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AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-00675
Original file (BC-2012-00675.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied







DOCKET NUMBERS:  BC-2012-00675 

Her  physical  Fitness  Assessment  (FA),  dated  26  May  2011  and 
23 August 2011, be removed from the Air Force Fitness Management 
System (AFFMS).   
During the time she was administered her FAs, she was undergoing 
Post  Traumatic  Stress  Disorder  (PTSD)  treatment  which  hindered 
her performance during both FAs in question.   
In  support  of  her  appeal,  the  applicant  provides  a  personal 
statement,  a  physician’s  statement,  two  letters  of  support,  an 
AFFMS document, and two qualifications status documents.   
The  applicant’s  complete  submission,  with  attachments,  is  at 
Exhibit A. 
The  applicant  is  currently  a  member  of  the  Regular  Air  Force 
serving in the grade of senior master sergeant (E-8).  Her FAs 
for 26 May 2011 and 23 August 2011 both reflect an unsatisfactory 
fitness level in the AFFMS.  The applicant has a subsequent FA, 
dated 20 October 2011 that reflects a satisfactory fitness level 
in AFFMS.   
The  remaining  relevant  facts,  extracted  from  the  applicant’s 
military service record, are contained in the evaluation provided 
by the Air Force office of primary responsibility at Exhibit B.   
AF/A1PP  recommends  denial.    A1PP  states  that  although  the 
applicant  was  diagnosed  with  PTSD,  there  is  no  clear  evidence 
that  this  diagnosis  prevented  her  from  achieving  a  passing  FA.  
Additionally, she signed both the Fitness Screening Questionnaire 
and her FA results acknowledging her scores were accurate.  After 

reviewing the applicant’s test score history from 2005 to 2010, 
we note she also had two previous FAs in addition to the two FAs 
in question.  Her FAs, dated 26 May 2011 and 23 August 2011 were 
administered  in  accordance  with  Air  Force  Instruction  36-2905, 
Air Force Fitness Program.   
The complete A1PP evaluation, with attachment, is at Exhibit C.   
A copy of the Air Force evaluation was forwarded to the applicant 
on 25 April 2012, for review and comment within 30 days (Exhibit 
C).  As of this date, this office has received no response. 
1.  The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing 
law or regulations. 
2.  The application was timely filed. 
3.  Insufficient  relevant  evidence  has  been  presented  to 
demonstrate the existence of error or injustice.  We took notice 
of the applicant's complete submission in judging the merits of 
the case; however, we agree with the opinion and recommendation 
of the Air Force office of primary responsibility and adopt its 
rationale as the basis for our conclusion that the applicant has 
not been the victim of an error or injustice.  Therefore, in the 
absence  of  evidence  to  the  contrary,  we  find  no  basis  to 
recommend granting the relief sought in this application. 
4.  The applicant's case is adequately documented and it has not 
been  shown  that  a  personal  appearance  with  or  without  counsel 
will materially add to our understanding of the issues involved.  
Therefore, the request for a hearing is not favorably considered. 
The  applicant  be  notified  that  the  evidence  presented  did  not 
demonstrate  the  existence  of  material  error  or  injustice;  that 
the  application  was  denied  without  a  personal  appearance;  and 
that  the  application  will  only  be  reconsidered  upon  the 
submission  of  newly  discovered  relevant  evidence  not  considered 
with this application. 



The  following  members  of  the  Board  considered  AFBCMR  Docket 
Number BC-2012-00675 in Executive Session on 9 August 2012, under 
the provisions of AFI 36-2603: 

Panel Chair 



Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 9 Feb 12, w/atchs. 
Exhibit B.  Letter, AFPC/DPSIM, dated 26 Mar 12, w/atch.  
Exhibit C.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 25 Apr 12. 

The  following  documentary  evidence  was  considered  in  connection 
with AFBCMR Docket Number BC-2012-00675: 

Panel Chair 











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