Application for the Correction of
the Coast Guard Record of:
BCMR Docket No. 1998-108
ANDREWS, Attorney-Advisor:
This is a proceeding under the provisions of section 1552 of title 10 and section
425 of title 14 of the United States Code. It was commenced upon the BCMR’s receipt of
the applicant’s application on August 18, 1998.
appointed members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case.
This final decision, dated May 6, 1999,
is signed by the three duly
The applicant is a xxxxxxxx on active duty in the Coast Guard Reserve. He
asked the Board to correct his military record to show that he reenlisted for six years
(instead of four years) on July 17, 1998. The correction would entitle him to receive a
Selective Reserve Prior Service Enlistment Bonus pursuant to ALDIST 072/98.
The applicant stated that upon the expiration of his enlistment, he immediately
reenlisted for a term of 4 years on July 17, 1998. He alleged that he was never counseled
about ALDIST 072/98, under which he could have received a maximum reenlistment
bonus if he had extended for 6 years. He alleged that he would have reenlisted for 6
years had he been properly counseled about the ALDIST. He stated that he learned
about ALDIST 072/98 when he reported to his new unit after reenlistment.
On April 13, 1999, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard submitted an advisory
opinion in which he recommended that the Board grant the applicant’s request.
The Chief Counsel stated that, on the date of his reenlistment, the applicant was
eligible for a Level I bonus pursuant to ALDIST 072/98 and the Selected Reserve Reen-
listment/Extension Bonus Program. However, the Chief Counsel alleged that the Coast
Guard had no duty to counsel him regarding his eligibility. He alleged that neither
COMDTINST 7220.1A nor any other regulation required the Coast Guard to advise
Reserve members of their eligibility for bonuses.
Nevertheless, he recommended that the Board grant relief because the appli-
cant’s agreement to obligate himself for another two years of service would provide the
Service with “the necessary consideration for the Level I Bonus he now seeks.” Fur-
thermore, the Chief Counsel stated that the applicant’s record supports his claim that he
would have reenlisted for 6 years on July 17, 1998, had he known of the bonus opportu-
The Chairman sent the applicant a copy of the views of the Coast Guard. On
April 26, 1999, the applicant responded, concurring in the Chief Counsel’s recommen-
On November 8, 1989, the applicant enlisted in the Coast Guard Reserve for a
period of 8 years. His DD Form 214 shows that he was discharged upon the completion
of his enlistment (which had been extended) on July 16, 1998. On July 17, 1998, he
reenlisted in the Reserve for a term of 4 years. After his reenlistment, on August 18,
1998, the applicant signed a CG-3307 form, which advised him that he had been eligible
to reenlist for up to 6 years but would only be paid a bonus for 4 years according to the
terms of the reenlistment contract he had signed on July 17th. The applicant applied to
the BCMR that same day.
Title 37 U.S.C. § 308(a)(1) authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to pay a
bonus to a member who has “not more than fourteen years of active duty; is qualified in
a military skill designated as critical . . . and reenlists or voluntarily extends the mem-
ber’s enlistment for a period of at least three years—(i) in a regular component of the
[Coast Guard]; or (ii) in a reserve component of the [Coast Guard], if the member is per-
forming active Guard and Reserve duty . . . .”
ALDIST 072/98, issued on March 23, 1998, announced the continuation of bonus-
es for certain Reserve members who reenlisted or extended their enlistments before
September 30, 1998. xxxxxxxxx, such as the applicant, were authorized to receive Level
I bonuses of $2,500 if they obligated themselves to perform 6 additional years of service.
COMDTINST 7220.1A, “Selected Reserve (SELRES) Enlisted Bonus Programs,”
issued on February 5, 1998, contains the policies and administrative guidelines govern-
ing Reserve bonuses. Enclosure (1) to the instruction contains the eligibility require-
ments for the reenlistment bonus program. Members in paygrade E-5 who have fewer
than 14 years of service and who have not received a previous 6-year bonus or more
than one 3-year bonus are eligible if they meet the terms of the current ALDIST. Para-
graph 4 of the enclosure, “Administrative procedures for bonus payment,” states that
“[m]embers must sign an agreement made on an Administrative Remarks form (CG-
3307) (sample in this enclosure) when reenlisting or extending their enlistment.”1 The
sample form CG-3307 is reproduced below:
Entry Type: Selective Reserve Reenlistment/Extension Bonus (BON-1)
Reference: COMDTINST 7220.1 (series)
Responsible Level: Unit
(DATE): I have been advised that I am currently eligible for a Level _____ Selective
Reserve Reenlistment Bonus as listed in ALDIST _______, which has been made
available to me.
I am eligible to reenlist/extend my enlistment up to a maximum of ____ years. My
bonus will be computed based on _____ months of newly obligated service.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the contents and
explanation of COMDTINST 7220.1 (series).
