CASE NUMBER FD-2014-00418 |
GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to Honorable. The applicant was offered a personal appearance before the Discharge Review Board (DRB) but declined and requests that the review be completed based on the available service record. The attached brief contains available pertinent data on the applicant and the factors leading to the discharge. FINDING: The Board denies the upgrade of the discharge. ISSUE: The appl icant received a General discharge for Misconduct
The Air Force Discharge Review Board, under its responsi bi lity to examine the propriety and equity of an Applicant's discharge, is authorized to change the characterization of service and the reason for discharge if such change is warranted. In reviewing discharges, the Board presumes regularity in the conduct of governmental affairs unless there is substantial credible evidence to rebut the presumption, to include evidence submitted by the applicant. The Board completed a thorough review of the circumstances that led to the discharge and the discharge process to ensure the discharge met the pertinent standards of equity and propriety.
The applicant cited his desire to receive the G.I. Bill benefits asjustification for upgrade. The DRB noted that when the applicant applied for these benefits, he signed a statement (DD Form 2366, on 30 January 2003) that he understood he must receive an Honorable discharge to receive future educational entitlements. The Board was sympathetic to the impact from the loss of these benefits to the applicant; however, this is not a matter of inequity or impropr iety which would warrant an upgrade. A discharge is upgraded only if the applicant and the Board can establish that an inequity or impropriety took place at the time of discharge. After a thorough review of the record, the Board found no evidence to j ustify an upgrade of the discharge characterization, reason for the discharge or the reenlistment code. Applicant admits that very bad decisions led to his administrative discharge. The record indicates the applicant received a General discharge from the Air Force for Miscond uct. Upon review of the record, the Board was unable to find any documentation regard ing the discharge. Due to lack of evidence and supporting documentation to explain the discharge, the Board concludes that the misconduct was a significant departure from the conduct expected of all military members. The Board relies on the presumption of regularity and finds the characterization was appropriate.
CONCLUSION: The Discharge Review Board concludes that the discharge was consistent with the procedural and substantive requirements of the discharge regulation, was within the discretion of the discharge authority, and that the applicant was provided full administrative due process.
In view of the foregoing findings, the Board further concludes that there exists no legal or equitable basis for upgrade of discharge and determines the discharge should remain unchanged. Attachment: Examiner's Brief |
AF | DRB | CY2014 | FD 2014 00214
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsforupgradeof dischargetohonorable TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(DRB)butdeclinedandrequeststhatthereviewbecompletedbasedontheavailableservicerecord. Theattachedbriefcontainsavailable pertinentdataonthe applicantandthe factorslead ingtothe discharge.
AF | DRB | CY2014 | FD-2014-00214
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsforupgradeof dischargetohonorable TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(DRB)butdeclinedandrequeststhatthereviewbecompletedbasedontheavailableservicerecord. Theattachedbriefcontainsavailable pertinentdataonthe applicantandthe factorslead ingtothe discharge.
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00634
GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to Honorable, to change the reason andauthorityforthedischargeandtochangethereenlistmentcode.Theapplicantwasofferedapersonal appearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(ORB)butdeclinedandrequeststhat thereviewbecompletedbasedon theavailableservicerecord.The attachedbriefcontainsava ilablepertinentdataonthe applicantandthefactorsleadingtothedischarge. FINDING:...
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00459
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsforupgradeofdischargeto Honorable. Theapplicantwasofferedapersonal appearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(DRB)but declinedandrequeststhatthereviewbecompletedbasedontheavailableservicerecord.Theattachedbriefcontainsavailablepertinentdataontheapplicantandthefactorsleadingtothe discharge. FINDING: TheBoarddeniestheupgradeofthedicharge.
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00687
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsfor upgradeofdischargetoHonorable. Theapplicant wasofferedapersonal appearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(DRB)butdeclined andrequeststhat thereviewbecompletedbasedontheavailableservicerecord. The attachedbriefcontainsavailablepertinentdata onthe applicantandthefactorsleadingtothedischarge.
AF | DRB | CY2013 | FD 2013 00263
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsfor upgradeofdischargetohonorable Thefollowing additionalexhibitsweresubmittedatthe hearing:Exhibit5:CertificatesExhibit6:NewsarticleTheattachedbriefcontainsavailablepertinentdataonthe applicantandthe factors leadingtothe discharge. TheBoard opined theapplicantwasolderthanthevastmajorityoffirst-tennmemberswhoproperlyadheretotheAirForce'sstandardsofconduct.
AF | DRB | CY2013 | FD-2013-00263
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsfor upgradeofdischargetohonorable Thefollowing additionalexhibitsweresubmittedatthe hearing:Exhibit5:CertificatesExhibit6:NewsarticleTheattachedbriefcontainsavailablepertinentdataonthe applicantandthe factors leadingtothe discharge. TheBoard opined theapplicantwasolderthanthevastmajorityoffirst-tennmemberswhoproperlyadheretotheAirForce'sstandardsofconduct.
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00759
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsforupgradeofdischarge toHonorable.TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(ORB)but declinedandrequests thatthereviewbecompletedbasedontheavailable servicerecord.The attachedbriefcontainsavailablepertinentdataon theappl icantandthefactorsleadingtothedischarge.FINDING: TheBoarddeniestheupgradeofthe discharge.ISSUE: Theappl icantreceivedaGeneraldischargeforMisconduct- DrugAbuseTheAirForceDischarge ReviewBoard,underitsresponsibili...
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2015-00115
GE ERAL: The applicantappealsforupgradeof dischargeto Honorable.TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(ORB)butdeclinedandrequeststhatthe reviewbecompletedbasedonthe availableservicerecord.Theattachedbriefconta insavailable pertinentdata ontheapplicant andthefactorsleading to the discharge.FINDING: TheBoarddeniestheupgradeof thedischarge.ISSUE: TheapplicantreceivedaGeneraldischargeforMisconduct-ConductPrejudicialtoGoodOrderThe AirForceDischargeReview...
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00546
GENERAL: TheapplicantappealsforupgradeofdischargetoHonorable.Theapplicantwasofferedapersonal appearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(DRB)butdeclined andrequeststhatthe reviewbecompletedbasedon the availableservice record.Theattachedbriefcontainsavailable pertinentdataon theapplicantandthefactorsleadingtothe discharge. FINDING: TheBoarddeniestheupgradeofthedischarge. ISSUE:...