SEP 2 1 t998
DOCKET NUMBER: 97-03732 . :.
His &tired rank to lieutenant colonel be restored.
He was selected for lieutenant colonel below-the-zone in December
1985, however, he did not pin on his new rank until April 1987.
At that time, an officer was required to serve three years in-
grade in order to retire in-grade unless (as he was led to
believe) a waiver was granted by the President. His family and
he reluctantly made the decision to retire in December 1989 after
20 years of active duty for a variety of reasons that were best
for them as a family. He felt he was a good candidate to receive
a waiver to retire in-grade. He was only asking to waive about
four months time-in-grade and the quality of his Air Force
service warranted special consideration. He sent his request for
a waiver through channels. The request never made it above staff
level at the Department of the Air Force and was denied so he
accepted their decision and retired in the grade of major.
Denial of his request was unjust. He doesn't believe his request
to retire in-grade was reviewed at the proper level prior to
disapproval. The short period of time required for a waiver was
insignificant given the totality of his career. He had to wait
an inordinate amount of time to pin on lieutenant colonel from
the time he was selected thus starting the three year clock late.
It is his understanding that subsequent to his retirement,
officers were allowed to retire in-grade with less than three
years which means the original rule was not written in stone.
His entire career was filled with a variety of flying and staff
jobs at the squadron, wing and command level at which he worked
very hard and achieved excellent results. He risked his life for
his country and gave the Air Force 20 years of solid service - -
he feels his request is reasonable and justified.
Applicant's complete submission is attached at Exhibit A.
97- 03732
Applicant was selected for promotion to the grade of lieutenant
colonel below-the-zone in D cember 1985; however, he did not
assume the grade until 1 M&
1 9 8 7 incurring a requirement to
serve three years in-grade in order to retire in-grade.
On 7 April 1989, applicant requested retirement effective
1 December 1 9 8 9 .
On 24 April 1989, applicant applied for a waiver to the three
year time-in-grade requirement.
On 6 June 1 9 8 9 , the Secretary of the Air Force Personnel Council
(SAFPC) accepted the applicant's application for retirement in
the grade of major, effective 1 December 1 9 8 9 .
On 30 November 1 9 8 9 , applicant retired in the grade of major
after serving 2 0 years and 26 days of active service.
The Retirements Branch, Directorate of Personnel Program
Management, AFPC/DPPRR, reviewed the application and states the
applicant was correctly retired in the grade of major. He did
not meet the time-in-grade requirements of law to retire in the
highest grade held on active duty (lieutenant colonel) and,
therefore, retired in the next lower grade in which he served on
active duty satisfactorily, as determined by the Secretary of the
Air Force, for not less than six months. The applicant has not
provided any evidence that an injustice or error in his records
exists or occurred. Rather, he advises that he believes he was a
good candidate to receive a waiver to retire in-grade. The only
evidence to support his request for a waiver to the time-in-grade
requirement of law for 'cases involving extreme hardship or
exceptional or unusual circumstances, was Ais wish to accept a
civilian job that might not have been available if he delayed
past the date of his requested retirement date. Additionally,
they cannot find any evidence of documentation submitted to
substantiate that portion of his request.
A1 t hough they
understand the member's concerns, they are not certain that his
request involved a case of extreme hardship or exceptional or
unusual circumstance. However, his request was processed in
accordance with the laws and policies and the SAFPC, on behalf of
the Secretary, considered his request and approved his retirement
in the grade of major. As a matter of note, the provision of, law
that allows the "President" to approve a waiver for extreme
hardship or exceptional or unusual circumstances does not allow
approval authority to be delegated to any position lower than the
President; it does not prohibit, however, disapproval by
97 - 0 3 7 3 2
authorized o ficials prior to Presiden ial. No injusti es or
irregularities occurred in the processing of applicant's
retirement request and all provisions of law have been correctly
met. Therefore, they recommend denial of applicant's request.
. ~.
A complete copy of the Air Force evaluation is attached at
Exhibit C.
The applicant reviewed the Air Force evaluation and states that
he does wish to submit the following as a special circumstance.
During his absence from the Air Force from about April 1979 to
September 1980, he was employed as a pilot for United Airlines.
He was furloughed from United Airlines in 1980 and successfully
applied to return to the Air Force. When he was recalled to
United Airlines in late 1984, he wrote and told them that he had
chosen to remain in the Air Force. He received a letter back
from United Airlines informing him that he had to return within
five years (by late 1989) to reclaim his position at United
Airlines. When he was selected for lieutenant colonel below-the-
zone he rated his prospects for increased rank as fairly good and
felt confident about his selection for colonel and perhaps later
on, general officer. At that point he felt good about his
decision to remain in the Air Force and leave United Airlines
behind. However, around 1988, his commander informed him that he
had not been selected as a candidate for command of an
operational squadron - a key indicator of the possibility for
future promotions. It appeared to him at this point that he had
attained the highest rank he would ever achieve in the Air Force.
