The Officer Performance Report (OPR) rendered on him for the period 2
May 97 through 1 May 98 be replaced with a new OPR with corrected rater
and additional rater comments and with a stratification statement to
correctly reflect his potential.
He be granted promotion consideration to lieutenant colonel by special
selection board (SSB) for the CY99B (30 Nov 99) central lieutenant
colonel selection board.
It was pointed out to him by a reviewer at the Air Force Personnel
Center during a non-selection record review that the OPR closing out 1
May 98 was a primary cause of his non-selection for promotion to
lieutenant colonel. The main problem with the OPR is the last line of
the rater and additional rater blocks, recommending him as an
operations officer. The intent of the statement was a direct
recommendation for his next job, not a downgrade from the “future
squadron commander” statement in his previous OPR. The lack of a
stratification statement in the OPR was also noted as an additional
negative factor. The applicant states that he contacted his rating
chain on the 1 May 98 OPR to determine if it was their intent to send
the message that the OPR sent and whether they would support his
efforts to correct the OPR. He received the support of his entire
rating chain to correct the OPR. After getting the support of his
rating chain, he sent the entire package to the Evaluation Reports
Appeal Board (ERAB). The ERAB denied his request to correct the OPR,
acknowledging the error but indicating that he should have requested
that the report be corrected before it became a matter of record and
was reviewed by a central selection board (CSB). The applicant states
that the ruling of the ERAB conflicts with Air Force guidance. He also
states that he was not aware of the errors in his OPR until he was
advised by the reviewer at AFPC on 13 Apr 00.
The applicant also states that he is aware of other officers that
applied and received approval for OPR corrections after their records
had already met a CSB.
The applicant’s complete submission is at Exhibit A.
The applicant is serving on active duty in the grade of major. His
Total Active Federal Military Service Date is 16 Jun 86. His last ten
Officer Performance Reports (OPRs) reflect overall ratings of “Meets
Standards.” The applicant was considered but not selected for
promotion to lieutenant colonel by the CY 99B (30 Nov 99) and CY00A (28
Nov 00) central lieutenant colonel selection boards.
The Chief, Promotion, Evaluation, and Recognition Division, AFPC/DPPPE,
evaluated this application and recommends that the applicant’s request
be denied.
Air Force policy is that an evaluation report is accurate as written
when it becomes a matter of record. Willingness by evaluators is not a
valid reason to change a report. To effectively challenge an OPR, it
is necessary to prove there was an error or injustice. A report is not
erroneous or unfair because the applicant believes it contributed to a
non-selection for promotion; the error must be based on its content.
The job recommendations were appropriate to the member’s grade and
current position. The evaluators state the recommendations were
intentional and directed at the applicant’s gaining commander.
The complete evaluation is at Exhibit C.
The Chief, Officer Program Management Section, AFPC/DPPPO, also
evaluated this application and recommends denial of the applicant’s
request. They accept the findings of the ERAB that originally denied
the applicant’s appeal and agree with the evaluation done by
The complete evaluation is at Exhibit D.
The applicant responded to the Air Force evaluations in an eight-page
memorandum with 10 attachments. The applicant states that he has been
unable to get an archive copy of AFI 36-2402, The Officer Evaluation
System, dated 1 Jul 96 and that the evaluation done by AFPC/DPPPE does
not provide any specific guidance to support its opinion. He,
therefore, cannot comment on the evaluation using information from AFI
36-2402. The applicant states that while an AFPC reviewer cannot
specifically state the cause of a member’s non-selection for promotion,
they do have a great deal of experience in examining Air Force
personnel records and are able to make educated observations about why
one record scored high enough to make the promotion cut while others do
not. In his case, the reviewer did point out that the inconsistency
between the “destined to be a squadron commander” in his 1 May 97 OPR
and the “Mature judgement and dedication dictates operations officer”
in his 1 May 98 OPR as well as the lack of an appropriate
stratification raised flags to the board. His current wing commander
also noted the same items.
