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AF | BCMR | CY2008 | BC-2003-02969-2
Original file (BC-2003-02969-2.doc) Auto-classification: Approved

                                 ADDENDUM TO
                            RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

            INDEX CODE:  110.00
            HEARING DESIRED:  NO



His narrative reason for separation (personality disorder) be changed.



A similar appeal was considered and  denied  by  the  Board  on  11 February
2004.  For an accounting of the  facts  and  circumstances  surrounding  the
applicant’s appeal and the rationale of the earlier decision by  the  Board,
see the Record of Proceedings at Exhibit F.

In a DD Form 293, Application for the Review of  Discharge  from  the  Armed
Forces of the United States, dated 13 February 2008, the applicant  requests
reconsideration.  He states his narrative reason  for  separation  does  not
reflect the true issues, circumstances and reason  for  his  discharge.   He
had no  circumstances  in  his  career  that  would  warrant  a  personality
disorder discharge.  He believes  the  narrative  reason  to  be  erroneous.
While in the Air Force he served in the security forces  career  field.   He
desires to  continue  a  career  in  law  enforcement;  however,  with  this
narrative reason he is unable to obtain a job in the law enforcement  career
field.  The applicant’s complete submission, with attachments is at  Exhibit



The AFBCMR  Medical  Consultant  recommends  changing  the  reason  for  the
applicant’s discharge to correctly reflect  an  Adjustment  Disorder  and  a
separation code change to JFY, diagnostic nomenclature and code  designation
which were not available to the Department of Defense  for  use  on  the  DD
Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, at the  time
of the applicant’s discharge.

The applicant is correct in that the narrative reason listed on his DD  Form
214 is  not  an  accurate  reflection  of  his  actual  clinical  diagnosis,
Adjustment Disorder.  The use of the term  Personality  Disorder  to  depict
the reason for the applicant’s discharge is more likely than not to cause  a
greater  burden  upon  his  access  to  civilian  social  and   occupational
opportunities.  On the other hand,  even  with  correcting  the  applicant’s
diagnosis to reflect an Adjustment  Disorder,  as  also  determined  in  the
assessment by Doctor P. T. O. and reflected in his 21  January  2008  letter
“To Whom It May Concern,” the applicant’s suitability for  military  service
would again  be  brought  into  question.   Specifically,  to  paraphrase  a
previous  medical  advisory,  the  applicant  remains   vulnerable   for   a
recurrence of a maladaptive pattern of  behavior  under  the  stressors  and
rigors of military service, or under  circumstances  not  desirable  to  the
applicant, yet not within his span of control  in  a  military  environment.
The AFBCMR Medical Consultant finds this factor  particularly  important  in
the context of the  austere  operational  conditions  and  mental  stressors
confronting all members of today’s Air and Space Expeditionary  Force;  with
a mission which has found a greater dependence upon our  Guard  and  Reserve
forces to meet.  Although the applicant did not request  that  his  DD  Form
214 be specifically changed to reflect an Adjustment  Disorder,  the  AFBCMR
Medical Consultant finds such a change to be appropriate.   Consequently,  a
corresponding change in  the  separation  code  is  also  appropriate.   The
AFBCMR Medical Consultant notes that the applicant did not request a  change
in his reentry code, but nonetheless opines that such a change would not  be
in the best interest of the Air Force.

The AFBCMR Medical Consultant’s evaluation is at Exhibit H.



On 19 May 2008, the evaluation was forwarded to  the  applicant  for  review
and comment within 30 days (Exhibit I).  As of this date,  this  office  has
received no response.



Sufficient  relevant  evidence  has  been  presented  to   demonstrate   the
existence of an error or injustice warranting partial  relief.   It  appears
that the applicant was diagnosed with an Adjustment Disorder rather  than  a
Personality Disorder as reflected on  his  discharge  documents.   We  agree
with the assessment of the AFBCMR  Medical  Consultant  that  the  narrative
reason  for  separation  currently  reflected  on  his  discharge  documents
inaccurately reflects the reason for his discharge and should  be  corrected
to reflect Adjustment Disorder.  Accordingly, we recommend  the  applicant's
records be corrected to the extent indicated below.



The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air  Force  relating
to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that he was discharged on 19  April  2002
with a narrative reason for separation of "Adjustment Disorder" rather  than
"Personality Disorder,” and a separation code of "JFY" rather than "JFX."


The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket Number  BC-2003-
02969 in Executive Session on 14 August 2008, under the  provisions  of  AFI

                 Ms. B.J. White-Olson, Panel Chair
                 Ms. Janet I. Hassan, Member
                 Ms. Teri G. Spoutz, Member

All members voted to correct the  records  as  recommended.   The  following
documentary evidence pertaining to was considered:

   Exhibit F.  Record of Proceedings, dated 3 March 2004,
   Exhibit G.  DD Form 293, dated 13 February 2008, w/atchs.
   Exhibit H.  Letter, AFBCMR Medical Consultant, dated
               19 May 2008.
   Exhibit I.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 19 May 2008.

                       B.J. WHITE-OLSON
                       Panel Chair

AFBCMR BC-2003-02969


      Having received and considered the recommendation of the Air Force
Board for Correction of Military Records and under the authority of Section
1552, Title 10, United States Code (70A Stat 116), it is directed that:

      The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force
relating to XXX, be corrected to show that he was discharged on 19 April
2002 with a narrative reason for separation of "Adjustment Disorder" rather
than "Personality Disorder," and a separation code of "JFY" rather than

      Air Force Review Boards Agency

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