This would mean that he would face the mandatory retirement point
just as his children were about to enter college. It seemed
clear to him that the best move for his family would be to retire
from the Air Force and return to his guaranteed position at
United Airlines. He wishes to reiterate a point that the time
from his notification of selection to lieutenant colonel was
extraordinarily long.
Had a normal amount of time elapsed
between notification of selection and actual assumption of rank
occurred, he would have been in-grade well over three years and
there would be no reason for a request for correction.
Additionally, circumstances have been created at certain times
where two years of service are suitable to retire in-grade.
Applicant's complete response is attached at Exhibit E.
1. The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by
existing law or regulations.
2. The application was not timely filed; however, it is in the
interest of justice to excuse the failure to timely file.
3. Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to
demonstrate the existence of probable error or injustice..,. We
took notice of the applicant's complete submission in judging the
merits of the case; however, we agree with the opinion and
recommendation of the Air Force and adopt their rationale as the
basis for our conclusion that the applicant has not been the
victim of an error or injustice. It is unfortunate that the
applicant could not have delayed his retirement for an additional
five months in order to retire in the grade of lieutenant
colonel. However, his reasons for retiring does not fall in the
category of extreme hardship or exception or unusual
circumstances to be waived under Section 1370, Title 10, United
States Code, paragraph (a) (2) (A). Therefore, in the absence of
evidence to the contrary, we find no compelling basis to
recommend granting the relief sought in this application.
The applicant be notified that the evidence presented did not
demonstrate the existence of probable material error or
injustice; that the application was denied without a personal
appearance; and that the application will only be reconsidered
upon the submission of newly discovered relevant evidence not
considered with this application.
The following members of the Board considered this application in
Executive Session on 18 August 1998, under the provisions of AFI
Mr. Henry C. Saunders, Panel Chair
Mr. Dana J. Gilmour, Member
Ms. Ann L. Heidig, Member
Ms. Gloria J. Williams, Examiner (without vote)
The following documentary evidence was considered:
Exhibit A. DD Form 149, dated 12 December 1997, w/atchs.
Exhibit B. Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
Exhibit C. Letter, AFPC/DPPRR, dated 30 January 1998, . ,.
Exhibit D. Letter, AFBCMR, dated 9 February 1998.
Exhibit E. Applicant's Response, date 20 February 1998.
8 0 JAN Oa]
550 C Street West, Suite 11
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4713
SUBJECT: Application for Correction of Military Records
Reauested Action. Restore his retired rank to Lieutenant Colonel (05).
Bask for Request. Applicant was selected for Lieutenant Colonel below the zone
in December 1985; however, he did not assume the grade until 1 May 1987. At that time,
an officer was required to serve three years in grade in order to retire in grade unless (as
applicant was led to believe) a waiver was granted by the President. Applicant reluctantly
made the decision to retire in December 1989 after 20 years of active duty for a variety of
reasons that were best for his family. Applicant believed he was a good candidate to
receive a waiver to retire in grade. He attests that he was only asking to waive about four
months time in grade and the quality of his Air Force service warranted special
consideration. Applicant submitted a request for waiver and processed it through
channels. The requests never made it above staff level at the Department of the Air Force
and were denied so he accepted the decision and agreed to retire in the grade of Major.
a. Section 1370, Title 10, United States Code (UCS), paragraph (a)(2)(A)
states (Atch 1): “In order to be eligible for voluntary retirement under any provision of
this title in a grade above major or lieutenant commander, a commissioned officer of the
Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps must have served on active duty in that grade for
not less than three years, except that the Secretary of Defense may authorize the Secretary
of a military department to reduce such period to a period not less than two years in the
case of retirements effective during the nine-year period beginning on October 1, 1990.”
b. Paragraph (a)(2)(B) of that same law also provides that the President
may waive paragraph (a)(2)(A) in individual cases involving extreme hardship or
exceptional or unusual circumstances. The authority of the President under the preceding
sentence may not be delegated (Atch 2).
c. Section 1370, Title 10, U.S.C., paragraph (b) states (Atch 3): “An
officer whose length of service in the highest grade he held while on active duty does not
meet the service in grade requirements sp&ified in paragraph (a) shall be retired in the
next lower grade in which he served on active duty satisfactorily, as determined by the
Secretary of the military department concerned for not less than six months.”
d. Applicant voluntarily applied for retirement on 7 Apr 89 to be effective
1 Dec 89 (Atch 4). His application included a request to waive Section 1370, Title 10,
U.S.C., which requires officers in the grade above major or lieutenant commander, to
serve on active duty in that grade for not less than three years. Applicant indicated he
filly understood the Public Law requirement to remain on active duty through 1 M a y
1990 to retire in the grade of lieutenant colonel. He also indicated that he wanted to retire
in the grade of major on 1 Dec 89, if his request to retire as a lieutenant colonel on that
date was denied.
e. By Secretad memorandum dated 6 Jun 89 (Atch 9, the Secretary of
the Air Force Personnel Council accepted the application submitted on 7 Apr 89, by
applicant for retirement in the grade of major, effective December 1, 1989.
