separatiton-
authority‘in support of this recommendation are attached. The
commander exercising SPCM jurisdiction or higher authority will
decide whether you will be discharged or retained in the Air Force
and, if you are discharged, how your service will be characterized.
If you are discharged, you will be ineligible for reenlistment in
the Air Force.
3 . You have the right to consult counsel. Military legal counsel
has been-obtained to assist you. I have made an appointment for
you to consult the Area Defense Counsel on -Jg&c.-qo at / S O D .
You may consult civilian counsel at your own expense.
4. You have the right to submit statements in your own behalf.
Any statements you want the separation authority to consider must
reach me by -@&Jf-%- unless you request and receive an
extension for good cause shown. I will send them to the separation
5. If you fail to consult counsel or to submit statements in your
own behalf, your failure will constitute a waiver of your right to
do so.
6. You have been scheduled for a medical examination on lh>&z-??
at 0700.
7. Any personal information you furnish in rebuttal is covered by
the Privacy Act Statement as explained in AFR 3 9 - 1 0 , attachment 6 .
A copy of AFR 39- 10 is available for your+ use in the orderly room.
8. Execute the attached acknowledgment and return it to me
AF | DRB | CY2003 | FD2003-00225
TO: I SAFIMRBR 550 C STREET WEST, SUITE 40 RANDOLPH AFB, TX 78150-4742 AFHQ FORM 0-2077, JAN 00 FROM: SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE PERSONNEL COUNCIL AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD 1535 COMMAND DR, EE WING, 3RD FLOOR ANDREWS AFB, MD 20762-7002 I (EF-V2) Previous edition will be used I AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NUMBER FD-2003-00225 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to Honorable. However, based upon the record and evidence provided by...
AF | DRB | CY2003 | FD2003-00073
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NUMBER FD03-0073 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to Honorable. In view of the foregoing findings the board further concludes that there exists no legal or equitable basis for upgrade of discharge, thus the applicant's discharge should not be changed. DAS: 20 Jan 87. b , Prior S v : (1) AFRes 8 Feb 86 - 14 Aug 8 6 ( 6 Months 7 Days) (Inactive).
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00173
~ - 1 AFHQ FOKM 0-2077, JAN 00 SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE PERSONNEL COUNCIL AIR FORCE DISCHAKGE REVIEW BOARD 1535 COMMAND DR. EE WING.3HD FLOOR ANDREWS AFB, MD 20762-7002 I (EF-V2) Previous edition will be uscd I 1 J AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NUMBER FD-2006-fl0173 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable. You were, on 16 Dec 02, derelict in the performance of your duties in that fail to get your hair cut before reporting for duty....
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00470
* Reason a n d A u t h o r i t y + R e e n l i s t m e n t Code 550 C STREET WEST, SUITE 40 RANDOLPH AFB, TX 781 50-4742 SECRETARY OP THE AIR FORCE PERSONNEL COUNCIL AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD 1535 COMMAND DR, EE WINC,3RD FLOOR ANDHEWS APE, MD 20762-7002 I AFHQ FORM 0-2077, JAN 00 I (EF-V2) Previous edition will be used AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NUMBER FD-2006-00470 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable, to change the...
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00465
The DRB took note of the applicant's duty performance as documented by his performance reports, letters of recommendation and other accomplishments. should be discharged with an 1 . should be discharged with a general service characterization because he has had enough chances and time to improve sufficiently to meet Air Force standards.
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00362
On 3 Nuv 9 2 , you were i n v i o l a t i o n of AFR 35-10. r e c e i v e d a L e t t e r of C o u n s e l i n g on 6 Nov 92 (Tab 1 - 1 0 ) . You must consult legal counsel before making a daei~ion to waive any of your rights. 23 Aug 9 1 , LOR/UIF; 2 J u l 92, MFR: 22 Sep 9 2 , LOC; 6 Oct 9 2 , LOC; 13 Gct 9 2 , LOR; 16 Oct 9 2 , LOC; 28 Oct 92, LOR/UIF/Control Roster; 2 Nov 9 2 , LOR; 4 Nov 92, MFR; 6 Nov 9 2 , LOC; 12 Nov 92, LOR 2 .
AF | DRB | CY2005 | FD2005-00037
550 C STREET WEST, SUITE 40 RANDOLPH AFB, TX 78150-4742 SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE PERSONNEL COUNCIL AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD 1535 COMMAND DR, EE WING, 3RD FLOOR ANDREWS AFB, MD 20762-7002 - AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD 1)ECISIONAL RATIONALE I GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of bischarge to honorable. However, based upon the record and evidence provided by applicant, the Board finds the applicant s reason and authority for discharge inequitable. Svd: 3 yrs 2 months 4...
AF | DRB | CY2001 | FD01-00048
-- Attachment: Examiner's Brief DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD ANDREWS AFB, MD FD-01-00048 (Former SRA) 1. d. AFR 39-10, Chapter 4 , para 4- 2 states "Customarily the service of an airman discharged under this provision will be d as under other than honorable conditions.Il SrA s being discharged in lieu of a court-martial because f marijuana in blatant disregard of Air Force policy. If discharged, the respondent should receive an under other than honorable...
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00430
ISSUE: Applicant received General discharge for Pattern of Misconduct--Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order and Discipline Applicant contends that his discharge was a premature act by his commander and his commander failed to act in his time of need specifically to be readmitted into ADAPT program. The records indicate that the applicant received two Article 15s, a Letter o r Reprimand and two Records of Individual Counseling for misconduct including late for duty, drinking under the age of...
AF | DRB | CY2004 | FD2004-00071
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD 1535 COMMAND DR. EE WING, 3RD FLOOR ANDREWS AYB, MD 20762-7002 AFHQ FORM 0-2077, JAN 00 (EF-V2) Previous edition will be used AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NUMBER FD-2004-00071 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable. (Change Discharge to Honorable) Issue 1: My discharge was inequitable because it was based on a single isolated incident. I am recommending your discharge from t h e United States A i r...