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NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 01356-02
Original file (01356-02.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved

B O A R D   F O R   C O R R E C T I O N   O F   N A V A L   R E C O R D S  

2   N A V Y A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  


- -- 


(a)  Title  10 IJ.S.('.  1552 


I  .  F'rlrsuant  to  tlie  provisions  01'  reference  (a). SLI~!~C'CI 
filed eliclosure  ( 1 )  with  this  L3oartl  req~lestin~. 
corrected  to  establish  entitle~iit'nt to  a  ~ o n c  "('" Selective  liccnlist~iient R o n ~ ~ s  
IT  rating  (NEC 2379). 

Iie~.ei~iafter rel'errtxl  to  ;is  Petitioner, 
in  cfl'ect,  that  the  applicable nawl  record  be 
(SKIJ)  for  tlie 

3.  The  Board,  ha\,ing reiiewetl  all  tlie  facts of' ~-cco~-d pertirining  lo  I'eti tioner's  allegations 
of' error and  i~i.justice, finds as  follows: 

a.  Before  applying  to  this  l3oii1-(I, I'etitioner  exliaustetl all  ad~ninistrative remedies 

available  under  existing  law  and  regulalions  witlliri  the  I>ijlrli.Iiit~iit 01'  flit:  Navy. 


In  correspontlence  attirclied  as e~iclo\ure (2). the  office  having  cogniza~ice over  the 

sihject  matter  atldressed  in  Petitioner's application  has  coniliientetl  to  tlie  effect  that  tlie 
request  has  ~iierit and  warrants  t'avoral)lt. action. 


IJpon  review  and  consitleration  of  all  the  cvitlence  of  I-ecortl, and  especially  in  light of  the 
contents  of  enclosure  (2). the  Roml  finds  t l i t s   existc~ict' of  an  injustice  warranting  the 
following corrective action. 

Ilocket  Nof 

1 356-02 


~ ~ ~ " i i g  

HC wits  tliscliiirgctl  o n  2  .li~ni~i~r!/ 2002  and  reenlisted  on  3 . l i ~ ~ i i ~ i ~ r ~  
~Iiroi~gli zone  "C").  The  term  is  1 years. 

2002  (prior to 


'l'lie  18 ~iiontli extension.  olwative tli~te on  or i111oi1t 20 Nove~nl~er 2002.  is  1ii111 and 


I'ursuant  to  Section  6(c) of  the  reviwtl  F'rocetlures  of  the  Board  for  Correction  of  Naval 
Records  (32 (:ode  of  Federal  Keg~~lations. Scction  723.6(c)) i t   is  certif'ied that  quorum  was 
present  at  tlie  Board's  review  illid  (Ielihcri~ti~~is, 
record  of the  Hoard's  proceetlinp  in  tlic  i~lmle entitled  ~iiiltter. 

;11id tliat  the  foregoing  is a  true  and  complete 

(i .-L.  A DA h4S 
Acting  Recorder 

I'irrsuant  to  tlie  clclegation  oi' authority  set  out  in  Section  6(e) of  the  revised  Procedures 

5 .  
of  tlie  Roitrcl  for  Correction  of  Nitval  Ikcords (32 Code of  Federal  Kegulations,  Section 
723.h(e)) and  having  assured  co~npliancr with  its  provisions,  it  is  liewhy  announced  that  tile 
foregoing  corrective action.  taken  under  the  atrtliority of  reference  ( a ) ,  has  heen  approved  by 
the  Board  on  behalf  of  the  Secretary  of  the  Navy. 


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