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NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 02193-02
Original file (02193-02.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved

B O A R D  F O R   C O R R E C T I O N   O F   N A V A L   R E C O R D S  

2   N A V Y A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

Docket  No:  2 193-02 
I  I  .Iune 2002 




I  .  Pursuant  to  the  111-ovisions ot' refcrcnce  (;I). Si~l!icct  Iier-cinafter refrretl  to  its  l'eti tioner, 
filed enclosure  ( I  )  with  this  J3oartl  requesting,  in  ct't.~~t. 
that  tlie  applicable naval  I-ecortl be 
corrected  to  estahlisli  entitlct~ii~nt to  a  7onc  "('"  Sc~lcctivc Kc'enlist~nc~it Ronus  (SKR) for  tlie 
IS  ratins. 

2 .   The  Board,  consisting  of  Messrs.  I . ) L I I ~ I ~ .  I'l;'it't'er.  ;111d T;~ylo~-, 
allegations of  error and  injustict.  o n   I  I  .Iune 1002 and, pllrsunt  to  its  regulations,  deter-~iiinetl 
that  tlie  corrective action  indicated  below  slio~~ltl Iw  taken  on  tlie  avaiL111le evidence of 
record.  Docu~iien tary  material  consi~l~retl 
records.  and  appl icahle  statutes.  regulations  ;111d pol icics. 

I,y  tlic  l3o;1rtl consistrtl of  tlie enclos~ires, naval 

reviewed  I'etitioner's 

3.  The  Hoard,  having  reviewctl  all  tlie  hcts ot' record  pertaining  to  I'etitioner's  allegations 
of  error  and  i~i.justice, finds  ;IS  follou~s: 

a.  Before  applying  10 this  I3oartl.  I'etitioner  cxliausted  all  xl~iii~iistrative re~iiedies 

available  u~ider existing  law  and  regulations  within  the  Ikpartment  of  tlie  Navy. 


I n  corresponclencr  att;~clietl as enclost~re (2). tlie ofl'ice  having cogniza~ice over  the 

subject  ~iiatter aove enlitlctl  1i1;ltter. 


I).  ZSA 

G .  L.  ADAh4S 
Acting  Recorder 

I'i~rsuant to  the  delegation  of  autliority  set  out  ill  Section  6(e) of' tlie  revised  I'rocedures 

5 .  
of  tlie  Board  for  Correction  of' Naval  12ecortls (32 Code of  f'ederal  Regulations, Section 
723.6(e)) antl  having  assll~-ctl co~iipliance wi tli  its  provisions,  i t   is  liereby  announced  that  tlie 
foregoing  corrective action.  taken  under  the  al~tliori ty  of'  reference  ( a ) ,  has  been  approved  by 
the  Board  on  behalf  of  the  Secretary  of  tlie  Navy. 

1 1  June 2002 


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