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NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 05103-02
Original file (05103-02.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved

B O A R D   F O R   C O R R E C T I O N   O F   N A V A L   R E C O R D S  

2  N A V Y   A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   DC  2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

Ihcket  No:  5 103-02 
1  I 

. l u w  2002 

(a)  Title  I0  IJ.S.('.  1552 

IQII-suant to  the  p~-ovisions 01'  rel;~~-cwce (it). Sul!icct 

Iiert~i~iaf'lcr referred  to  as  Petitioner, 
I  . 
in  el'lkct , tliat  the applicable  naviil  record  be 
filed enclns~~re 
corrected  to  cstahlisli entitlc:~iicvt to  a  /one  "13"  Sclccti\.e Kwnlist1ne111 Bonus  (SUB) for  tlie 
IT  rating  (NE(' 2735). 

( 1 )  with  this  I3oii1.d req~~esting. 

a.  Before  applying to  this  I3oartl.  I'etitiowr  exhausted  all  administrative  re~iiedies 

available  under  exlsting  law  antl  regulations  within  the  I)cp;~rrlnent of' the  Navy. 


In  correspondence  attached  as enclosure  ( 2 ) .  l'etitioner  sil1,iiiitted  docu~nentation 

showing  tliat  tlie  request  1i;is  11ic1-it and  witrritnls  Ci\/oriil,Ie action. 

IJpon  review  and  consideration  of all  tlie  witlerice  01'  record,  antl  especially  in  light  of  the 
contents of  enclosure  (2). the  Boiirtl  t'i~itls the  existerice  of  an  in,iustice warranting  tlie 
following  corrective  action. 

Docket  No:'  5 103-02 


That  Petitioner's  naval  record  he  ccm-ectctl. uzllct-e appropriate,  to  show  that: 


She was  tlischargetl  ant1  reenlis~ctl on  112  May  2002,  vice  o n  or  :\bout  112  April 

2002.  The  term  re~nains h yei~rs. 

b.  This change  will  entitle  petitioner  to  a  zone  "f3"  SKH,  i~w;~~-tl 

level  3.0, for  the  11' 

rating  (NEC 2735). 

c.  That  a  copy  of  t h i h   Kcport  of' I'rocecclillgs  he  filed  ill  I'etitioner's  naval  record. 

I'urs~~ant to  Section  h ( c . )  of' the  rcvis~d I'l~occtl~~~~es 

ot' the  Board  t;,r  Cnrrectiotl  ot' Naval 
Records  (32 ( h i c  of  Fede~xl I(cgulatio~l\, Section  72.3.6(c)) i t   is certified  that  cluoruln  was 
present  at  the  Board's  review  anti  tlelilwrations,  ant1  that  rlle  foregoing  is a  true  and  complete 
record  of  the  Hoard's  proccctlings  i n   tI1e  ;lhovc ell t i t  led  111;itter. 


Acting  Recorder 

5 .   1'111-suant to  the  tleleg;~tion ot' autliol.ity wt  out  ill  Section  6(e) of  the  revised  I'rocetlures 
of  the  Board  for  (hrl-ection ot' Naval  Records  (32 (:ode  of  Federal  Regulations,  Section 
723.6(e)) and  having  assured  conlpliancc  with  its  provisions,  it  is hereby  annoi~ncetl that  tlie 
foregoing  corrective  action,  taken  untlcr  tlie authority  ot' reference  (a), has  been  approved  by 
the  Board  on  behalf  of  the  Secretary of  rhe  Navy. 

I  I  June 2002 


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