GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable.
The applicant was offered a personal appearance before the Discharge Review Board but declined to
exercise this right.
The attached brief contains available pertinent data on the applicant and the factors leading to the discharge.
FPDINGS: U p g r a b f discharge is denied.
. _ - -
The Board finds the applicant submitted no issues contesting the equity or propriety of the discharge, and
after a thorough review of the record, the Board was unable to identify any.
Applicant was discharged for minor disciplinary infractions.
He received six Air Training
Command Form 64 1 Discrepancy Reports for substandard performance, two Records of Individual
Counseling? a Letter of Reprimand, and two Articles 15. His misconduct included multiple technical
training Phase violations, leaving his place of duty for an extended period for unauthorized purposes
without permission, underage drinking, violating curfew, and having an unauthorized female guest in his
dormitory room. Member also had some academic difficulties including numerous test failures. Member
had no Enlisted Performance Reports during his period of service. At the time of the discharge, applicant
consulted counsel and waived his right to submit a statement in his own behalf. The Board found the
personnel and discharge records indicate member was given adequate opportunity to improve and conform
his behavior to Air Force standards and was either unwilling or unable to do so. Therefore? no inequity or
impropriety was found in his discharge in the course of the records review.
CONCLUHONS: The Discharge Review Board concludes that the discharge was consistent with the
procedural and substantive requirements of the discharge regulation and was within the discretion of the
discharge authority and that the applicant was provided full administrative due process.
In view of the foregoing findings the board further concludes that there exists-no legal or equitable basis for
upgrade of discharge, thus the applicant's discharge should not be changed.
Attachment :
Examiner's Brief
FD2 0 02 - 0.0 0 6
(Former AB) (HGH AMN)
1. MATTER UNDER REVIEW: Appl rec'd a GEN Disch fr USAF 92/09/21 UP AFR 39-10,
para 5-46 (Misconduct - Minor Disciplinary Infractions). Appeals for Honorable
-T -
a. DOB: 73/12/07. Enlmt Age: 17 2/12. Disch Age: 18 9/12. Educ:HS DIPL.
AFQT: N/A. A-70, E-70, G-70, M-72. PAFSC: 32410 - Precision Measurement
Equipment LAB Halper. DAS: 91/12/13.
b. Prior Sv: (1) AFRes 91/02/08 - 91/10/28 (8 months 21 days) (Inactive).
a. Enlisted as AB 91/10/29 for 4 yrs. Svd: 0 Yrs 10 Mo 23 Das, all AMs.
b. Grade Status: AB - 92/07/17 (Article 15, 92/07/17).
AMN - 92/04/29
c. Time Lost: none.
d. Art 15's:
(1) 92/08/27, Lowry AFB, CO - Article 92. You did, on or- -
about 17 Aug 92 fail to obey a lawful general
r-egulation, to wit: paragraph A1-2b(3), Atch 1 to Air
Training Command Regulation 52-7, dated 30 Mar 90, by
wrongfully failing to observe established dormitory
curfew quiet hours while in Phase 11. Forfeiture of
$100.00 pay per month for 1 month, and 14 days
restriction. (No appeal) (No mikigation)
(2 92/07/17, Lowry AFB, CO - Article 92. You did, on or
about 9 Jul 92, fail to obey a lawful gen.e-1
regulation, to wit: paragraph A1-2c(6), Atch 1 to Air
Training Command Regulation 52-7, dated 30 Mar 90, by
possessing and consuming alcohol in the dormitory while
in Phase 111. Further investigation has disclosed that
you, did, on or about 9 Jul 92, fail to obey a lawful
general regulation, to wit: paragraph A1-3e, Atch 1 of
Center Supplement 1 to Air Training Command Regulation
52-7, dated 4 Nov 90, by consuming ethyl alcohol within
the state of Colorado while under 21 years of age.
Further investigation has disclosed that you, who knew
or should have known of your duties, on or about 9 Jul
92, were derelict in the performance of those duties in
that you willfully permitted a female to enter your
dormitory room, as it was your duty not to do.
Reduction to AB, forfeiture of $50.00 pay per m n t h f o r
2 months, 1 4 days restriction, and a reprimand.
(No appeal) (No mitigation)
e. Additional: LOR, 05 MAY 92 - Substandard duty performance.
RIC, 29 APR 92 - Dereliction of duty.
RIC, 1 9 MAR 92 - Using soda cans as ashtray in dorm room.