Recommendation: Denial.
a. The applicant was correctly retired in the grade of Major. He did not
meet the time-in-grade requirements of law to retire in the highest grade held on active
duty (Lieutenant Colonel) and, therefore, retired in the next lower grade in which he
served on active duty satisfactorily, as determined by the Secretary of the Air Force, for
not less than six months.
b. , The applicant has not provided any evidence that an injustice or error in
his records exists or occurred. Rather, he advises that he believes he was a good
candidate to receive a waiver to retire in grade. The only evidence to support his request
for a waiver to the time-in-grade requirement of law for “cases involving extreme hardship
or exceptional or unusual circumstances” was his wish to accept a civilian job that might
not have been available if he delayed past the date of his requested retirement date.
(Additionally, we cannot find any evidence of documentation submitted to substantiate
that portion of his request.) Although we understand the member’s concerns, we are not
certain that his request involved a case of extreme hardship or exceptional or unusual
circumstance. However, his request was processed in accordance with the laws and
policies and the SAF Personnel Council, on behalf of the Secretary, considered his request
(As a matter of note, the provision of
and approved his retirement in the grade ofM‘or.
law that allows the “President” to approve et waiver for extreme hardship or exceptional or
unusual circumstances does not allow approval authority to be delegated to any position
lower than the President; it does not prohibit, however, disapproval by authorized officials
prior to Presidential.) No injustices or irregularities occurred in the processing of this
retirement request and all provisions of law have been correctly met.
1/ detirernents Branch
Directorate of Personnel Program Management
1. Section 1370, Title 10, U.S.C.
2. Section 1370, Title 10, U.S.C., paragraph (a)(2)(A)
3. Section 1370, Title 10, U.S.C., paragraph (b)
4. AFForm 1160
5. Secretarial memorandum, 6 Jun 89
. -- 1
p a
i p"y for nonregular service
it e (beginning with section
transferred to 88 12731 to
d l h . .
' .
Entitlement to eqmmlsion: commissioned officers advanced on retired list.
Temporaty disability retired lists.
Commiaabned ofiiwrs: general rule; e~ceptions.
Grade on retirement For h y s d disability: members of armed forces.
Higher grade for later p&Sical dhbilitF retired officers . d e d to active
1371. Warrant officers: general d e .
[1374. Re<&3.l
8 1370. Commissioned officers: genera1 rule; exceptions
Tomy.--(l) Unless entitled to a higher retired grade under Borne
other provision of law, a commissioned officer (other than a com-
missioned warrant officer) of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine
Corps who retires under- any provision of law other .than .chapter
61 or chapter 1223 of this title shall, except as provided in para-
graph (2), be retired in the highest grade in which he served on ac-
tive duty satisfactorily, as determined by the Secretary of the mili-
tary de artment concerned, for not less than sir months.
(2)h) In order to be eligible for voluntary retirement under
any provision of this title in a grade above major or lieutenant com-
Navy, Air Force, or
mander, a commissioned officer of the
Marine Corps must have. served on active uty in that grade for
not less than three years, except that the Secretary of Defense may
authorize the Secretary of 8 mlitary department to reduce such pe-
to "$ uring the nine-year period beginning on October 1, 1990.
riod not less than two years in the case of retirements
(B) The President may waive subparagraph (AI in inhvidual
cumstances. T 5 e authority of the President under the preceding
cases involvin extreme hardship or exceptional or unusual cir-
sentence may not be delegated.
(C) In the case of a grade below the grade of lieutenant eneral
or rice admiral, the number of members of one of the armef forces
in that grade for whom a reduction is made during any fiscal year
in the period of service-in-grade otherwise required under this
paragraph may not exceed the number equal to two percent of the
authorized activeduty stren h for that fiscal year for officers of
(3) A reserve or temporary officer who is notified that he will
be released from active duty without his consent and thereafter re-
quests retirement under section 3911, 6323, or 8911 of this title
and is retired pursuant to that request is amaidered for purposes
of this section, to have beensetired involuntarily. An officer retired
pursuant to section Pl86(bX1) of this title is considered for pur-
poses of this section to have been retired voluntarily.