The applicant discuses how the comments made by the rater and
additional rater on his OPR closing out 1 May 98 failed to convey their
intent and instead gave a negative picture to the promotion board.
The applicant states that he has the support of his rating chain to
correct the 1 May 98 OPR. The applicant notes that the primary reason
the ERAB denied his appeal was that he did not seek to get the errors
corrected prior to the report becoming a matter of record. The
applicant points out that this conflicts with pertinent Air Force
guidance, which allow him to see his OPR only after it has become an
official part of his record. The applicant further references two
previous cases with situations similar to his favorably decided by the
AFBCMR as support for his appeal.
The applicant points out that the evaluation done by AFPC/DPPPO has
some incorrect facts. He has only two nonselections for promotion
instead of three. He states that his request for promotion
consideration by SSB is based on the AFBCMR approving his request.
The applicant’s complete response is at Exhibit F.
1. The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing law
or regulations.
2. The application was timely filed.
3. Sufficient relevant evidence has been presented to demonstrate the
existence of probable error or injustice. After reviewing the
statements of support provided by the applicant’s entire rating chain,
the Board was persuaded that the requested changes should be made to
the contested OPR. The Board accepts the statements from his rating
chain that the OPR failed to convey their intended message regarding
the applicant’s potential. Therefore, we recommend that the
applicant’s record be corrected as follows.
The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force
relating to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that the Officer
Performance Report, Air Force Form 707A, rendered for the period 2 May
1997 through 1 May 1998 be amended as follows:
a. Delete line nine in Section VI, “Rater Overall Assessment”,
and replace it with “#1 ISR action officer in USAFE. Make an
Operations Officer now! Ready for command and SSS!”
b. Delete line five in Section VII, “Additional Rater Overall
Assessment”, and replace with “Superstar! My #1 ISR action
officer…ready for ops officer; then command…joint duty and SSS a must!”
It is further recommended that he be considered for promotion to the
grade of lieutenant colonel by Special Selection Board (SSB) beginning
with the CY99B Central Lieutenant Colonel Selection Board and any
subsequent boards in which the above referenced corrected OPR was not a
matter of record.
The following members of the Board considered this application in
Executive Session on 26 July 2001, under the provisions of AFI 36-2603:
Mr. Patrick R. Wheeler, Panel Chair
Ms. Martha Maust, Member
Ms. Dorothy P. Loeb, Member
All members voted to correct the records, as recommended. The
following documentary evidence was considered:
Exhibit A. DD Form 149, dated 3 Apr 01, w/atchs.
Exhibit B. Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
Exhibit C. Memorandum, AFPC/DPPPE, dated 14 May 01.
Exhibit D. Memorandum, AFPC/DPPPO, dated 21 May 01.
Exhibit E. Letter, SAF/MIBR, dated 1 Jun 01.
Exhibit F. Memorandum, Applicant, dated 22 Jun 01,
Panel Chair
AFBCMR 01-00967
Having received and considered the recommendation of the Air
Force Board for Correction of Military Records and under the authority
of Section 1552, Title 10, United States Code (70A Stat 116), it is
directed that:
The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force
relating to XXXXXXXXXXX, XXX-XX-XXXX, be corrected to show that the
Officer Performance Report, Air Force Form 707A, rendered for the
period 2 May 1997 through 1 May 1998 be amended as follows:
a. Delete line nine in Section VI, “Rater Overall
Assessment”, and replace it with “#1 ISR action officer in USAFE. Make
an Operations Officer now! Ready for command and SSS!”
b. Delete line five in Section VII, “Additional Rater
Overall Assessment”, and replace with “Superstar! My #1 ISR action
officer…ready for ops officer; then command…joint duty and SSS a must!”
It is further directed that he be considered for promotion to the
grade of lieutenant colonel by Special Selection Board (SSB) beginning
with the CY99B Central Lieutenant Colonel Selection Board and any
subsequent boards in which the above referenced corrected OPR was not a
matter of record.