ATC FORM 341, 06 JAN 92 - 27 APR 92 - Six forms for
_ _ _ - .
f. CM: none.
g. Record of SV: none.
(Discharged from Lowry AFB)
h. Awards & Decs: NDSM, AFTR.
i. Stmt of Sv: TMS: (01) Yrs ( 0 7 ) Mos (14) Das
TAMS: (00) Yrs (10) Mos ( 2 3 ) Das
4 . BASIS ADVANCED FOR REVIEW: Appln (DD Fm 293) dtd 0 1 / 1 2 / 2 8 .
{Change Discharge to Honorable)
SUBJECT. AFR 39-10 Discharge Legal Review, AB
'i a SEP 1992
s e p a r a t i o n .
admini s tra tive discharge package on
I t i s l e g a l l y s u f f i c i e n t t o support his
BASIS FOR ACTION: The 3420 MTF commander i n i t i a t e d discharge a c t i o n
a g a i n s t Respondent on 16 Sep 92 under t h e p r o v i s i o n s of AFR 39-10, Section H ,
paragraph 5-46,
f o r minor d i s c i p l i n a r y i n f r a c t i o n s . Respondent engaged i n
misconduct v i o l a t i v e of Air Force r e g u l a t i o n s and the UCW. The commander
recommended Respondent receive a g e n e r a l d i scharge w i thou t probation and
r e h a b i l i t a t i o n . Respondent waived h i s r i g h t s t o c o n s u l t counsel and t o submit
s t a t e m e n t s i n his behalf.
3. PERSONAL DATA: Respondent i s a 19 year o l d s t u d e n t e n r o l l e d i n the
P r e c i s i o n Measurement Equipment Laboratory S p e c i a l i s t course.
follow: Admin, 70; Elect, 70; Gen, 70; Mech, 72. H i s f i l e c o n t a i n s no
performance r e p o r t s as he was i n s t u d e n t s t a t u s . H e is e n t i t l e d to wear the
National Defense Service Medal and t h e Air Force Training Ribbon.
His AQE s c o r e s
EVIDENCE FOR THE GOVERNMENT: The basis f o r this a c t i o n i s Respondent's
misconduct. Respondent broke Phase I1 r e g u l a t i o n s on 17 Aug 92 by f a i l u r e t o
o b s e w e e s t a b l i s h e d dormitory curfew -hours, f o r which misconduct he received
Article 15 punishment on 27 Aug 92. On 9 J u l 92, Respondent broke Phase I11
underage a l c o h o l consumption; consumption and possession of
r e g u l a t i o n s by:
a l c o h o l i n his dormitory room; and p e r m i t t i n g a female i n his dormi tory room.
Respondent received Article 1 5 punishment f o r these t r a n s g r e s s i o n s on 17 J u l
92. Respondent engaged i n substandard duty performance wMle i n s t u d e n t
s t a t u s ; he received an LOR f o r h i s shortcomings on 5 May 92. Respondent was
d e r e l i c t i n his d u t i e s on 27 Apr 92, f o r which he received an LOC a0 29 Apr
92. On 18 Mar 92, Respondent v i o l a t e d dormitory r e g u l a t i o n s , f o r wWeh
v i o l a t i o n he received an LOC 011 19 Mar 92. Between 6 J a n and 18 May 92,
Respondent accumulated 5 ATC Forms 341 f o r exhibi ted d i s c r e p a n c i e s w h i l e i n
- s t u d e n t status; the Forms 341 hd received bear the same i n c l u s i v e dates.
SUBMISSIONS BY RESPONDENT: Respondent waived his r i g h t s t o c o n s u l t
counsel and t o submi t statements i n h i s behalf.
No documentation c u r r e n t l y i n the f i l e reflects the
6 .
results o f Respondent's p h y s i c a l examination.
procedures f o r t h i s a c t i o n s u b s t a n t i a l l y comply w i t h a p p l i c a b l e law and
Respondent has engaged i n a course of misconduct t h a t is of
d i r e c t i v e s .
i m p r e s s i v e d i v e r s i t y and scope.
displayed an unwillingness t o comport himself as a responsible airman.
a p p l i e d himself i n n e i t h e r h i s on nor h i s o f f duty conduct.
For n i n e months, Respondent has p e r s i s t e n t l y
He has
The s t a t e d b a s i s and consequent
A l l
r e h a b i l i t a t i v e e f f o r t s expended have been for naught.
f o r thwi th.
