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NAVY | BCNR | CY1998 | 05583-98
Original file (05583-98.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied
D E P A R T M E N T  O F  T H E  N A V Y  


WASHINGTON DC  20370-5100 

LCC :ddj 
Docket No:  5583-98 
23 March  1999 




,:  . 

This is in  reference to your application for correction of  your naval  record pursuant to the 
provisions of  title  10 of  the United  States Code, section  1552. 

A three-member panel of  the Board  for Correction of  Naval  Records,  sitting in  executive 
session, considered your application on 23 March  1999.  Your allegations of  error and  injustice 
were reviewed in  accordance with  administrative regulations and  procedures applicable to the 
proceedings of  this Board.  Documentary material considered by  the Board consisted of  your 
application, together with  all material submitted in  support thereof, your naval record and 
applicable statutes, regulations and policies.  In  addition, the Board  considered the advisory 
opinion furnished by  CMC memorandum  1001/ 1 MMEA-6 of  17 February  1999, a copy of 
which is attached. 

After careful and  conscientious consideration of  the entire record,  the Board  found that the 
evidence submitted was insufficient to establish the existence of probable material error or 
injustice.  In  this connection,  the h a r d  substantially concurred with  the comments contained in 
the advisory opinion.  Accordingly, your application has been  denied.  The names and votes of 
the members of  the panel will be furnished upon  request. 

It is regretted  that the circumstances of  your case are such that favorable action cannot be taken. 
You  are entitled to have the Board  reconsider its decision upon  submission of  new and  material 
evidence or other matter not previously considered by  the Board.  In  this regard,  it is important 
to keep in  mind  that a presumption of  regularity attaches to all official records.  Consequently, 
when applying for a correction of  an official naval record,  the burden  is on  the applicant to 
demonstrate the existence of  probable material error or injustice. 


Executive Director 




3 2 8 0 R U S S E L L R O A D  

QUANTICO,  V I R G I N I A   22 134-5 103 

MMEA- 6 
17 Feb 99 



Subj : 

1.  We have reviewed 
that you deny his re 
The following~~chronology pertains: 

.request and recommend 

at the full rate. 

-  On 14  arch. 1











'  request for 


-  On 7 April 1997, 






 His current 

reenlistment was r
enlistment contract was a probationary reenlistment contract. 
This type of contract is given to members who have experienced a 
career setback, and the observation contract provides for time to 
correct discrepancies.  S p e c i a l l y , r  received 
an adverse fitness report, disenrollment from SCaff 
Noncommissioned Officer Course and nonjudical punishment for 
violation of articles 112, drunk when reporting for temporary 
duty and 134, 2 counts of disorderly conduct, of the Uniform Code 
of Military Justice (UCMJ).  He was instructed to rekubmit his 
request when he was within 90 days of his expiration of active 
service  (EAS) . 

-  on 23 October 1997, 


-  On 31 December 1997, 


was denied further 
ce was that 

received his second adverse report during the 
probationary contract.  This report cited his relief from his 
primary duty as Administrative Chief, due to his attitude and 
demonstrated lack of skills.  He rendered himself ineligible for 
further service because he obtained a adverse fitness report 
while serving on a probationary reenlistment contract. 


2.  In denying 
him a reenlist 
code is warranted on the basis of his sub  andard 

performance/conduct.  Additionally, 4 

authorized involuntary separation pay at the-T2CI-f rate.  Per 
Marine Corps Order P1900.16E1 Marine Corps Separation and 
Retirement Manual, and SECNAVINST 1900.7G, Separation Pay for 
Involuntary Separation from Active Duty, a Marine must be fully 
qualified for reenlistment in order to receive full separation 

furt-her service we assigned 
f RE-3C.  This reenlistment 

Subj:  BCNR DOCKET NO. 05583-98 CASE OF F 

case, he did not qualify for 
..---- - 
re to maintain the performanre 

and conduct standards expected of a staff noncommissioned officer 
of his experience, grade, age and maturity thus, he rendered 
Career Planning and Retention Manual.  Therefore, I-. ' 
himself unqualified for retention per MCO P1040.31G  Enlisted 
1C1) was only entitled to separation pay at the one half rate. 

3.  Based on 
conduct and in accordance with current orders and ~olicies h~ 
J ,   * A -  
was not qualified for reenlistment. f was 
granted the correct amount of separat 
Therefore, we recommend that you deny 
request for full separation pay. 

substandada perrformance and 


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