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NAVY | BCNR | CY2011 | 01818-11
Original file (01818-11.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied

WASHINGTON BC 20370-5100


Docket No. 01818-12
29 June 2011


This is in reference to your application for correction of your
naval record pursuant to the provisions of 10 USC 1S52 .

A three-member panel of the Board for Correction of Naval
Records, sitting in executive session, considered your
application on 27 June 2011. Your allegations of error and
injustice were reviewed in accordance with administrative
regulations and procedures applicable to the proceedings of this
Board. Documentary material considered by the Board consisted
of your application, together with all material submitted in
support thereof, his naval record and applicable statutes,
regulations and policies.

After careful and conscientious consideration of the entire
record, the Board found that the evidence submitted was
insufficient to establish the existence of probable material
error or injustice. Although you took the E-4 Navy -wide
advancement examination while on active duty in March 1985, you
were separated from active duty in June 1985, before the final
advancement results were released. In August 1985, you
reenlisted in the Naval Reserves, and on 23 September 1985, you
received a letter from the Bureau of Naval Personnel authorizing
advancement in the E-4/SK3 rating from the active duty
advancement examination. On 6 November 1985, you were
terminated from drilling reserve status for failure to maintain
satisfactory participation. Since you did not have your
commanding officer's recommendation to advance from the active
duty exam into the Reserves, you were therefore, not promoted to
B-4/SK3. Accordingly, your application has been denied. The
names and votes of the members of the panel will be furnished
upon request.
It is regretted that the circumstances of your case are such
that favorable action cannot be taken. You are entitled to have
the Board reconsider its decision upon submission of new and
material evidence or other matter not previously considered by
the Board. In this regard, it is also important to keep in mind
that a presumption of regularity attaches to all official
records. Consequently, when applying for a correction of an
official naval record, the burden is on the applicant to
demonstrate the existence of probable material error or



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