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NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 02689-02
Original file (02689-02.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied

B O A R D   F O R   C O R R E C T I O N   O F   NAVAL  R E C O R D S  

2  N A V Y A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

L(1C: lc 
Docket  No:  2689-02 
12 June  2002 


('liair~nari. I3oartl  for  ('orrcctiori  of  Naviil  Iction 723.6(c)) i t   is  ccrtit'ietl that  qi~cwu~n was 
present  at  the  Board's  review  and  tleliheratio~is. a~id t l i i ~ t  the  tiwegoing is  21  true  and  complete 
record  of  the  Board's ~ m u x d i n g s  in  the  i~lwvc. entitled  111;1tte1-. 

-  -. 

\ I 


,'@. L.  AIIAMS 
Acting  Recorder 

I'ursuant  to  the tlelegation  of  authority  set  out  in  Section  6(e) ot' tlie  revised  F'rocetlures  of 

5 .  
the  Board  for  Correction  of  Naval  Records  (32 (:ode  01'  Federal  Kegulations,  Section 
723.6(e)) and  having  assul-etl c.ompliance  with  its  provisio~is, i t   is  I~erehy anno~~ncetl that  tlie 
foregoing  corrective action,  taken  untler  tlie  authority  of  reference  ( a ) ,  has  been  approved  by 
the  Board  on  behalf  of  the  Secretary of  the  Navy. 

12 June 2002 

W.  D E A N   f' 
Executive  Direc 


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