He should be discharged
SEPARATION AUTHORITY: As the separation a u t h o r i t y , you have t h e following
op ti on s :
a. Retain Respondent; o r
__ - .
b. Approve the d i s c h a r g e recommendation and s e p a r a t e Respondent w i t h a
g e n e r a l c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n , e i t h e r with or without probation and r e h a b g i t a t i o n ;
- ____
I f you believe Respondent’s service to have been so m e r i t o r i o u s that
o t h e r than an honorable discharge is i n a p p r o p r i a t e , then forward t o
the package w i t h your recommendation to that e f f e c t ; o r
I f you believe Respondent deserves an under o t h e r than honorable
c o n d i t i o n s service C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n , then so n o t i f y Mm and o r d e r a discharge
board convened .
8 . RECOMMENDATION: Respondent’s misconduct and unwillingness t o conform his
H i s service
behavior t o Air Force s t a n d a r d s support h i s immediate separation.
should be c h a r a c t e r i z e d as general.
reha bi li ta ti on.
H e should n o t receive probation and
SUBJECT: Letter of Notification
3420 TCHTS/MTF .
1 6 SEP 1992
3420 TCHTS/MTF -
.&.. I axrecommending your discharge from the United States Air
Force for minor disciplinary infractions. The authority for
this action is AFR 39-10, Section H, paragraph 5-46. If my
recommendation is approved, your service will be characterized
as honorable or general. I am recommending that youf service
be characterized as general.
2. My reason for recommending your discharge is that during
the period from 6 Jan 92 to 27 Aug 92 and within your current
enlistment, you engaged in a pattern of misconduct consisting
solely of minor disciplinary infractions. This is evidenced by
the following:
a. You disobeyed a lawful general regulation by failing to
observe established dormitory curfew hours while in Phase 11.
This is evidenced by AF Fm 3070, Art 15, UCMJ, dated 27 Aug 92
(atch a).
b. You disobeyed a lawful general regulation by
possessing and consuming alchol in the dormitory while in Phase
IE-I, consuming alcohol while underage, and permitting a female
in your dormitory room. This is evidenced by AF Fm 3070, Art
15, UCMJ, dated 24 Jul 82 (atch b).
c. Your duty performance was Substandard, This is
evidenced by Letter of Reprimand, by the Commander, dated 5 May
92 (atch c).
d. You were counseled for dereliction of duty. Tli3.s is
evidenced by AF Form 174, Record of Individual Counseling, by
the Military Training Manager, dated 29 Apr 92 (atch d).
e. Your were counseled for using a soda can as an ashtray
in your dormitory room. This is evidenced by AF Form 174,
Record of Individual Counseling, by the Military Training
Manager, dated 19 Mar 92 (atch e).
f. From 6 Jan 92 through 27 Apr 92, you received six ATC
Fm341, Discrepancy Reports for substandard performance,(atch f)
g. Copies o the documents to de forwarded to the
separation authority in support of this recommendation are
attached. The commander exercising SPCM jurisdiction or a
higher authority will decide whether you will be discharged or
retained in the Air Force and, if you are discharged, how your
service will be characterized. If you are discharged, you will
be ineligible to reenlist in the Air Force.
3. You have the right to consult counsel. Military legal
counsel has been obtained to assist you. I have made an
ext 64532, at Bldg 349, on IqSeq qa at 083a
appointment for you to consult Area Defense Counsel,
may consult civilian counsel at your own expense,
- -
4. You have the right to submit statements in your own behalf.
Any statements you want the separation authority to consider
, unless you request and receive an
must reach me by al%fs
extension for good cause shown.
separation authority.
5 . If you fail to consult counsel or to submit statements in
your own behalf, your failure will constitute a waiver of your
right to do so.
6. You have been scheduled for a medical examination. You
must report to the 3415 MEDSQ Clinic at 0700 hours on 14 Sep
92 for the examination.
7. Any personal information you furnish in rebuttal is covered
by the Privacy Act as explained in AFR 39-10, Atch 6. A copy
of AFR 39-10 is available for your use in the unit orderly
I will send them to the
h o w . You
Execute the attached acknowledgment and return it to me
Commander, Military Training Flight
3420th Technical Training Squadron
3 Atchs
1. Supporting Documents
for the Reasons -_ for
92 (atch a)
92 (atch b)
(atch c)
92 (atch d)
92 (atch e)
27 Apr 92 (atch f)
a. AF Fm 3070, 27 Aug
b. AF Fm 3070, 24 Jul
c. LOR, 5 May 92
d. AF Fm 174, 29 Apr
e. AF Fm 174, 19 Mar
f. ATC Fm 341, 6 Jan-
2. Other Derogatory
Information not li9ted
in the Letter of
g. ATC Fm 1 2 5 A ’
w/atchs (atch g)
3. Airman‘s Receipt of
Letter of Notification
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2007-00035
ATCH None a DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE- 3330TH TECHNICAL TRAINING WING (ATC) CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE IL 6 1 888-5000 REPLY TO A ~ N O F : 3362 STUS/CC SUBJECT: Addendum to Notification Letter, 17 Jan 92 - Board Hearing TO , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 --------------------------------------------! Commander 1 Atch Acknowledgment of Receipt of Addendum to Notification Ltr DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORC CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE IL 6...
