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NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 02819-02
Original file (02819-02.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved



W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

LC(':  lc 
Docket  No:  28 19-02 
12 June  2002 


(:liairliian,  Board  for  ('orrection  of  Naval  Kecords 
Secretary of  tlie  Navy 



(a)  Title10IJ.S.C.  1552 


( 1 )   DL> Form  149 w/attach~iients 
(2)  Series of  Doculnents 
(3)  Sul,ject1s naval  record 

  Pursuant  to  the  provisions of  reference  (a), Subject  hereinafter  referred  to  as  Petitioner, 
I .
filed  enclosure  ( I )   with  this  Board  reqwsting,  in  effect,  that  the  applicable naval  record  be 
corrected  to  show  atlvancetl wIit.11 first  e1igil)le. 

2.  The  Roartl,  consisting  of  Messrs.  (:liap~iian, t'fei ffer, and  M s .   H ~ ~ ~ i i l w t l .  
F'etitioner's  allegations of  error  and  inj~~stice on  5  June  2002  and,  pursuant  to  its  regulations, 
detertilined  that  the corrective action  indicated  below  should  be  taken  on  the available 
evidence  of  record.  Documentary  material  consicleretl by  the  Boartl  consisted  of  tlie 
enclosures,  naval  records.  and  applicable statutes,  regulatio~is and  policies. 


3.  The Board,  having  reviewed  all  the  facts of  record  pertaining  to  F'eti  timer's allegations 
of  error and  injustice,  finds as follows: 

a.  Before applying  to  this  Board,  Petitioner  exhairsted  all  administrative  remedies 

available  under  existing  law  ant1  regulations within  the  Department  of  tlie  Navy. 

b.  After  reviewing  tlie correspontlence attached  as enclosilre  (2), the  Board  concluded 

that  tlie  request  has  nierit  and  warrants  favorable action. 

Upon  review  and  consideration  of  all  tlie  evidence of  record,  and  especially  in  light  of  the 
contents  of  enclosure (2), tlie  Boartl  finds  the  existence of  an  injustice  warranting  tlie 
following  corrective action. 

Ihcket  No:  28 19-02 

to  Section  6(c) of tllc  revisctl  I'roccdurt's  of  [lie Hoartl  tor  Correction  of  Naval 
4.  P L I I - S L I ~ I ~ ~  
Kecortls (32 (lode of  Federal  Keg~~lations, Section  723.6(c)) i t   is eel-tifieti  that  qirorum  was 
present  at  the  Board's review  iintl  tlelil~c~.atio~is, 
record  of  the  Board's ~mxwtlings in  the  iilwve entitled  ~nat tcr. 

and  that  1111:  foregoing  is  a  t r w  itntl  colnplete 


hJi. L.  ADAMS 
Acting  Recorder 

I'u~-suant to  the delegation  of  ai~thority set  out  in  Section  6(e) of' the  revised  Procedures of 

5 .  
the  Hoard  for  Correction  01'  Naval  Records  (32 (lode  01'  Fctler;il  Keg~~l;~tions, Section 
723.6(e)) and  having  ass111-etl coniplia~icc with  its  111-ovisions, i t   is  hereby  annoulicetl that  the 
foregoing  corrective action,  t;~ken under  tlw  ;iutliority 01'  I-cfkrcnce (a). has  heen  approved  by 
the  Ro;irtl  on  heliiil f  of  the  Sc3cretary of'  rlw  Navy. 


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