ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061717C070421
The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. EVIDENCE OF RECORD : The applicant's military records show: Officers may keep their contract anniversary effective dates as long as the contract is signed no earlier than 90 days, but no later than 30 days from the effective date.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061721C070421
In accordance with Army Regulation 15-185, the application and the available military records pertinent to the corrective action requested were reviewed to determine whether the application was filed within the time established by statute, and if not, whether it would be in the interest of justice to waive the failure to timely file.The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. The Board considered the following...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061723C070421
His discharge document does not show the Purple Heart as an authorized award. The applicant provided a copy of a Chronological Record of Medical Care, dated 31 January and 1 February 1971, which shows that he received a partial thickness burn to the palm of his right hand. The Board also notes the medical evidence provided by the applicant which shows that he received a partial thickness burn to the palm of his right hand; however, this evidence failed to show that his injury was the...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061724C070421
EVIDENCE OF RECORD : The applicant's military records show: The applicant's DD Form 214 shows that, on 6 March 1992, she was separated from the service with an honorable discharge under the provisions of chapter 4, Army Regulation 635-40, for physical disability with severance pay. Carl W. S. Chun Director, Army Board for Correction of Military RecordsINDEXCASE IDAR2001061724SUFFIXRECONYYYYMMDDDATE BOARDED20020207TYPE OF DISCHARGE(HD)DATE OF DISCHARGE19920306DISCHARGE AUTHORITYAR635-40...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061729C070421
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the record of consideration of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. EVIDENCE OF RECORD : The applicant's military records are apparently in use at another agency and are not available.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061735C070421
In support of his application, he submits a copy of his NCOER appeal action, dated 27 July 2001; a Memorandum, dated 17 July 2001, from the Special Review Boards; his NCOER appeal, dated 14 March 2001; a letter, dated 14 March 2001, from his Senior Rater (SR) at the time in question; a statement, dated 9 March 2001, from a Chief Warrant Officer Two; a copy of the contested NCOER for the period August 1999 through March 2000; a NCOER for the period April 2000 through August 2000; seven...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061745C070421
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the record of consideration of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. The applicant’s record shows that during his active duty tenure he earned the National Defense Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, and Army Achievement Medal. DISCUSSION : Considering all the evidence, allegations, and information presented by the applicant, together with the evidence of record,...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061746C070421
The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. APPLICANT REQUESTS: That his records be corrected to show that he was reinstated to pay grade E-7 and was rescheduled into another Advance Noncommissioned Officer Course (ANCOC). EVIDENCE OF RECORD : The applicant's available military records show:
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061756C070421
The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. On 23 November 1973, the appropriate authority approved his request for separation under the provisions of AR 635-200, chapter 10 with an UCOTH discharge and directed the issuance of a DD Form 258A, Undesirable Discharge Certificate. There is insufficient evidence in the available records to indicate that the applicant suffered a nervous breakdown in basic training.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061765C070421
The applicant’s DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) does not show the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Achievement Medal or the Overseas Service Ribbon as authorized awards. Evidence of record shows that the applicant was recommended for award of the Army Commendation Medal, not the Meritorious Service Medal as claimed. Evidence of record further shows that the lieutenant colonel in command of the 103d Military Intelligence Battalion, who was also the...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061766C070421
Records available to the Board indicate the applicant entered active duty on 16 August 1967 and in March 1968 was assigned to Vietnam as a wireman with Company B, 53 rd Signal Battalion. The evidence confirms the applicant was awarded an Army Commendation Medal which was omitted from his separation document. The Board also concludes that the applicant was awarded a total of 38 awards of the Air Medal.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061767C070421
The applicant’s military records show that he was inducted into the Army of the United States on 15 August 1967. There are no orders in the applicant’s records for the PH. The applicant is entitled to correction of his DD Form 214 to show award of the PH for the wound that he received on 28 February 1969.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061768C070421
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. The evidence of record shows the applicant was wounded in action on 12 February 1969. That the applicant’s DD Form 214 be amended to add the Purple Heart, the Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm Unit Citation, and the Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Honor Medal, First Class and corrected to show...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061773C070421