Air Force Review Boards Agency
AF | BCMR | CY2002 | BC-2002-01150
Based on these statements, we recommend that the duty title be corrected. In his appeal to this Board, applicant has requested that he be considered for ISS, which is the appropriate PME recommendation that should have been indicated on the OPR. Therefore, we recommend the duty title and PME recommendation be changed on the contested OPR and that his corrected report be considered for promotion and ISS by SSBs.
The Officer Performance Report (OPR) rendered on him for the period of 6 Mar 97 through 5 Mar 98 be revised. _______________________________________________________________ APPLICANT CONTENDS THAT: Due to confusion and oversights on appropriate professional military education (PME) endorsements by his Rater, Additional Rater, and Reviewer on the OPR rendered on him for the period 6 Mar 97 through 5 Mar 98, his Reviewer is requesting that the report be revised to correct PME recommendations...
The applicant further states that the ROE prescribed within Air Force Instructions (AFIs) were violated during the completion of his OPR and PRF. The applicant states that to change an overall rating on a PRF to “Definitely Promote” (DP) requires concurrence of both the senior rater and MLR president. The applicant reiterates that he has the concurrence of his senior rater with a new PRF and a “DP” promotion recommendation.
AF | BCMR | CY2002 | BC-2002-03198
_________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT CONTENDS THAT: The PRF prepared on him for the CY99B selection board contains significant material errors of omission. The complete evaluation is at Exhibit D. _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT'S REVIEW OF AIR FORCE EVALUATION: The applicant responded to the Air Force evaluation by submitting a letter of support from his senior rater at the time he was considered for...
AF | BCMR | CY2003 | BC-2002-03198
_________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT CONTENDS THAT: The PRF prepared on him for the CY99B selection board contains significant material errors of omission. The complete evaluation is at Exhibit D. _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT'S REVIEW OF AIR FORCE EVALUATION: The applicant responded to the Air Force evaluation by submitting a letter of support from his senior rater at the time he was considered for...
AF | BCMR | CY2003 | BC-2002-03649
The rater and additional rater of the contested OPR provide statements contending that the correct PME level on the report should have been for SSS rather than ISS. The OPR closing 23 Jun 97 recommends SSS in residence. Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to demonstrate the existence of error or injustice to warrant altering the 23 Jun 96 OPR to reflect a PME recommendation of “SSS” rather than “ISS” and granting SSB consideration for the CY99A selection board.
AF | BCMR | CY2002 | BC-2001-02883
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 01-02883 INDEX CODE: 111.01, 131.01 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: NO _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: The Professional Military Education (PME) recommendations on his Officer Performance Reports (OPRs), closing 19 Mar 94 and 25 Nov 94, be changed from Intermediate Service School (ISS) to Senior Service School (SSS). The...
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 01-02040 COUNSEL: None HEARING DESIRED: No _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: The 16th AF Intel Officer of the Year 1990 award comments contained in his 19 Jun 92 Training Report (TR) be removed and added to his 4 Mar 91 Officer Performance Report (OPR), and he receive Special Selection Board (SSB) consideration for promotion to the...
AF | BCMR | CY2003 | BC-2002-00890
His Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF) prepared for consideration by the Calendar Year 1999B Central Lieutenant Colonel Selection Board be voided and replaced with a reaccomplished PRF. A complete copy of the AFPC/DPPPO evaluation is at Exhibit F. _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT'S REVIEW OF AIR FORCE EVALUATION: Applicant reviewed the advisory opinion and furnished a detailed response and additional documentary evidence which are attached...
AF | BCMR | CY2004 | BC-2003-03138
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBERS: BC-2003-03138 COUNSEL: None HEARING DESIRED: NO _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: The Field Grade Officer Performance Reports (OPR) closing out 30 September 1998, 30 September 1999, 30 September 2000 and 31 July 2001 be removed and replaced with reaccomplished reports covering the same periods and consideration for promotion to...