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AF | DRB | CY2001 | FD01-00030
Original file (FD01-00030.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied






( Former AMN) 


F D - 0 1 - 0 0 0 3 0  

1 .   MATTER  UNDER  REVIEW:  ..ppl  rec'd  a GEN Disch fr USAF 89/1 
para 5-26f  (Exceeding Air Force Weight Standards).  Appeals for Honorable Disch. 

/22 UP AFR  39- 0 ,  


a. DOB: 65/02/20.  Enlmt Age: 21 4/12.  Disch Age: 24 9/12. Educ:HS DIPL. 

AFQT: N/A.  A-58,  E-57,  G-62,  M-43. PAFSC: 98150 -  Dental Assistant 
Specialist. DAS: 87/02/07. 

b.  Prior Sv: AFRes 86/07/09 -  86/08/25 (1 month 17 days)(Inactive). 


a.  Enld as AMN 86/08/26 for 4 yrs.  Svd: 3  Yrs 2 Mo 27 Das, all AMs. 
b.  Grade Status:  AMN  -  89/09/25 (Demotion, Special Order No.AA-16) 


A1C -  87/06/26 



c.  Time Lost:  none. 

d.  Art 15's:  none. 

e.  Additional: none. 

f.  CM:  none. 

g.  Record of SV: 86/08/26  87/08/25  Ellsworth AFB  9  (Annual 
87/08/27  88/08/25  Ellsworth AFB  9  (Annual 
88/08/26  89/08/25  Ellsworth AFB  4  (Annua1)REF 

(Discharged from Ellsworth AFB) 

h.  Awards &  Decs:  AFTR. 
i.  Stmt of Sv:  TMS:  ( 3 )  Yrs  (4) Mos  (14) Das 
TAMS:  ( 3 )   Yrs  (2) Mos  (27) Das 

4 .   BASIS  ADVANCED  FOR  REVIEW:  Appln  (DD Fm  293) dtd 00/11/27. 

(Change Discharge to Honorable) 

Issue 1:  Please upgrade my discharge to fully honorable.  I was discharge 

(sic) simply because I could not met  (sic) the weight standards of the US Air 
Force.  I cooperated with every program I was offered in an attempt to lose 
weight.  I went through several weight management programs, but  I found it 
impossible to lose weight.  While in the Air Force, I perform  (sic) my duties in 

a professional and honorable manner.  In fact, you will find within the enclosed 
Air Force Personnel records, written reports noting that I performed my duties 
in an "exceptional manner."  I should not be penalized because the physical 
make-up of my body would not allow me to lose weight no matter how hard I tried. 
It was difficult enough to be discharge (sic) from service, but its  (sic) simply 
unfair to have received a less than fully honorable discharge for ssmething that 
is beyond my control. 


1. DD Form 214. 
2. Request and Authorization for Separation, 21 Nov  89. 
3 .   American Legion Cover Letter, 27 Nov 00. 
4. Enlistment Documents. 
5. Recommendation for Discharge. 
6. Legal Review. 
7. Report on Individual Personnel. 
8. Member Questionaire. 
9. Copy of Discharge Correspondence. 

01 /01/25/ia 




ATTN.  O F   JA 

SUWECT:  Legal  Review  of  AFR  39-10  Discharge: 

17  November  1989 

s u f f i c i e n t .  

case  f i l e  concerning 
and  f i n d   i t  l e g a l l y  

BACKGROUND:  On  6 Nov  89,  812  STRAT  HOSP/CCQ  i n i t i a t e d   t h i s   s e p a r a t i o n  

a c t i o n   pursuant  t o  AFR  39-10,  paragraph  5-26f,  f o r   exceeding weight  standards. 
The  commander  recommended  a  general  discharge  without  probation  and 
r e h a b i l i t a t i o n   ( P   &  R).  On  t h e   same  d a t e ,  
n o t i f i c a t i o n   of  t h i s   action.  On  6  Nov  89, 
statements  a f t e r  seeking  counsel. 

eceived  and  acknowledged 
aived  h i s   r i g h t   t o  submit 


a.  The  reasons  f o r   t h e   proposed  discharge  a c t i o n   include  t h e   following: 

during  t h e   period  of  24  Mar  89  t o   10  O c t   89,  he  f a i l e d   t o  maintain  s a t i s f a c t o r y  
progress  on  t h e   AFR  35-11,  Weight  Management  Program  on  f i v e   separate  occasions. 

.b.  The  respondent  is 24  years  old,  and  has  t h r e e   years  and  two  months  of 
His record  contains  two  APRs  with  o v e r a l l   r a t i n g s   of 
H e   a l s o  has  t h r e e   Letters 

a c t i v e  m i l i t a r y   service. 
of  Reprimand  and  unfavorable  information  f i l e s   e n t r i e s .  

