VA - (2 Mos. Post-Separation) | |||||||
Code | Rating | Condition | Code | Rating | Exam | ||
Chronic LBP due to DDD | 5242 | 10% | Degenerative Disc Disease | 5242 | 20% | 20050611 | |
Other x 2 | |||||||
Combined: 40% |
Thoracolumbar ROM (Degrees) |
MEB ~ 3 Mo. Pre-Sep | VA C&P ~ 2 Mo. Post-Sep |
Flexion (90 Normal) | 90 | 90 |
Combined (240) | 235 | 225 |
Comment | Low back spasms; no neurosensory changes | Pain, fatigue and lack of endurance with repetition |
§4.71a Rating | 10 % | 10 % |
AF | PDBR | CY2013 | PD-2013-01856
The condition was characterized by the MEB as “chronic low back pain with lumbar degenerative disc disease” and it was forwarded to the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) IAW AR 40-501. The PEB adjudicated “chronic low back pain”…with “no neurological deficits “as unfitting, rated 10%citing criteria of the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD).The remaining condition was determined to be “medically acceptable.” The CI made no appeals and was medically separated. Contended Pain and...
AF | PDBR | CY2013 | PD-2013-02490
Post-Separation)ConditionCodeRatingConditionCodeRatingExam Chronic Back Pain, Due To Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease5299-524210%Lumbar Spine Strain 523710%20060414Other x 0 (Not in Scope)Other x 720060414 Rating: 10%Combined Rating: 20%Derived from VA Rating Decision (VARD)dated 20060727(most proximate to date of separation) Low Back Condition .Absent of direct trauma, the CI first reported low back pain (LBP) in July 2004 andthat was persisted throughout the balance of his service career. ...
AF | PDBR | CY2013 | PD-2013-01837
RATING COMPARISON : Service IPEB – Dated 20040610VA -(STR) ConditionCodeRatingConditionCodeRatingExam Chronic Low Back Pain without Neurologic Abnormality5299-523710%Degenerative Disc Disease of the Lumbar Spine at L5 (claimed as chronic low back pain)524210%STROther x 0Other x 1 Rating: 10%Combined Rating: 10%Derived from VA Rating Decision (VARD)dated 20041026 ( most proximate to date of separation [DOS]). BOARD FINDINGS : IAW DoDI 6040.44, provisions of DoD or Military Department...
AF | PDBR | CY2012 | PD2012-00857
Lumbar spine X‐rays 25 October 2002 were normal including normal intervertebral disc spaces. The VA rated 40% citing limitation of motion at the time of the C&P examinations over a year after separation (coded 5293‐5292). Service Treatment Record Exhibit C. Department of Veterans’ Affairs Treatment Record XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, DAF President Physical Disability Board of Review SFMR‐RB MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, US Army Physical Disability Agency (TAPD‐ZB / XXXXXXXX), 2900 Crystal Drive, Suite...
AF | PDBR | CY2013 | PD-2013-01871
The Board’s assessment of the PEB rating determinations is confined to review of medical records and all available evidence for application of the VASRD standards to the unfitting medical condition at the time of separation. The Board gives consideration to VA evidence, particularly within 12 months of separation, but only to the extent that it reasonably reflects the severity of the disability at the time of separation. Post-Separation) ConditionCodeRatingConditionCodeRatingExam Chronic...
AF | PDBR | CY2013 | PD-2013-01843
The Board’s assessment of the PEB rating determinations is confined to review of medical records and all available evidence for application of theVeterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) standards to the unfitting medical condition at the time of separation. BOARD FINDINGS : IAW DoDI 6040.44, provisions of DoD or Military Department regulations or guidelines relied upon by the PEB will not be considered by the Board to the extent they were inconsistent with the VASRD in...
AF | PDBR | CY2013 | PD-2013-01816
The commander’s statement noted that the CI’s back condition precluded him from performing critical field tasks, his condition further interfered with his MOS duties and adversely affected his unit’s readiness.The MEB narrative summary (NARSUM) exam approximately 5 monthsprior to separation documented that the CI was seen in the ER on 3 October 2003 and given intravenous morphine for acute LBP and that he still had occasional moderate LBP. RECOMMENDATION : The Board, therefore, recommends...
AF | PDBR | CY2014 | PD-2014-01101
The Informal PEB adjudicated “chronic low back pain”as unfitting, rated 10%,with likely application of the Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD).The remaining conditions were determined to be not unfitting.The CI made no appeals and was medically separated. The Board’s assessment of the PEB rating determinations is confined to review of medical records and all available evidence for application of the Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) standards to...
AF | PDBR | CY2013 | PD-2013-01815
The VA physical examination revealed normal gait and posture. The Board additionally considered if the symptomatic lower extremity radiculopathy warranted an additional disability rating; but, members agreed that the requisite link of the neuropathy symptoms with functional impairment was not in evidence. RECOMMENDATION : The Board, therefore, recommends that there be no recharacterization of the CI’s disability and separation determination.
AF | PDBR | CY2013 | PD-2013-01900
SEPARATION DATE: 20040310 BOARD FINDINGS : IAW DoDI 6040.44, provisions of DoD or Military Department regulations or guidelines relied upon by the PEB will not be considered by the Board to the extent they were inconsistent with the VASRD in effect at the time of the adjudication.The Board did not surmise from the record or PEB ruling in this case that any prerogatives outside the VASRD were exercised.In the matter of the back condition and IAW VASRD §4.71a, the Board unanimously recommends...