His nonselections for promotion to lieutenant colonel be set
aside; that his CY91B (P0591B) Lieutenant Colonel Promotion
Recommendation Form (PRF) be upgraded to a Definitely Promote;
and, that he be granted promotion to lieutenant colonel.
On 17 August 1995, the Board considered and approved the
applicant's request that his PRF for the P0591B Lieutenant
Colonel Selection Board be replaced with a reaccomplished
"Promote" PRF and that he be afforded Special Selection Board
(SSB) consideration. A summary of the evidence considered by the
Board and the rationale for its decision is set forth in the
Record of Proceedings, AFBCMR 94-04101, which is attached at
Exhibit G.
On 2 December 1996, the applicant requested the Board reconsider
his request based on new evidence. Applicant is asserting that
the Board failed to provide complete relief in its original
decision, and that the promotion selection boards that considered
his record were not held in compliance with law and directive
(Exhibit H) .
The Board erred by not setting aside the promotion nonselection
he had incurred at the original selection board.
Even though his CY91 PRF was upgraded from a "Do Not Promote This
Board'' to a \\Promote," he was not granted fair consideration
because his Management Level Evaluation Board (MLEB) was never
allowed to review his PRF during a quality review phase.
The SSB process is contrary to statute; a required quorum was not
present; the illegal original boards flawed the SSB benchmarks;
and, the scoring system is clearly arbitrary and capricious.
In further support of his appeal, he has provided additional
documents associated with the issues cited in his contentions
(Exhibit H) .
The applicant has five promotion nonselections to the grade of
lieutenant colonel by the following Lieutenant Colonel Selection
Boards: CY 91B ( 2 Dec 91), CY92B (16 Nov 92), CY93A (12 Oct 93),
CY94A (11 Oct 94), and CY 96C (8 Jul 96).
The applicant was considered and nonselected for promotion to the
grade of lieutenant colonel by a Special Selection Board (SSB) ,
which convened on 25 March 1996, for the CY91B Lieutenant Colonel
Selection Board.
On 5 August 1996, the applicant submitted a request for voluntary
retirement, effective 1 December 1996. On 30 November 1996, the
applicant was relieved from active duty in the grade of major
under the provisions of AFI 36-3203 (Maximum Service or Time-In-
Applicant was subsequently retired in the grade of
major, effective 1 December 1996. He had completed a total of 20
years of active service for retkrement.
The Air Force Evaluations Board Recorder, HQ AFPC/DPPPEB,
provided a technical review of the case. DPPPEB stated that the
purpose of the Management Level Evaluation Board (MLEB) quality
review phase is to merely confirm the "Definitely Promote"
recommendations are awarded to "Definitely Promote" quality
records; however, they cannot make senior raters change their
promotion recommendations. The quality review phase can merely
make suggestions to a senior rater.
The overall promotion
recommendation and the content of the PRF is solely the
responsibility of the senior rater. DPPPEB stated that unless
the applicant provides evidence to the contrary, this contention
is without merit. In order to have a PRF rating upgraded, it
requires both the concurrence of the senior rater and the MLEB
president, who would provide a quality review look at that time.
Since the applicant's PRF was upgraded to a \'Promote," DPPPEB
assumes this review was accomplished. The applicant provides no
support from either his senior rater or MLEB president that his
record warrants a "Definitely Promote" recommendation. Unless
further evidence is provided, DPPPEB recommended the applicant's
"Promote" recommendation stand (Exhibit I) .
The Selection Board Secretariat, HQ AE'PC/DPPB, stated that the
statute does not address the issue of voting/nonvoting members.
The applicant's central boards and SSBs were in compliance with
the statute. Applicant's claim that the SSB benchmark records
are tainted is without merit. The benchmark records used in the
SSB process are selected in accordance with applicable
directives. The scoring system used during the SSB process is
the exact same one used on the central board process and is in
keeping with governing directives.
DPPB disagrees with the
applicant's numerous accusations that the Air Force's promotion
board process is in violation of 10 U.S.C.
It has been
determined that the process and procedures comply with applicable
policy (Exhibit J) .
The Senior Attorney-Advisor, HQ AFPCIJA, reviewed the applicant's
request for reconsideration and recommended denial. JA stated
that by regulation, the only basis upon which an application can
be reconsidered is if and when the applicant submits "newly
discovered relevant evidence that was not available when the
application was previously considered." The applicant has
submitted nothing that meets this \\criterion;" his brief offers
no new evidence, but only a series of arguments supported almost
exclusively by the author's opinions. It is JA's opinion that
the applicant has failed to meet the requisite regulatory
standard for reconsideration.
JA opines that the applicant has failed to prove an error or
injustice warranting relief. The applicant claims error because
the AFBCMR afforded him exactly what he requested in his initial
request. Notwithstanding, he now claims he was not afforded full
and fitting relief because his nonselections for promotion by the
CY91B and later lieutenant colonel boards were not set aside.