The applicant requests, on behalf of her deceased husband, the former service member (FSM), the issue of all awards to which he was entitled. The record shows that the FSM was a POW in Korea from 28 November 1950 to 8 August 1953; however, there is no evidence that he was awarded the POW Medal for his captivity. It would be appropriate therefore to issue all of these awards to the applicant.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061779C070421
DFAS informed a staff member of the Board that in order for the applicant to receive all of his RRMIIP entitlements, a supplementary proceeding or action that will authorize the applicant to receive his full entitlements must be provided by the Board. In view of the foregoing findings and conclusions, it would be appropriate to correct the applicant’s records as recommended below. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by amending the Board’s...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061785C070421
The applicant consulted with legal counsel, was advised of the impact of the discharge action, and did not submit a statement in his own behalf. The separation authority directed that the applicant be discharged with a characterization of service of general, under honorable conditions. EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material submitted by applicant
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061796C070421
In accordance with Army Regulation 15-185, the application and the available military records pertinent to the corrective action requested were reviewed to determine whether to authorize a formal hearing, recommend that the records be corrected without a formal hearing, or to deny the application without a formal hearing if it is determined that insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to demonstrate the existence of probable material error or injustice. On 8 February 1971, the...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061798C070421
Further, that a Retired Reservist becomes eligible for retired pay at age 60, provided they have completed the 20 years of qualifying service necessary to receive retired pay. The evidence of record clearly establishes that the applicant’s military service spanned a period from 1940 through 1963; however, it also verifies that during that period he did not accrue the qualifying years of creditable military service necessary to be eligible for military retired pay. By law and regulation, in...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061802C070421
The applicant states that after he was discharged from the Army, he had two operations to correct the nonunion of the femur fracture of his left leg. The applicant was discharged on 8 January 2001. c. discharging the applicant on 1 August 2001 because of physical disability with a 20 percent disability rating, and granting him additional severance pay based on this new discharge date.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061807C070421
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the record of consideration of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. On 15 January 1981, the separation authority approved the applicant’s request for discharge, dismissed the charges and specifications and directed that the applicant be furnished a discharge under other than honorable conditions. On 17 October 1982, the Army Discharge Review Board (ADRB) denied the applicant’s request for a...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061809C070421
APPLICANT REQUESTS: That his records be corrected to show award of the Purple Heart and the Combat Infantryman Badge that he earned for service in Vietnam. EVIDENCE OF RECORD : The applicant's military records show: There are no orders in the applicant’s service personnel records which show that he was awarded the Purple Heart.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061810C070421
The applicant states that a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) representative told him, because he was receiving 60 percent disability compensation, his spouse would receive a more generous annuity from the VA if he died than she would from the SBP. It appears the applicant was improperly counseled by a VA representative concerning DIC benefits, thereby causing him to request termination of his SBP coverage in the belief his spouse would receive a more generous annuity from the VA no...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061812C070421
The applicant requests, in effect, that the records of her deceased former spouse, a former service member (FSM), be corrected to show he changed his Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) coverage to former spouse coverage. On 10 May 1990, the FSM and the applicant divorced. On 7 April 1991, within the one year period required by law, the FSM made a written request that his SBP be changed to provide for former spouse coverage.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061813C070421
The applicant states that he was awarded the MSM on 14 August 2001 after he was discharged. The applicant's DD Form 214 does not show the MSM as an authorized award because it was approved after he was discharged. Evidence available shows that award of the MSM was announced in orders.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061815C070421
The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), dated of 8 May 1991, to show his prior service, his award of the Army Commendation Medal, all awards and decorations to which he is entitled for his participation in Operation Desert Shield/Storm, and his Reentry (RE) Code 3C be changed to a more favorable code. The applicant states that his DD Form 214, dated of 8 May 1991, does not show his prior service, Army Commendation Medal,...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061816C070421