AF | DRB | CY2002 | FD2002-0049
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NUMBER FD2002-0049 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable. At the time of the discharge, applicant consulted counsel but failed to submit a statement in his own behalf. (Change Discharge to Honorable) Issue 1: Upon discharge from the Air Force, I was informed that year, my General Discharge under Honorable Conditions would be upgraded to Honorable Discharge.
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00213
L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The attached brief contains available pertinent data on the applicant and the factors leading to the discharge. The applicant contends that the discharge action was improper because he should have been discharged by Sheppard AFB rather than Keesler AFB. Applicant's Issues.
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00406
(Change Discharge to Honorable) Issues: My discharge was inequitable because it was an isolated incident. SERVICE UNDER REVIEW: a. Enlisted as AB 91/07/17 for 4 yrs. Copies of t h e documents t o be forwarded t o t h e separation a u t h o r i t y i n support o f t h i s recommendation a r e attached.
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00111
e. Additional: LOR, 01 JUL 92 - Late for duty and uniform not in MFR, 30 JUN 92 - Late for duty. (Examiner's Note: The following additional derogatory information was not covered anywhere else; however, is listed on the "Overview of Duty Performance, dated 25 May 92): 21 May 92 - Missed dental appointment. On or about 4 Apr 82, you reported to work late twice in three days.
AF | DRB | CY2001 | FD01-00085
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NUMBER FD-01-00085 I GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable. For writing these bad checks, the respondent received nonjudicial punishment under Letter of Reprimand for financial irresponsibility, and restriction to Hill AFB for 30 days. We recommend that you order the respondent's separation from the A i r Force with a general discharge without P & R under AFR 39-10, paragraph 5-47d, for the...
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00120
MD 20762-7002 AFHQ FORM 0-2077, JAN 00 (EF-V2) Previous edition will be used AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL KATIONALE CASL N l l M R F R FD-2006-UU120 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to general and to change the reason and authority for the discharge. The records indicated thc applicant received two Letters of Reprimand and was found guilty of three charges by a Special Court Martial for misconduct. (Atch 2) c. On 29 Nov 2004, you were convicted in a...
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00457
AIR FORCE DISCIIARC.E REVIEH BOARD lS3SCOMM.AKD DR. EE HIKG.3RD FI.OOR ANDREWS AFB, MD 20762-7002 AFHQ FORM 0-2077, JAN 00 (EF-V2) Previous edition will be used AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NUMBER FD-2005-00457 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable. Attachment: Examiner's Brief .--------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD ANDREWS AFB, MD (Former AMN) (HGH A1C) 1. On 18 October...
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00307
- - - I- / Y ~ ~ M E OF SERVICE MF:RIHYH -- AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD HEARING RECORD .- - -. 3RD FLOOR ANDREWS AFB, M D 20762-70U2 1 -.A AFHQ FORM 0-2077, JAN 00 (EF-V2) Previous edition will be used 1 I I AIR FORCE DISCHARGE HEVlEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATlONALE I FD-2005-00307 I GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorablc, to change thc reason and authority for the discharge, and to changc the reenlist~nent code. Attachment: Examiner's Brief DEPARTMENT OF THE...
AF | DRB | CY2001 | FD01-00075
01/03/13/ia D E P A R T M E N T O F ':ti€ r,;R F O R C E H E A D Q U A R T E R S E l G t l T H A I R F O R C E ( A C C ) B A R K S D A L E AIR F O R G E B A S E , L O U I S I A N A ommendation to Involuntarily Discharge Airman Basi 384 MSSQ, McConnell Air Force Base TO: 8AFKXP 8 AFKC IN TURN scharge action has been initiated against Airman Basic Squadron, McConnell Air Force Base, for a pattern o red an unconditional waiver of his right to an administrative r, 384th Bomb Wing, recommends...