Traditionally, this Board has not voided promotion nonselections
upon the determination of an error in the record warranting
special selection board consideration in accordance with 10
U.S.C., Section 628. Indeed, "it is well settled that the mere
voidance of OERs does not mandate voidance of prior passovers ....
JA would submit that the same holds true for the voidance of a
JA provided a detailed response to the applicant's numerous
contentions concerning MLEB procedures, SSBs being contrary to
statute and DoD Directive; and, his request for direct promotion.
For the reasons outlined in the evaluation, it is JA's opinion
that the applicant's request for reconsideration should be denied
since he has failed to meet the requisite criteria for
reconsideration; and, on the merits, the applicant has failed to
present relevant evidence of any error or injustice warranting
A complete copy of this evaluation is appended at Exhibit K.
AFPC/JA does not explain how documents like the Roane decision or
any information about the selection board process (upon which it
relies) were available.
This is a major problem for AFPC,
particularly the lack of standard operating procedures (SOPS) for
The "Quality Review
selection board operations and support.
Process" detailed in his package was not even mentioned in any
regulation until 1996! He has provided evidence and AFPC has
provided nothing, although such documentation is not only
required to exist, but to have been approved by SAF.
He again believes the evidence is clear. When the Board directed
correction of his PRF, the Board should also have directed set
aside of all the nonselections he had received to lieutenant
colonel. He therefore asks the Board to direct set aside of his
nonselections and upgrade his PRF to a "Definitely Promote"
recommendation. While he acknowledges senior raters may add
their "own" stratification comments, i. e. , how the senior rater
believes the officer ranked among his review group, there is
absolutely no provision for MAJCOM indorsement or 'special'
promote recommendations.
As the evidence demonstrated the
'special' promote recommendations effectively 'took away'
promotions from officers who receive legitimate promote
recommendations, there is no way his record can compete on a fair
and equitable basis. He therefore asks the Board to upgrade his
PRF for the 94 Colonel Boards to a "Definitely Promote"
The statute does not address the issue of
voting/nonvoting members. Common sense, however, dictates that
the quorum requirement was for the voting membership as the board
president is limited to "administrative duties" approved by the
In effect, AFPC is advocating an "election" without
"registered voters'' - which is certainly not contemplated by
statute. He did not claim the benchmark records were selected in
violation of regulation, rather that they were chosen arbitrary
and capriciously. AFPC however avoids that issue.
Based upon the evidence and the facts, he must conclude the SSBs
which considered his record were held contrary to law.
Additionally, given the clear errors at the original board
detailed in his response, the SSB process does not present a
viable avenue for resolution of his case. He therefore asks the
Board to not only set aside the nonselections, he also asks the
Board to correct his record to reflect selection for promotion to
lieutenant colonel by the CY91B Lieutenant Colonel Selection
A complete copy of this response is appended at Exhibit M.
1.. Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to
demonstrate the existence of probable error or injustice. We
have carefully considered the applicant's request and his most
recent submission in judging the merits of the case. In this
respect, we find insufficient evidence which would lead us to
believe that the applicant's consideration for promotion to the
grade of lieutenant colonel was contrary to the pertinent
provisions of the governing regulation, which implements the law.
The applicant's numerous contentions concerning his nonselections
for promotion to lieutenant colonel, upgrade of his P0591B
Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF), the statutory compliance of
central selection boards, the legality of the promotion
recommendation process, and the legality of the SSB process have
been duly noted. However, we find that the detailed comments by
the appropriate Air Force offices adequately address these
The applicant has provided no evidence which
successfully disputes HQ AFPC/JA' S interpretation of law or
showing that he was inequitably treated when compared to other
similarly situated officers.
We therefore agree with the
opinions and recommendations of the respective Air Force offices
and adopt the rationale expressed as the basis for our conclusion
that the applicant failed to sustain his burden of establishing
the existence of either an error or an injustice warranting
favorable action on this application.
2. The applicant's case is adequately documented and it has not
been shown that a personal appearance with or without counsel
will materially add to our understanding of the issue(s)
involved. Therefore, the request for a hearing is not favorably
The applicant be notified that the evidence presented did not
demonstrate the existence of probable material error or
injustice; that the application was denied without a personal
appearance; and that the application will only be reconsidered
upon the submission of newly discovered relevant evidence not
considered with this application.
The following members of the Board considered this application in
Executive Session on 14 October 1998, under the provisions of AFI
Mr. Thomas S. Markiewicz, Panel Chair
Mr. Charles E. Bennett, Member
Ms. Martha Maust, Member
The following
documentary evidence was considered:
Record of Proceedings, dated 19 Sep 95.
Letter from applicant, dated 2 Dec 96, w/atchs.
