NAVY | DRB | 2003_Navy | ND03-00946
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable or general/under honorable conditions. In the acknowledgement letter, the Applicant was informed that the Naval Discharge Review Board (NDRB) first conducts a documentary review prior to any personal appearance hearing. However, at this time, the Applicant has not provided sufficient verifiable documentation of good character and conduct to mitigate his misconduct while on...
NAVY | DRB | 2003_Navy | ND03-00540
ND03-00540 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review was received on 20030212. The Applicant requests a documentary record discharge review. “I served honorably for 2 years before I made the mistakes in May, Jun & July of 1997.
NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-00335
The Applicant requested a documentary record discharge review. Documentation In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the Applicant, was considered:Recommendation for Disposition from Discipline Officer, TPU, Norfolk PART II - SUMMARY OF SERVICE Prior Service (component, dates of service, type of discharge): Active: USN None Inactive: USNR (DEP) 970115 - 970128 COG Period of Service Under Review :Date of Enlistment: 970129 Date of Discharge:...
NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-00330
ND02-00330 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 020129, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to general/under honorable conditions. The VA determines eligibility for post-service benefits not the Navy Discharge Review Board. The names, and votes of the members of the Board are recorded on the original of this document and may be obtained from the service records by writing to:Naval Council of Personnel Boards Attn: Naval...
NAVY | DRB | 1999_Navy | ND99-00863
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (NDRB) DISCHARGE REVIEW DECISIONAL DOCUMENT ex-SMSN, USN Docket No. ND99-00863 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 990611, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. Relief to a fully Honorable discharge is, however, not warranted.The applicant’s second issue states: “I have been very involved in the Children’s Ministry at my Church and in Latino Affairs at the...
NAVY | DRB | 2003_Navy | ND03-00684
ND03-00684 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review was received on 20030310. The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to general/under honorable conditions. The names, and votes of the members of the Board are recorded on the original of this document and may be obtained from the service records by writing to:Naval Council of Personnel Boards Attn: Naval Discharge Review Board 720 Kennon Street SE Rm 309 Washington...
NAVY | DRB | 2000_Navy | ND00-00700
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (NDRB) DISCHARGE REVIEWDECISIONAL DOCUMENT ex-SHSN, USN Docket No. In the acknowledgement letter to the applicant, he was informed that the Naval Discharge Review Board (NDRB) first conducts a documentary review prior to any personal appearance hearing and the NDRB does not travel outside the Washington, D.C. area. The discharge shall remain: UNDER OTHER THAN HONORABLE CONDITIONS/IN LIEU OF TRIAL BY COURT MARTIAL, authority:...
NAVY | DRB | 2001_Navy | ND01-00889
ND01-00889 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 010702, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable or general/under honorable conditions. After a review of the Former Service Members (FSM) DD Form 293 Application for the Review of Discharge or Dismissal from the Armed Forces of the United States and all of the evidence assembled for review, we continue to note the request of the appellant of an upgrade of his Under...
NAVY | DRB | 2001_Navy | ND01-00364
I really liked the service. After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board found that the discharge was proper and equitable (D and E).The applicant’s issue #1 states that an unplanned pregnancy and youth and immaturity were his reasons for desertion. PART IV - INFORMATION FOR THE APPLICANT If you believe that the decision in your case is unclear, not responsive to the issues you raised, or does not otherwise comport...
NAVY | DRB | 2004_Navy | ND04-00336
The Applicant requests a documentary record discharge review. E. Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5420.174C of 22 August 1984 (Manual for Discharge Review, 1984), enclosure (1), Chapter 2, AUTHORITY/POLICY FOR DEPARTMENTAL DISCHARGE REVIEW. PART IV - INFORMATION FOR THE APPLICANT If you believe that the decision in your case is unclear, not responsive to the issues you raised, or does not otherwise comport with the decisional document requirements of DoD Directive 1332.28, you may submit...