(signature of member/date)
Article 8-B-2 of the Reserve Policy Manual (COMDTINST M1001.28) states that
“[t]he provisions of 12-B-4, Personnel Manual, COMDTINST M1000.6 (series) . . . apply
to members of the [Selected Reserve], except as explained below.” None of the excep-
tions listed pertains to the contents of a Reservist’s predischarge interview.
Article 12-B-4.b.(3) of the Personnel Manual provides that during a member’s
predischarge interview, “each potential reenlistee who would be eligible for a Selective
Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) must be informed of that eligibility and the monetary bene-
fits of the SRB program.”
1 The Coast Guard Reserve publishes its manuals and bonus instructions on the internet. See, e.g.,
COMDTINST 7220.1A at
(signature of counselor)
In BCMR Docket No. 121-93, the applicant asked the Board to correct his military
record to show that he had extended his service in the regular Coast Guard for 6 years,
and was therefore due a selective reenlistment bonus (SRB). The Deputy General
Counsel granted relief, finding in part that “Coast Guard regulations require that mem-
bers be ‘fully advised’ of SRB opportunities”2 and that the Board had “commonly
afforded relief under similar circumstances in the past, and . . . reversal of such prece-
dents without a firm basis in the record would be clearly unreasonable here.”
In BCMR Docket No. 69-97, the applicant asked the BCMR to correct his record
to show that he had extended his enlistment for 6 years in order to receive an SRB. The
Deputy General Counsel concurred in the Board’s recommended decision. She noted
that “the SRB statute, 37 U.S.C. § 308(a), refers equally to SRB eligible members who
‘reenlist[] or voluntarily extend[] [their] enlistment[s].’” BCMR Docket No. 69-97, Dep-
uty General Counsel’s Concurring Decision, at 2. She concluded that the Coast Guard
had no rational basis for distinguishing between potential reenlistees and potential
extendees. Therefore, the “Coast Guard erred in drafting COMDTINST 7220.13E when
it failed to require mandatory counseling for potential extendees on an equal basis with
potential reenlistees.” Id. at 3.
The Board makes the following findings and conclusions on the basis of the
applicant's military record and submissions, the Coast Guard's submissions, and appli-
cable law:
The Board has jurisdiction concerning this matter pursuant to section 1552
of title 10, United States Code. The application was timely.
The applicant signed a sworn statement indicating that he was never
counseled about the terms of ALDIST 072/98 prior to his reenlistment on July 17, 1998.
He alleged that, had he been counseled, he would have reenlisted for six years, instead
of four, to earn a Level I bonus. There is no evidence in his record that he was coun-
seled concerning ALDIST 072/98 prior to his reenlistment.
The Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard argued that the Coast Guard did
not err with respect to this case because it has no duty to counsel members of the
Reserve about their eligibility for reenlistment bonuses. Nevertheless, he recommended
that the Board grant relief because the applicant would be obligating himself to extra
years of service in exchange for the bonus.
2 The Deputy General Counsel cited BCMR Nos. 224-87, 263-87, 268-87, 285-87 for this position.
In BCMR Docket No. 69-97, the Deputy General Counsel found that the
Coast Guard had erred in drafting its regulations to require counseling about bonus eli-
gibility for potential reenlistees but not for potential extendees. She stated that under 37
U.S.C. § 308, Congress intended both reenlistees and extendees to benefit from the
bonus program and that the Coast Guard had no rational basis for counseling one
group but not the other. Likewise, in 37 U.S.C. § 308, Congress authorized payment of
bonuses to members on active duty in the Reserve as well as the regular Coast Guard.
The Board recognizes that the different nature of the Reserve may require many differ-
ences in policy and regulations. Nevertheless, the Board is not persuaded that members
on active duty in the Selected Reserve are any less entitled to being counseled about
their bonus opportunities than members of the regular Coast Guard.
Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 7220.1A states that, to receive a bonus,
Reserve “[m]embers must sign an agreement made on an Administrative Remarks form
(CG-3307) (sample in this enclosure) when reenlisting or extending their enlistment.”
The sample form shown in the regulation is to be signed by a “counselor” as well as the
member. Moreover, the member must acknowledge that he has been “advised” of his
eligibility for a bonus. However, nothing in COMDTINST 7220.1A states that all eligi-
ble members must be counseled concerning their eligibility for a bonus.
According to Article 8-B-2 of the Reserve Policy Manual, Article 12-B-4 of
the Personnel Manual applies to the applicant as a member of the Selected Reserve.
Article 12-B-4.b.(3) of the Personnel Manual provides that during a member’s predis-
charge interview, “each potential reenlistee who would be eligible for a Selective
Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) must be informed of that eligibility and the monetary bene-
fits of the SRB program.” The SRB program is the reenlistment bonus program for the
regular Coast Guard that corresponds to the reenlistment bonus program for the
Reserves. Because Article 8-B-2 of the Reserve Policy Manual expressly makes the
terms of Article 12-B-4 applicable to the Selected Reserve, the Board finds the Coast
Guard had a duty to counsel the applicant concerning his eligibility under the corre-
sponding bonus program for the Reserves.