APPLICANT REQUESTS: That his Army Commendation Medal be upgraded to a Meritorious Service Medal. The DA Form 638 provided by the applicant, dated 8 September 1994, shows the applicant was recommended for award of the Army Commendation Medal (First Oak Leaf Cluster) for meritorious service for the period 14 March 1992 to 15 July 1994. This Board considered all information submitted and all available evidence of record in this case and found no compelling evidence which warranted upgrading...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061817C070421
The Board considered the following evidence: The evidence of record shows the applicant was wounded in action on 11 January 1945; therefore, he met the eligibility criteria for award of the Purple Heart. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by showing the applicant was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received on 11 January 1945 and the Bronze Star Medal.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061818C070421
The applicant requests award of the Army Good Conduct Medal. His DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) does not reflect entitlement to the Good Conduct Medal. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by awarding the individual concerned the Army Good Conduct Medal based on his honorable service during the period 7 November 1989 through 6 November 1992.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061821C070421
The applicant requests that he be awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge. The applicant’s WD AGO Form 53-55 does not reflect that he was awarded the CIB; nor, does it show that he had been awarded an infantry MOS. Although it appears the applicant did not have an infantry MOS, other evidence shows that he was awarded combat infantry pay during his service, which would indicate that he is entitled to the CIB.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061824C070421
In addition, the applicant’s Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ) was available and it contains no orders or other documents that suggest the applicant was promoted to or served in the rank and pay grade of SP4/E-4 at any time during his active duty tenure. Army Regulation 600-8-22 (Military Awards) provides that the Good Conduct Medal (GCMDL) is awarded to individuals who distinguish themselves by their conduct, efficiency and fidelity during a qualifying period of active duty enlisted...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061825C070421
The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. On 11 February 1963, the applicant’s commander submitted a recommendation to separate the applicant from the service under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-206, due to his civil court conviction. Section III of the regulation provided, in pertinent part, that members convicted by civil authorities would be considered for separation.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061826C070421
The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. DISCUSSION : Considering all the evidence, allegations, and information presented by the applicant, together with the evidence of record, applicable law and regulations, it is concluded: There is no evidence of record available to the Board, which shows that the applicant was wounded or treated for wounds due to hostile action; therefore, he is not entitled to award of...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061830C070421
EVIDENCE OF RECORD : The applicant's military records show: Chapter 10 of that regulation provides, in pertinent part, that a member who has committed an offense or offenses for which the authorized punishment includes a punitive discharge may submit a request for discharge for the good of the service, in lieu of trial by court-martial. In view of the circumstances in this case, Board concludes the UOTHC characterization of service and RE-4 code assigned the applicant upon his discharge...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061831C070421
APPLICANT REQUESTS: That his medical records be corrected to show he was wounded on 20 February 1969 as a result of hostile action. The witness statements he provides mention action on the night of 20 February 1969 and about midnight of 22/23 February 1969 but they do not substantiate what exactly caused his injuries on the morning of 20 February 1969. The Duty Officer Logs for the 2d Battalion, 22d Infantry for this period contained detailed information but do not mention Company D once.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061832C070421
The applicant requests correction of her DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) to show her primary military occupational specialty (PMOS) as 31L [wire systems installer] and correction of her records to show all of the certificates she submitted with her application. On 17 October 2001, the Army Discharge Review Board denied the applicant’s request for an upgrade of her discharge to honorable. A discharge under other than honorable conditions is normally...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061836C070421
The applicant requests in effect, that his military records be corrected to show that he is authorized an enlistment bonus of $14,000 plus interest. The Board agrees with the applicant that he made a contract in good faith with the government that he would enlist for 4 years in the Regular Army for training in MOS 88M with the understanding that the government would pay him bonuses totaling $14,000. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by showing...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061839C070421
The applicant signed his discharge document on 3 October 1945 attesting to the fact that he was not wounded in action and was not entitled to award of the Purple Heart. Therefore, the applicant is not entitled to correction of his discharge document to show award of the Purple Heart. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by showing that the individual concerned was awarded the Bronze Star Medal (based on award of the Combat Infantryman Badge), the...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061840C070421