H e   has  one  EPR  w i t h   an  o v e r a l l   r a t i n g   of  "4." 



I n   my  opinion,  t h e   respondent's  record  of  exceeding  weight  standards 

provides  a  s u f f i c i e n t   basis  f o r '  discharge  and  i n d i c a t e s   t h a t   he  should  be 
separated  from  t h e   service. 


commander's  recommendation,  t h e   t h r e e   L e t t e r s   of Reprimand  a fc. d  AF  F o T 3 9 3 ,  

I n   considering  the  appropriate  c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n   of  e r v i c e ,   I  n o t e   t h e  

i n d i v i d u a l   record  for weight  management. 
Viewed  i n  i t s   t o t a l i t y ,  
record  during  t h i s   c u r r e n t   term  of  s e r v i c e   c o n s t i t u t e s   such  a  si 
negative  a s p e c t   as  t o  outweigh  t h e   p o s i t i v e   f e a t u r e s   of  h i s   m i l i t a r y   r e c o r d ,  
thereby  warranting  a  general  discharge. 


The  respondent's  record  of numerous  d e f i c i e n c i e s   and  h i s   f a i l u r e   t o  
conform  t o  standards  a f t e r   repeated  e f f o r t s   t o  r e h a b i l i t a t e  him  i n d i c a t e   t h a t  
he  received  preprocessing  r e h a b i l i t a t i o n   under  paragraph  5-2,  and  furthermore, 
t h a t   t h e   respondent  i s  not  a  s u i t a b l e   prospect  f o r   P  &  R. 
continued  r e t e n t i o n   i n  a  probationary  s t a t u s  would  be  p r e j u d i c i a l   t o  good  order 
and  d i s c i p l i n e .  

I n  a d d i t i o n ,   any 

P e a c e .


 . . i s   o u r   P r o f e s s i o n  

I ’  






--s  t h e   S p e c i a l   Court- Martia 

Convening  Authority,  you  may: 

a.  Retain  t h e   respondent; 

b.  Recommend  t h a t   respondent  be  separated  with  an  honorable  discharge, 

w i t h   or without  an  o f f e r   of  P  &  R;  or 

c.  Direct  t h e   respondent  be  separated  with  a  g e n e r a l   discharge,  w i t h   or 

without  an  o f f e r   of  P &  R. 

6.  RECOMMENDATIONS:  I  recommend  t h a t   you  s e p a r a t  
paragraph  5-26f,  w i t h   a  general  discharge,  without  a n   o f f e r   of  P  6 R. 

under  &R  39-10, 

1 Atch 
Case  F i l e  

. . -I 





SUBJECT  Notification Letter 


6  Nov 89 


I am recommending your discharge from the United States Air Force for 

1 .  
The authority for this action is AFR 39-10,  para 
exceeding weight standards. 
5-26f.  If my recommendation is approved, your service will be characterized a s  
honorable or  general.  I am recommending that your service be characterized as 
genera 1. 

2.  My reasons for this action are: 

a.  During the period of 24  Mar 89  to 10 Oct 8 9 ,   you failed to maintain 

satisfactory progress on the AFR 35-11 Weight Management Program (WMP) on five 
separate occasions. 

Copies of the documents to be forwarded t o  the separation authority in 
support of this recommendation are attached.  The commander exercising SPCM 
jurisdiction or a higher authority will decide whether you will be discharged or 
retained in the Air Force and if you are discharged, how your service will be 
characterized.  If you are discharged, you will be ineligible for reenlistment in 
the Air Force. 

3.  You have the right to consult counsel.  MilitaFy legal counsel has been 
I have made an appointment for you to consult Capt 

ist you. 
at Bldg 2405  on 6  Nov 89  at 0815  hrs.  You may consult civilian 

counsel at your own  expense. 

4.  You have the right to submit statements in your own behalf.  Any statement 
you want the separation authority to consider must reach me  by  9  Nov  89  , unless 
I will send them to 
you request and receive an extension for good cause shown. 
the separation authority. 

.  - 5  

5.  You are scheduled for a medical examination on 31  Oct 89  at 0815. 

P e a c e .

 . . .  i s   o u r   P r o f e s s i o n  

Any personal information you furnish in rebuttal is covered by  the Privacy  ' 

Act Statment as explained in AFR 39-10, attachment 6. 
available in your orderly room. 

A  copy of AFR 39-10 is 

and return it to me immediately. 

3 Atchs 
1.  Doc Supporting Recommendation for 

Amn's  Receipt of Notification Letter 



2.  Doc containing other Derogatory 


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