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NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 01540-02
Original file (01540-02.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved
D E P A R T M E N T  OF  THE  N A V Y  

B O A R D   F O R   C O R R E C T I O N   O F   N A V A L   R E C O R D S  

2  N A V Y   A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

Docket  No:  1540-02 
18 June 2002 

From:  Chairman,  Board  for  Correction  of  Naval  Uecords 

Secretary  of  the  Navy 


(a)  Title  10 U.S.C.  1552 


( I )   DD Form  149 w/attach~nents 
(2)  NPC  memo  1 160 Ser  8 I  11 I63 of  22  May  2002 
(3)  Sub.ject's naval  record 

I'urstrant  to  the  provisions  o i  reference  (a), Silt,ject  hereinafter  referred  to  as  Petitioner, 
filed  enclosure  ( I )   with  this  Board  requesting,  in  effect, that  tlie  applicable naval  record  be 
corrected  to  establish  entitlement  to  an  increased  amount  of  zone  "B"  Selective Reenlistment 
Bonus  (SUB) for  tlie  FC  rating. 

2.  Tlie  Board,  consisting  o i  Mr.  McF'artlin,  Mr.  Miltier,  anti  Ms.  Hare,  reviewed 
Petitioner's  allegations of  error  and  injustice on  18 June 2002  and,  pitrsilant  to  its 
regulations,  tleterniined  that  the corrective  action  indicated below  sliould  be  taken  on  tlie 
available evidence of  record.  Docu~nentary material considered  by  the  Board  consisted  of  tlie 
enclosures,  naval  records,  arid  applicable statutes,  regulations  and  policies. 

3.  Tlie  Board,  liaving  reviewed  all  tlie  facts of  record  pertaining  to  Petitioner's  allegations 
of  error  and  injustice,  finds as  follows: 

a.  BL!;>I;  applying to  this  Liur i, Pel:lih)irer exliausted all  :;J~lrini~ii,t~i ve  remedies 

available  under  existing  law  and  regulations  within  the  Department  of  tlie  Navy. 


In  correspondence  attached  as enclosure  (2), the oftice liaving cognizance over  tlie 

subject  matter  addressed  in  Petitioner's application  has  commented  to  the effect  that  the 
request  has  merit  and  warrants  favorable action. 


Upon  review  and  consideration of  all  the  evitlerice of  record,  ant1 especially  in  light of  tlie 
contents of  enclosure  (2), the  Board  finds the existence of  an  injustice  warranting  the 
following corrective action. 

Docket  No:  1540-02 


That  Petitioner's  naval  record  be  corrected,  ~,liert! appropriate,  to  show  that 

a .   7'he  reenlistment  executed  or1  or about  26  February  2001  is  for  a  term  of  6  years, 

vice  5  years. 

1).  This change will  entitle  petitioner  to  an  illcreased  a~iioirnt of  zone  "B" SKH, award 

level  4.0, for  the  FC  rating. 

c.  That  a copy  of  this  Keport  of  l'roceedings  be  filed  in  I'etitiorler's  naval  record. 

I'i~rsuant to  Section  6(c) of  the  revised  Procedures  of  the  Roard  for  Correction  of  Naval 
Records  (32 Code  of  Federal  Regulations, Section  723. h(c)) i t   is  certified  that  quorum  was 
present  at  the  Board's  review  and  tlelilwratiorls, antl  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  antl  complete 
record  of  the  Board's  proccctlings  in  the  abo\,c: enti tletl  matter. 


e. L.  ADAMS 
Acting  Recorder 

5 .   Pursuant  to  the delegat ion  of  authority  set  out  in  Section  6(e) of  the  revised  Procedures 
of  the  Board  for  Correction  of Naval  Kccords  (32 Code of  Fecleral  Regulations,  Section 
723.6(e)) and  having  assured  co~nplianct. with  its  provisions,  i t   is  hereby  annoirnced  that  the 
foregoing  corrective  action, taken  under  the  authority  of  reference  (a), has  been  approved  by 
the  Board  on  behalf  of  the  Secretary of  the  Navy. 

18 June 2002 

Executive  Direc 


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