CASF. NU IBE:R FD-2013-00719 |
GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to Honorable. The applicant was offered a personal appearance before the Discharge Review Board (ORB) but declined and requests that the review be com pleted based on the available service record. The attached brief contains available perti nent data on the applicant and the factors leading to the discharge. ISSUE: The applicant received a Bad Conduct Discharge via Special Court Martial.
The Air Force Discharge Review Board , under i ts responsibi lity to examine the propriety and equ i ty of an Applicant's discharge, is authorized to change the characterization of service and the reason for discharge if such change is warranted. In reviewing discharges, the Board presumes regularity in the conduct of governmental affairs unless there is substantial credible evidence to rebut the presumption , to include evidence submitted by the applicant . The Board completed a thorough review of the circumstances that led to the discharge and the discharge process to ensure the discharge met the pe1tinent standards of equity and propriety. The Appl icant's record of service included a Special Court Martial. He was found guilty of refusal to relinquish military ID card; resisting apprehension; unlawfull y striki ng another airman on body and face with fists; assault on an NCO, by attempting to hit NCO; and comm un icating a threat to another ainnan (2x).
The applicant received a Bad Conduct Discharge, a pu nitive d ischarge, as part of his sentence resulting from a Special Court-Martial conviction. U nder the provisions of Section 1553, I 0 USC, the only basis for a change of a Bad Cond uct Discharge is clemency. The appl icant did not provide any documentation of post service actions that would warrant an upgrade based on clemency. The applicant cited his desire to receive the G.l. Bill benefits as ju stification for upgrade. The DRB noted that when the applicant appl ied for these benefits that he understood he must recei ve an Honorable discharge to recei ve future educationa l entitlements. The Board was sympathetic to the impact from the loss of these benefi ts to the applicant; however, this is not a reason for an upgrade.
CONCLUS ION : The Discharge Review Board concludes that the discharge was consistent with the proced ura l and substanti ve req u irement s of the discharge regulation , was w i thi n the discretion of the d ischarge authori ty, and that the applican t was provided full admin istrat ive due process.
In view of the foregoing find ings, the Board further concludes that there exists no legal or equ i table basis for upgrade of discharge and determ ines the d ischarge shou l d remai n unchanged. Attachment: Exa miner's Brief |
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00477
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsforupgradeofdischargetochangethereasonandauthorityforthedischarge,andtochangethe reenlistmentcode. TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(ORB)butdeclined andrequeststhatthereviewbecompletedbasedonthe availableservicerecord. inviewoftheforegoing find ings:theBoardconcludesthatapplicanf sreenlistmentcodeis moreaccuratelyreflectedas 3Kandshouldbe changedunderthe provisionsof TitleI 0,USC1553.
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00666
GENERA L: Theapplicant appeals foranupgradeofthedischarge to Honorable;a changetothereasonand authorityforthedischargeandtochangethere-enlistmentcode.TheapplicantappearedandtestifiedbeforetheDischarge ReviewBoard DRB,withcounsel,atAndrewsAFBonMarch 10, 2015. The followingwitnessalsotestifiedontheapplicant'sbehalf:(wife)(b) (6)Thefollowingadditionalexhibits weresubmittedatthe hearing:Exhibit #4: Applicant'sContentionsExhibit#5:CharacterreferencelettersThe...
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00432
GENERAL: Theappl icant appealsforupgradeofdischargeto Honorable. TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard (ORB)butdecl inedandrequeststhatthereviewbecompletedbasedonthe available service record.Theattachedbrief contains availablepertinentdataontheappl icant andthefactorsleadingto the discharge. FINDING: The Board deniestheupgradeofthedischarge.
AF | DRB | CY2014 | FD-2014-00105
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsforanupgradeofdischarge, changetothenarrative reason, andtochangethereenlistmentcode. TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(ORB)butdecl inedandrequeststhatthe reviewbe completedbasedonthe availableservicerecord. The attachedbriefcontains availablepertinentdataontheapplicantandthefactorsleading tothedischarge.
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00761
GENERAL: The applicantappealsforupgradeof dischargetoHonorable.Theapplicantwasofferedapersonal appearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard (ORB)butdeclinedandrequeststhatthe reviewbecompletedbasedon theavailable servicerecord.The attachedbriefcontains availablepertinentdataonthe applicantandthe factorsleadingtothedischarge. FINDING: TheBoarddeniesthe upgradeofthe discharge. ISSUE: Theapplicantreceiveda GeneraldischargeforMisconduct-MinorDiscipl inaryInfractionsTheAirForce...
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00754
GENERAL: TheapplicantappealsforupgradeofdischargetoHonorable.Theapplicantwasofferedapersonal appearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(ORB)butdeclinedandrequeststhatthereviewbecompletedbasedontheavailableservicerecord.The attachedbriefcontainsavailablepertinentdataontheapplicantandthefactorsleading tothedischarge. FINDING: TheBoarddeniestheupgradeofthedischarge. ISSUE: The applicantreceivedaGeneraldischargefor MisconductThe...
AF | DRB | CY2014 | FD 2014 00214
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsforupgradeof dischargetohonorable TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(DRB)butdeclinedandrequeststhatthereviewbecompletedbasedontheavailableservicerecord. Theattachedbriefcontainsavailable pertinentdataonthe applicantandthe factorslead ingtothe discharge.
AF | DRB | CY2014 | FD-2014-00214
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsforupgradeof dischargetohonorable TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(DRB)butdeclinedandrequeststhatthereviewbecompletedbasedontheavailableservicerecord. Theattachedbriefcontainsavailable pertinentdataonthe applicantandthe factorslead ingtothe discharge.
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00750
GENERAL: TheapplicantappealsforanupgradeofdischargetoHonorableandachangeofreasontothenarrative.The applicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(ORB)butdecl ined andrequeststhatthe reviewbe completedbasedonthe available servicerecord.Theattachedbrief contains availablepertinent data ontheappl icant and thefactors lead ing tothe discharge. FINDING: The Board denies the upgrade of the discharge and change of reason and autho1ity for discharge. ISSUE:...
AF | DRB | CY2015 | FD-2014-00155
GENERAL: Theapplicantappealsforupgradeof dischargeto Honorableandchangeofauthorityfordischarge,andchange ofreenlistmentcode. TheapplicantwasofferedapersonalappearancebeforetheDischargeReviewBoard(DRB)butdeclinedandrequeststhatthereviewbecompletedbasedontheavailableservice record. The attachedbriefcontains availablepertinentdataontheapplicantandthefactorslead ing tothedischarge.