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the record of consideration of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. Army Regulation 601-280 stated that Individuals in pay grade E-2, regardless of the years of service completed, were not authorized reenlistment.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061841C070421
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the record of consideration of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. DISCUSSION : Considering all the evidence, allegations, and information presented by the applicant, together with the evidence of record, applicable law and regulations, it is concluded:
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061843C070421
The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. APPLICANT REQUESTS: As the spouse of the deceased former service member (FSM), that the FSM’s undesirable discharge be upgraded to honorable. The Board notes the applicant’s and counsel’s contentions; however, there is no evidence in the available records, and the applicant has provided no evidence, to support her contentions or to show that the FSM’s discharge was unjust...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061846C070421
In accordance with Army Regulation 15-185, the application and the available military records pertinent to the corrective action requested were reviewed to determine whether to authorize a formal hearing, recommend that the records be corrected without a formal hearing, or to deny the application without a formal hearing if it is determined that insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to demonstrate the existence of probable material error or injustice. The applicant requests...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061848C070421
The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. On 20 August 1998, the Army Discharge Review Board unanimously voted to deny the applicant’s request to upgrade his discharge. The Board also notes that the applicant’s counsel has proven that the applicant fraudulently enlisted, an offense that in and of itself could result in an under other than honorable conditions discharge.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061854C070421
The applicant requests, in effect, that several items on his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) be corrected. The applicant states that item 11 (primary specialty number) should reflect 4 years and 3 months; that item 12 should reflect 1 year and 10 months of overseas service; that item 13 (awards) should reflect entitlement to the Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, Expert Infantryman Badge, and...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061856C070421
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the record of consideration of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. EVIDENCE OF RECORD : The applicant's military records show: DISCUSSION : Considering all the evidence, allegations, and information presented by the applicant, together with the evidence of record, applicable law and regulations, it is concluded:
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061857C070421
The applicant’s Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ) contains no derogatory information that would have disqualified him from receiving the Army Good Conduct Medal and there is no evidence that he was ever disqualified from receiving the award by any of the unit commanders for which he served. Paragraph 2-13 of Army Regulation 600-8-22 provides guidance on awarding the Vietnam Service Medal and it states, in pertinent part, that one bronze service star is authorized with this award for...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061858C070421
Army Regulation 600-8-22 provides for award of the AFEM for service in authorized U. S. military operations. It is authorized for service in Lebanon from 1 July to 1 November 1958. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by showing the applicant is eligible for award of the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal based upon his deployment to Lebanon in July 1958.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061860C070421
The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. The applicant's records do not indicate any active Federal service after 14 September 1998; there is no record of his having served on active duty from February-November 1999. The available evidence does not indicate that the applicant served on active duty after he was discharged in September 1998.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061861C070421
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the record of consideration of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. EVIDENCE OF RECORD : The applicant's available military records show: The evidence of record clearly shows the applicant was advised on 21 September 1976 that he did not qualify for retirement at age 60.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061864C070421
APPLICANT STATES : In effect, that while serving in the AGR Program for the California Army National Guard (CAARNG), he was unjustly discharged from active duty prior to his expiration of term of service (ETS). Likewise, the Interstate Transfer Request (NGB Form 22-4-R) submitted by the applicant simply indicates transfer to the ARARNG. Furthermore, the Board finds that in the absence of evidence to show that he was being transferred from one AGR position to another AGR position, he was...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001061865C070421
APPLICANT REQUESTS: That he be awarded a $5,000 enlistment bonus in connection with his enlistment in the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) on 19 November 1999 and that he be authorized $20,000 for the Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) instead of $10,000. Records show that the applicant completed a DA Form 5261-5-R (Selected Reserve Incentive Program-USAR Prior Service Enlistment Bonus Addendum) at the time of his enlistment. On the date of his discharge, his entitlement to the SLRP was terminated.