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NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 02058-02
Original file (02058-02.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied

B O A R D   F O R   C O R R E C T I O N   O F   N A V A L   R E C O R D S  

2  N A V Y A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

MEH: 11111 
I>ocket N o :   2058-02 
I  1  .Iune 2002 

(a)  Title  I0  IJ.S.('.  Ii57 

3.  The  Board,  having  reviewctl  all  the  tir~ts ot'  recol-tl pe~-raining to  Petitioner's  allegations 
of  error and  injmstice, finds as follow>: 

a.  Before  applying  to  this  I3oartl.  I'etitiollc~. exllat~sted ;ill  ad~liinistrative reniedies 

available  under  existing  law  antl  I-egulatio~ls w i t h i n   the  13;i,.ir-t  l.trzri!  ot' the  N,:L y .  


I n   correspontlenct.  atlaclwl  as e~iclosurc (2). the  oft'ice  Iiaving cognizance over  the 

si~bject matter  addressed  in  Petitioner's  application  I l ~ s  com~lientetl to  the effect  that  the 
request  has  merit  and  warrants  favorable act ion. 

[Jpon  review  antl  consitleriitioli of  it11  tlie  evitlcnce  01'  I-ccortl, antl  especially  in  light  of  the 
contents  of  enclosure  (2).  the  Ihxirtl  t'inds  tlic  csistcnce  of  an  injustice  warranting  the 
following corrective  action. 

Docket  No:'  2058-02 

I).  He  was  tliscliargetl  on  16 Iunc  2002  and  reenlistetl  o n   17 Iunr  2002  (EAOS).  The 

term  is  4  years. 

c.  The ahove change5 will  entitle  petitioner  t c  

)  a  7one  " A "  SKI{, a\r,artl level  3.0. for 

the  A E  rating. 

the  re\risctl  I'roc.etl urcs  01'  the  Roartl  lor- ('orl-ect ion  of  Naval 
4.  I'i~rsuimt to  Section  h(c) 01' 
Records  (32 (lode of  Fetlel-ill  Iroceetlirigs in  the  al~ovt' enti tlrtl  ~niitter. 


5 .   Pursilant  to  the delegatioli  of' author-ity set  out  ill  Section  6(e) 01' 
of  the  Board  for  Correction  of  Naval  Records  (32 (lode of  Fetlcral  Regitlations,  Section 
723.6(e)) and  having  assured  co~npliance with  its  provisions,  i t   is  hcrehy  announced  that  tlie 
foregoing  corrective action, taken  under  tlie  ai~tliority of' reference  (a), has  been  aplmned  by 
the  Board  on  behalf  of the  Secretary of  the  Navy. 

the  revised  I'rocetlures 


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