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AF | BCMR | CY2005 | BC-2001-00612-2A
Original file (BC-2001-00612-2A.doc) Auto-classification: Denied

                            RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

            INDEX CODE:  110.00
            HEARING DESIRED:  NO




In the applicant’s request for reconsideration, he requests that  his  under
other than honorable  conditions  discharge  be  upgraded  to  honorable  or


On 15 December 1991,  the  applicant  was  discharged  from  the  Air  Force
Reserve with an under other than honorable  conditions  discharge  for  drug
abuse.  At the time of his separation, he was  credited  with  19  years,  3
months and 19 days of satisfactory service.

On 30 August 2001, the applicant’s request that his  discharge  be  upgraded
to honorable was considered and denied by the Board.  For an  accounting  of
the facts and circumstances surrounding  the  applicant’s  separation,  and,
the rationale for the earlier decision by  the  Board,  see  the  Record  of
Proceedings at Exhibit E.

On 26 February 2004, the applicant submitted a request for  reconsideration,
through the American Legion,  contending  that  an  Unemployment  Commission
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) determined that the government did  not  have
adequate evidence to discharge him from the Air Force  Reserve  and  he  was
granted “UI” benefits.  To support this assertion,  the  applicant  provides
copies of ”UI Claim Notes.”  The applicant’s submission is at Exhibit F.


Pursuant  to  the  Board’s  request,  USAF/JAA  reviewed   the   applicant’s
assertion that an ALJ ruling that  the  Air  Force  did  not  have  adequate
evidence to discharge the applicant qualifies him  for  an  upgrade  of  his
military  discharge.   JAA  states  that  an   ALJ   does   not   have   the
jurisdictional authority to overturn a properly executed military  discharge
action.  Furthermore, the ALJ’s ruling that the  applicant  is  entitled  to
unemployment benefits does not  have  any  bearing  on  the  merits  of  the
underlying  administrative  separation.   The  USAF/JAA  evaluation  is   at
Exhibit G.



On 16 June 2005, applicant responded by stating that he would  like  to  ask
the Board to consider the equity and propriety of his discharge since he  is
having difficulty obtaining civilian employment.  Applicant’s  letter,  with
attachment is at Exhibit I.



In earlier findings,  the  Board  determined  that  there  was  insufficient
evidence to warrant an upgrade of the applicant’s discharge.  After  careful
reconsideration of his request and his most recent  submission,  we  do  not
find it sufficiently  compelling  to  warrant  a  revision  of  the  Board’s
earlier determination  in  this  case.   The  applicant  contends  that  the
Unemployment  Commission  Administrative  Law  Judge  determined  that   the
government did not have adequate evidence to  discharge  him  from  the  Air
Force Reserve.  We are not persuaded by  the  evidence  presented  that  the
applicant’s discharge by reason of misconduct was improper  or  contrary  to
the provisions of the governing regulations.  We therefore  agree  with  the
recommendation of the Office of the Judge Advocate  General  and  adopt  the
rationale expressed as the basis for our decision  that  the  applicant  has
failed to sustain his  burden  to  provide  evidence  showing  that  he  has
suffered either an error or an injustice.  Therefore, we find  no  basis  to
recommend granting the relief sought in this application.



The applicant be notified that the evidence presented  did  not  demonstrate
the existence of probable material error or injustice; that the  application
was denied without a personal appearance;  and  that  the  application  will
only be reconsidered  upon  the  submission  of  newly  discovered  relevant
evidence not considered with this application.


The following members of the Board considered this application in  Executive
Session on 5 May 2005 and 24 June 2005, under  the  provisions  of  AFI  36-

                 Mr. Richard A. Peterson, Panel Chair
                 Mr. James W. Russell, III, Member
                 Ms. Sue A. Lumpkins, Member

The following documentary evidence was considered:

      Exhibit E.  Record of Proceedings, dated, 30 Aug 01 w/atchs.
      Exhibit F.  Letter, The American Legion, dated 26 Feb 04
      Exhibit G.  Letter, AF/JAA, dated 13 Dec 04.
       Exhibit  H.   Letters,  AFBCMR  and  Applicant,  dated  21   Dec   04
             and 26 Jan 05.
    Exhibit I.  Letter, Applicant, dated 16 Jun 05, w/atchs.

                                   RICHARD A. PETERSON
                                   Panel Chair

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