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AF | BCMR | CY2001 | 0101333
Original file (0101333.doc) Auto-classification: Denied

                            RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

            INDEX CODE:  128.02
            COUNSEL:  NONE

            HEARING DESIRED:  NO



A sum of $25,000 of his income be moved from his  2000  W-2,  Wage  and  Tax
Statement, to his 1999 W-2.


On 10 Dec 99, he signed an agreement to receive  Aviation  Continuation  Pay
(ACP)  for  extending  his  active  duty  service  commitment  (ADSC).   His
commander faxed his agreement to AFPC.  Due to a  delay  in  processing  his
paperwork, he did not receive his first payment until 11 Jan 00.  Since  the
payment was made in 2000, it was considered income for  2000.   This  income
was  authorized,  earned,  and  payable  in  1999  by  his  agreement.   The
effective date of  the  agreement  was  16  Nov  99.   Paragraph  3  of  the
agreement states that payments are  based  on  the  effective  date  of  the
agreement and the option he selects.  Since he received two ACP payments  in
2000, his pay was increased $50,000 for the year resulting in  $2,012  extra
in taxes.  Another individual's (Lt Col  S---‘s)  ACP  agreement  was  faxed
after his agreement and that individual received his payment on 29 Dec 99.

In support of his request applicant provided  a  sample  ACP  agreement;  AF
Form 102, Inspector General, Personal and Fraud, Waste and  Abuse  Complaint
Registration; email communications; and, his 1999 and 2000  U.S.  Individual
Income Tax Returns.

His complete submission is appended at Exhibit A.



The relevant facts  pertaining  to  this  application,  extracted  from  the
applicant’s military records, are contained in the letter  prepared  by  the
appropriate office of the Air Force.   Accordingly,  there  is  no  need  to
recite these facts in this Record of Proceedings.



The Chief,  Aviation  Continuation  Pay,  AFPC/DPAOY,  reviewed  applicant's
request and recommends denial.  DPAOY states that  the  Air  Force  made  no
technical  errors,  unnecessary  delays  or  identified  any  irregularities
during the processing of his ACP agreement.  The fact that he was  not  paid
during 1999 was caused by his 27 day delay in  signing  the  agreement  from
program  inception;  the  massive  volume  of  agreements  that  were  being
processed; the government closures from the holidays and  the  Y2K  computer
issues; and, different payment  dates  at  Defense  Finance  and  Accounting
Service (DFAS) (see Exhibit B).


Applicant states that the advisory fails to note that although the program
was authorized on 16 Nov 99, implementation of the program was delayed
several weeks while AFPC developed the procedures for implementation.  The
facts concerning the massive number of agreements during the holidays and
period of the Y2K problem are irrelevant.  In the interest of fairness, all
agreements signed before the end of the year should have been processed and
paid before the end of the year.

Lt Col S---'s agreement was  faxed  during  the  same  telephone  call.   It
appears that both agreements were processed on that same  day,  27  Dec  99,
however, Lt Col S--- was paid on 29 Dec 99 and he was not paid until 11  Jan
00.  Although there was a first-in first-out policy in place at  AFPC,  DFAS
does not seem to share this policy (see Exhibit D).



1.  The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided  by  existing  law  or

2.  The application was timely filed.

3.  Insufficient relevant evidence has been  presented  to  demonstrate  the
existence  of  probable  error  or  injustice.   We  took  notice   of   the
applicant's complete submission in judging the merits of the case;  however,
we agree with the opinion and recommendation of  the  Air  Force  office  of
primary responsibility and adopt  their  rationale  as  the  basis  for  our
conclusion that the applicant has  not  been  the  victim  of  an  error  or
injustice.   While  the  applicant’s  increased  tax  burden  for  2000  was
unfortunate, in our opinion the time that it took  to  process  his  payment
was not unreasonable given the high volume of applications  being  processed
in a rather constrained timeframe.  Therefore, in the  absence  of  evidence
to the contrary, we find no  compelling  basis  to  recommend  granting  the
relief sought in this application.



The applicant be notified that the evidence presented  did  not  demonstrate
the existence of probable material error or injustice; that the  application
was denied without a personal appearance;  and  that  the  application  will
only be reconsidered  upon  the  submission  of  newly  discovered  relevant
evidence not considered with this application.


The following members of the Board considered this application in  Executive
Session on 15 Aug 01, under the provisions of AFI 36-2603:

      Mr. Joseph G. Diamond, Panel Chair
      Mr. Grover L. Dunn, Member
      Mr. John E. B. Smith, Member

The following documentary evidence was considered:

    Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 5 May 01, w/atchs.
    Exhibit B.  Letter, AFPC/DPAOY, dated 11 Jun 01, w/atchs
    Exhibit C.  Letter, SAF/MIBR, dated 14 Jun 01.
    Exhibit D.  Letter, Applicant, dated 6 Jul 01.

                                   JOSEPH G. DIAMOND
                                   Panel Chair

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