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AF | BCMR | CY1997 | 9602470
Original file (9602470.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved


DOCKET "MBER:  96-0 





Her  records  be  corrected  to  reflect  the  period  18  June  through 
7 July  1996  was  permissive  temporary  duty  (PTDY)  rather  than 
ordinary leave. 


Her commander erroneously granted her permissive TDY prior  to her 
separation  from  active  duty. 
Two  days  prior  to  her  final 
outprocessing, her commander's error was discovered.  Her commander 
and Military  Personnel  Flight  (MPF) chief  told  her  to follow her 
plans and leave as scheduled. 

In support of her request, applicant provided a statement from her 
commander who had  erroneously approved the PTDY and  copies of  her 
leave request/authorization.  (Exhibit A) 


The available records reflect the applicant enlisted in the Regular 
Air Force on 20 August 1992 for a period of four years.  On 31 July 
1996,  she  was  honorably  released  from  active  duty,  under  the 
miscellaneous/general  reasons), and  transferred  to  the  Air  Force 
She  is  currently  assigned  to  the  Obligated  Reserve 

( voluntary 





The  Commander's  Programs  Branch,  AFPC/DPSFC,  stated  applicant's 
master  military  pay  account  (MMPA) shows 20  days  of  excess  leave 
since applicant's days of leave exceeded the days accrued as of the 
date of  release from active duty on 31 July 1996.  The MMPA  shows 
11 days of leave p r i o r   to 18 June 1996; 20 days of leave 18 June - 
7 July 1996  (which commander had erroneously approved as PTDY); and 
24 days of  terminal leave 8-31 July 1996.  The MMPA shows applicant 
had 11.5 days of leave on 1 October 1995 and earned 23 days. 


The  Commander's  Programs  Branch,  AFPC/DPSFC,  reviewed  this 
application  and  recommended  denial,  stating  the  Transition 
Assistance  Management  Program  (TAMP) under  10  USC,  Chapter  5 8 ,  
provides for benefits  and  services for members  being  separated or 
One  of  the  benefits  is  PTDY  fox job  or 
recently  separated. 
residence  search. 
TAMP-eligible  members  include  certain 
involuntary  separatees,  retirees,  and  separatees  under  the 
voluntary separation incentive  (VSI) or special separation benefit 
(SSB)  program. 
Applicant  separated  under  normal  voluntary 
separation  provisions;  therefore,  she  is  not  TAMP-eligible. 
(Exhibit C) 

The  Transition  Operations  Branch, AFPC/DPPTT,  recommended  denial 
miscellaneous/general  reasons.  She voluntarily separated  and  was 
not eligible for transition benefits.  (Exhibit D) 







The  Claims  Branch,  DFAS-DE/FYCC, stated  a  review  of  applicant's 
military  pay  record  shows that  she was  on Ordinary  Type A  leave 
18 Jun  -  7 Jul  96,  and  on terminal  leave  8-31  July  9 6 .  
She did 
incur a debt due to excess leave.  (Exhibit E) 


Copies of the Air Force evaluations were forwarded to the applicant 
on  13  January 1 9 9 7   for review and comment within 30 days.  As  of 
this date, no response has been received by this office. 


The  applicant has  exhausted all  remedies provided  by  existing 

law or regulations. 
2 .   The application was timely filed. 
3.  Sufficient relevant evidence has been presented  to demonstrate 
the  existence  of  probable  injustice. 
In  this  regard,  the 
commander's erroneous permissive TDY authorization was not detected 
until  two  days  before  applicant's scheduled  departure.  Had  this 
information  been  available  to  the  applicant  when  she  was 
contemplating voluntary  separation, and  in view  of  the  fact  that 
she would not have had sufficient accrued leave to cover the entire 
career choice as 
to  her  actual  separation date.  In  our  opinion, it  would  be  an 
injustice to penalize  the applicant  for an error that  should have 
been  detected  when  she  initially  began  her  outprocessing. 
Therefore, to preclude any injustice to the applicant, we recommend 

we believe she may have made  a different 


AFBCMR  96-02470 

that  the  records  be  corrected  to  reflect  the  applicant  was  on 
permissive TDY status rather than ordinary leave status during the 
period in question. 

The pertinent military  records of  the Department of  the Air Force 
relating to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that during the period 
-18 June 1996 through 7 July 1996, she was in a permissive temporary 
duty  (PTDY) status rather than ordinary leave (Type A) status. 


The  following members of  the Board considered this application in 
Executive  Session  on  15  July  1997, under  the  provisions  of 
36-2603 : 

Mr. Wayne R. Gracie, Panel Chair 
Ms. Sophie A. Clark, Member 
Mr. Michael P. Higgins, Member 

All  members  voted  to  correct  the  records, as  recommended. 
following documentary evidence was considered: 


Exhibit A. 
Exhibit B. 
Exhibit C. 
Exhibit D. 
Exhibit E. 
Exhibit F.  Letter, SAF/MIBR, dated 13 Jan 97. 

DD Form 149, dated 15 Aug 96, w/atchs. 
Applicant's Master Personnel Records. 
Letter, AFPC/DPSFC, dated 1 Nov 96. 
Letter, AFPC/DPPTT, dated 5 Nov 96. 
Letter, DFAS-DE/FYCC, dated 23 Dec 96. 

k ! m x 2 ; F  

Panel Chair 


AFBCMR  96-02470 



JUN 1 2  1998 

Office of the Assistant Secretary 

AFBCMR 96-02470 


Having received and considered the recommendation of the Air Force Board for Correction 
of Military Records and under the authority of Section 1552, Title 10, United States Code (70A Stat 
116), it is directed that: 




itary records of the Department of the Air Force relating t
be corrected to show that during the period 18 June 1996 through 7 July 
ssive temporary duty (PTDY) status rather than ordinary leave (Type A) 


Air Force Review Boards Agency 



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