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NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 01261-02
Original file (01261-02.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved

B O A R D   F O R   C O R R E C T I O N   OF  N A V A L   R E C O R D S  

2  N A V Y   A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

MEH: ~nli 
Docket  No:  I26 1-02 
1 l  June 2002 

Chairman,  Board  for  ('orrection  of  Naval  Records 
Secretary of  the  Navy 

(a)  Titlc  10 II.S.('.  1553 

(1)  DD  Form  139 wiattachn~cnt~ 
(2)  NPC  rnernorantl~r~ii 1  160 Scr  8 1  11 15 1  of'  I4  May  200 1 
(3)  Sihiect's  naval  record 

1.  Pursirant  to  the  provisions  of  reference  (a). S(rl?iecl hereinafter  referred  to  as  Petitioner, 
filed enclosure  ( 1 ) with  this  Roml  rtqwsting,  in  effect, that  the applicable  naval  recortl  be 
corrected  to  show  lie  recnlist~d and  W ~ I S  ;ttlvancetl  untlcr  the  provisions  of  the  Selective 
Training and  Reenlistnlent  ( S T A  K) program. 

2. The Board,  consisting  of  Messrs.  I h l n n ,   i'feif'fer,  and  Taylor,  reviewed  Petitioner's 
allegations  of  error and  i11.j~rstict: on  1 1  June  2002  and,  pursuant  to  its  regulations,  detern~ined 
tliat  the  corrective  action  indicated  below  slio~~ltl be  taken  o n   the available evidence of 
record.  Docu~nentary ~iiaterial consitleretl by  Ilie  Hoard  consisted  of  the  enclosures, naval 
records,  and  applicable  statutes.  regulations  a~ld policies. 

3.  The  Hoard,  having  reviewed  all  tlie  facts of  recortl  pertaining  to  Peti timer's allegations 
of  error and  illjustice,  finds ;is  follows: 

a.  Refore applying  to  t h i \   Roartl.  I'etitioner  exhausted  a11  ad~iiinistrative relnetlies 

available  under  existing  law  antl  regi~lations within  the  Department  o f  the  Navy. 


In  correspondenct: attached  as enclosure  (2), the  office having  cognizance over  the 

subject  matter  addressed  in  Petitioner's  application  has  coni~iiented to  the effect  that  the 
request  has  merit  and  warrants  favorable action. 

Ilpon  review  and  consideratio~l of  all  the  evidence of  record,  antl  especially  in  light of  the 
contents of  enclosure  (2), the  Board  fintls tlie existence  of  an  i11.justice warranting  the 
followirig corrective action. 

Docket  No: 1261-02 


'That  Petitioner's  naval  record  be  corrected,  where  appropriate,  to  show  that: 

a.  The reenlist~iient executed  on  or ahout  19 June  2000 was  untler  the  provisions  of  the 

STAR  program.  The term  is  changed  to  4  years,  vice  3  years. 

b.  He  was  automatically  advanced  to  paygrade  E5  effective  19 June 2000. 

c.  The cliange to  the  term  entitles petitioner  to  an  increased  a~iiount of  zone  " A "   SRB, 

award  level  5.0, for  NEC  5326. 

d .   That  a  copy  of  this  Report  of  l'roceedings  he  filed  in  Petitioner's  naval  record. 

3 .   Pursuant  to  Section  6(c) of  the  revised  Procedures  of  the  Board  for  Correction  of  Naval 
Records  (32 Code of  Federal  Kegulatio~is, Section  723.6(c)) i t   is certified  that  quorillii  was 
present  at  the  Board's  review  and  deliberations,  anti  that  the  foregoing  is a  true  and  complete 
record  of  the  Board's  proceedings  i n   the ahove entitled  ~iiatter. 


G.  L.  ADAMS 
Acting  Recorder 

5 .   Pursuant  to  tlie  delegation  of  authority  set  out  i n  Section  6(e) of' tlie  revised  Procedures 
of  tlie  Board  for Correction  of  Naval  Records  (32 Code of  Federal  Regulations,  Section 
723.6(e)) and  having  assirrecl  compliance with  its provisions,  i t   is  hereby  announced  that  the 
foregoing corrective action, taken  imder  the autliority  of  reference  (a), has  been  approved  by 
the Board  on  behalf  of  the  Secretary of  the  Navy. 

1 1  June 2002 

Executive Direct 


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