(11) RETrREMENT IN NEXT LoWER GRADE.-^ officer whose
length of service in the highest grade he held while on active duty
that armed force in that gra 8 e
. -
- .-
. :
WASHINGTON DC 20330-1000
SUBJBcTs Voluntary Ftetiranent i n Lower Grade - ACJ?ION ME3DRANDUM
%he Secretary of the Air Force accepts the application submitted on
retirement i n the grade of major, effective DecaTlber 1, 1989.
Colonel, USAF
Acting Depty DirectOK
SAF ~ r s o n n e l Council
976 3.7 3
AF | BCMR | CY2004 | BC-2003-02723
A complete copy of the advisory opinion is at Exhibit F. _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT’S REVIEW OF ADDITIONAL EVALUATION: The applicant asserts he is not applying for a TIG waiver under Section 1370(a)(2)(D) but that his retirement in the grade of LTC be approved under Section 1370(a)(2)(A) based on his more than two years of service in that grade; or, in the alternative, his DOR for LTC be changed to reflect three years TIG based on the equities...
AF | BCMR | CY2002 | BC-2002-03507
_________________________________________________________________ AIR FORCE EVALUATION: AFPC/DPPRRP states that Section 1370, Title 10, United States Code, paragraph (a)(2)(A) states: “In order to be eligible for voluntary retirement under any provision of this title in a grade above major or lieutenant commander, a commissioned officer of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps must have served on active duty in that grade for not less than three years, except that the Secretary of...
AF | BCMR | CY2006 | BC-2005-02899
The applicant signed a statement in the remarks section of the AF Form 1160 that indicated, “In lieu of a 2-year remote assignment and under the 7 day retirement option I will accept retirement in the grade of 0- 5 for the purpose of retirement pay.” _________________________________________________________________ AIR FORCE EVALUATION: AFPC/DPPRRP recommends denial of the applicant’s request. To date, a response has not been received. ...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2003 | 2003084887C070212
The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. By law and regulation, in order to retire in the rank, a commissioned officer in the grade of LTC must serve on active duty in rank for three years. In addition, given the applicant voluntarily elected to retire prior to completing her satisfactory service obligation as a LTC, and because she was authorized a retired grade of MAJ, the Board finds no basis to authorize her...
AF | BCMR | CY2004 | BC-2004-01089
His active duty (AD) service from 18 Jan 01 until 31 May 02, be credited as the highest grade held of lieutenant colonel. On 31 May 02, after 21 years and 18 days of active service, the applicant was released in the grade of major from AD and converted to a traditional Reserve status (IMA) on 1 Jun 02. Reserve Order BA-475, dated 4 Jun 02, ordered the applicant’s promotion to the Reserve grade of lieutenant colonel with a date of rank (DOR) of 18 Jan 01 and an effective date of 1 Jun 02,...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2009 | 20090016773
On 9 June 2008, the applicant was ordered to active duty to obtain 20 years of active Federal service under the Extended Active Duty (EAD) Sanctuary Program. The applicant's records show he was honorably retired on 30 November 2009 and was placed on the retired list in his retired rank/grade of MAJ/O-4. The applicant in this case completed 8 months and 28 days of active service in the promoted grade upon his retirement on 30 November 2009.
ARMY | DRB | CY2005 | 20050007949
As a result of this decision, section 503 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2002 enacted Title 10, U. S. Code, section 1558 and amended Title 10, U. S. Code, section 628 to require members challenging unfavorable treatment by a selection board to apply to their Service Secretary for consideration by a special board or a special selection board. The evidence of record shows the applicant was selected for promotion to LTC by an SSB subsequent to his retirement. As a result,...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2009 | 20090018669
During the original review of this case it was determined the applicant voluntarily requested and was granted retirement in the rank of major prior to completing the 3 years of service as an LTC as required by law to retire in that grade. Further, the evidence fails to support a conclusion the family considerations that resulted in him declining his overseas assignment and requesting retirement rose to the level of extreme hardship, or exceptional or unusual circumstances, at the time he...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2011 | 20110010091
The applicant states he held the rank of MG for more than 2 years on active duty. In connection with his retirement his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), DD Form 363A (Certificate of Retirement), and DD Form 2 (Retired) (U.S. Uniformed Services Identification Card) all indicated that he was retired in the rank of MG. f. He understands that in order to be eligible for retirement at a grade above major, a commissioned officer of the Army must have served on...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2011 | 20110006270
BOARD DATE: 24 January 2012 DOCKET NUMBER: AR20110006270 THE BOARD CONSIDERED THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCE: 1. On 14 July 2010, the applicant was advised by officials at HRC that he had been selected for promotion to LTC by an SSB; however, because he was retired and he was no longer in an active status (on the RASL), he could not be promoted. Accordingly, the applicants records should be corrected to show he was promoted to the rank of LTC on 21 December 2007 as if he was occupying an LTC...