Letter, HQ AFPC/DPPPEB, dated 16 Oct 97.
Letter, HQ AFPC/DPPB, dated 5 Feb 98.
Letter, HQ AFPC/JA, dated 16 Apr 98.
Letter, SAF/MIBR, dated 22 Apr 98.
Letter from applicant, dated 22 Jun 98, w/atchs.
Panel Chair
9 4 - 0 4 1 0 1
(Exhibit D) The Air Force Management Level Review Recorder, AFPC/DPPPEB, recommended denial of applicant's request that his PRF for the CY91B lieutenant colonel board be upgraded to reflect a "Definitely Promote, " stating the applicant was unsuccessful in his request (to the Officer Personnel Records Review Board) to have the OPR closing 29 April 1991 removed; therefore, the PRF should stand. Noting applicant's argument that A i r Force promotion boards - violate 10 USC 616 and 617, JA...
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 94-03771 INDEX CODE: 131.00 COUNSEL: NEIL B. KABATCHNICK HEARING DESIRED: YES _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: The Promotion Recommendation (PRF), AF Form 709, prepared for consideration by the CY91B Lieutenant Colonel Board, which convened on 2 Dec 91, be replaced with a reaccomplished PRF containing an Overall Recommendation of...
AF | BCMR | CY1999 | BC-1994-03771
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 94-03771 INDEX CODE: 131.00 COUNSEL: NEIL B. KABATCHNICK HEARING DESIRED: YES _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: The Promotion Recommendation (PRF), AF Form 709, prepared for consideration by the CY91B Lieutenant Colonel Board, which convened on 2 Dec 91, be replaced with a reaccomplished PRF containing an Overall Recommendation of...
AF | BCMR | CY1999 | BC-1998-00348
As for the merits of these claims, in JA’s opinion, the Air Force’s SSB procedure fully comports with the 10 USC 628(a)(2) requirement that an officer’s “record be compared with a sampling of the records of those officers of the same competitive category who were recommended for promotion, and those officers who were not recommended for promotion, by the board that should have considered him.” The burden is on the applicant to prove otherwise, and he has failed to do so. AFPC has provided...
As for the merits of these claims, in JA’s opinion, the Air Force’s SSB procedure fully comports with the 10 USC 628(a)(2) requirement that an officer’s “record be compared with a sampling of the records of those officers of the same competitive category who were recommended for promotion, and those officers who were not recommended for promotion, by the board that should have considered him.” The burden is on the applicant to prove otherwise, and he has failed to do so. AFPC has provided...
The Air Force officer promotion boards which considered his records for promotion were held in violation of statute, DoD Directive and Air Force regulations. DPPPA indicated that if the Board should grant the applicant’s request to receive SSB consideration by the CY93A central selection board, with a corrected Apr 93 OPR and CY93A (P0593A) PRF, the “corrected by” annotations on those reports (and any other corrected documents in his OSR) will be removed. In this respect, we note the...
AF | BCMR | CY1999 | BC-1995-00115
The Air Force officer promotion boards which considered his records for promotion were held in violation of statute, DoD Directive and Air Force regulations. DPPPA indicated that if the Board should grant the applicant’s request to receive SSB consideration by the CY93A central selection board, with a corrected Apr 93 OPR and CY93A (P0593A) PRF, the “corrected by” annotations on those reports (and any other corrected documents in his OSR) will be removed. In this respect, we note the...
According to DPPPEB, there was no evidence presented to support the allegations of "illegal" information being considered in the PRF process. Also, there was no official evidence presented to support allegations of '\special" promote recommendations being used to identify officers who should be selected for promotion by the Central Selection Board. APPLICANT'S REVIEW OF AIR FORCE EVALUATION: In his response, the applicant indicated that the evidence proves that his PRF was based on an...
AF | BCMR | CY1999 | BC-1998-00291
Or, in the alternative, He be reinstated to active duty and given “valid” promotion consideration by Special Selection Board (SSB) for the Calendar Year 1991A (CY91A) and CY91B Lieutenant Colonel Central Selection Boards (CSBs); i.e., with overall recommendations of “Definitely Promote(DP)” on the Promotion Recommendation Forms (PRFs) and faithfully/realistically replicated competition. A copy of the complete evaluation is at Exhibit E. The Senior Attorney-Advisor, HQ AFPC/JA, provides a...
Or, in the alternative, He be reinstated to active duty and given “valid” promotion consideration by Special Selection Board (SSB) for the Calendar Year 1991A (CY91A) and CY91B Lieutenant Colonel Central Selection Boards (CSBs); i.e., with overall recommendations of “Definitely Promote(DP)” on the Promotion Recommendation Forms (PRFs) and faithfully/realistically replicated competition. A copy of the complete evaluation is at Exhibit E. The Senior Attorney-Advisor, HQ AFPC/JA, provides a...