The Coast Guard erred by failing to counsel the applicant about his eligi-
bility for a bonus under ALDIST 072/98. Had the Coast Guard properly counseled the
applicant, he would have reenlisted for six years to receive a Level I bonus.
Accordingly, the applicant’s request should be granted.
Mark A. Holmstrup
The application for correction of the military record of XXXXXXXX, USCGR, is
hereby granted. His record shall be changed to show that, on July 17, 1998, he
reenlisted for a period of 6 years for the purpose of obtaining a reenlistment bonus. The
Coast Guard shall pay the applicant the sum he is due as a result of this correction.
Walter K. Myers
Pamela M. Pelcovits
However, he stated that the Coast Guard recommended relief because the applicant’s agreement to obligate himself for another two years of service would provide the Service with “the necessary consid- eration for the Level II Bonus he now seeks.” Furthermore, the Chief Counsel stated that the applicant’s record supports his claim that he would have reenlisted for 6 years on May 22, 1998, had he known of the bonus opportunity. (3) of the Personnel Manual provides that during a member’s...
VIEWS OF THE COAST GUARD On January 14, 2000, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard recommended that the Board “grant relief” not by awarding the applicant the promised bonus but by giving him a choice of three options: • Correct his enlistment contract to show that he entered a rating that quali- fies him for a bonus under ALDIST 072/98 (he would also have to attend “A” School in the new rating). The Chief Counsel admitted that the applicant’s recruiter promised him a bonus upon enlistment...
The Chief Counsel also argued that, even if the Board found that the Coast Guard had erred and that the applicant would have extended his service if he had been counseled, the Board should still deny relief because, under the Supreme Court’s deci- 3 Although there are records for only two extensions prior to the applicant’s reenlistment on July 5, 1987, the applicant must have extended his first enlistment three times. Based on the applicant’s allegations, his military record, and the views...
The Board recommended granting relief, despite the fact that the Personnel Manual in effect at the time required only that members reenlisting receive SRB counseling. Given this regulation and the applicant's statement that "to the best of [his] knowledge [he] was not counseled" about his SRB eligibility in 1981, the Board finds that the preponderance of the evidence indicates that the applicant was not counseled about his SRB eligibility when he signed the 13-month extension contract on...
This final decision, dated September 9, 1999, is signed by the three duly RELIEF REQUESTED The applicant, a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on active duty in the Coast Guard, asked the Board to correct his military record to show that, in 1982, he extended his enlistment so that he could receive a Zone B Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) pursuant to ALDISTs 340/81 and 004/82. Thus, the Board finds that the Coast Guard did have a duty to coun- sel the applicant about his eligibility for an SRB by...
On August 19, 2001, the applicant and a Coast Guard yeoman signed a Page 7 (form CG-3307)1 documenting that he had been advised by the yeoman that he was eligible to receive a $5000 bonus if he reenlisted in the Coast Guard Reserve for six years. Accordingly, because the applicant signed his reenlistment contract on August 30, 2001, he should have known within two or three months after signing that contract that he had not received the initial payment of his reenlistment bonus. If the...
This final decision, dated April 12, 2001, is signed by the three duly appointed RELIEF REQUESTED The applicant, a xxxxxxxxxx on active duty in the Coast Guard, asked the Board to correct his military record to show that on February 14, 1982, he extended his enlistment for six years so that he could receive a Zone A1 selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) calculated with a multiple of four, pursuant to ALDISTs 340/81 and 004/82. Furthermore, the Deputy Gen- eral Counsel has held that “Coast...
The applicant in BCMR 54-97 enlisted in the Coast Guard for four years in 19xx and thereupon reenlisted for three years. The applicant in BCMR 69-97 enlisted in the Coast Guard in 19xx for four years and in 1980 reenlisted for six years. The Coast Guard has retained him for the six-year period, and, to quote the Deputy General Counsel in Dockets 54-97 and 69-97, “that is a sufficient basis on which to conclude that Coast Guard would have retained applicant for six years if he had obligated...
VIEWS OF THE COAST GUARD On October 22, 2002, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard recommended that the Board grant relief by awarding the applicant the promised bonus. The Board finds, and the Chief Counsel admits, that the Coast Guard erred when it told the applicant he would be eligible for a $3,000 Level II bonus, even though that amount was not authorized in ALDIST 224/98, the applicable ALDIST at the time of his enlistment. correction of his military record is granted, as...
The Chief Counsel stated that when the applicant’s records are found, “we expect to find a record of counseling among Applicant’s former service records docu- menting his pre-discharge interview conducted in accordance with Article 12.B.4.” of the Personnel Manual. If the applicant underwent a proper pre-discharge interview in accordance with Article 12-B- 4.b., it would have occurred at approximately the same time and an administrative entry documenting the interview should appear in his...