- - -
i b l l Olq Skit\ lC'l<, bI~~Ml5blt (l.ASl', l+lRSl Mli1l)l.b. lNlr~IAI~~
Al)l)l i ~ i I i ( j ~ ~
ti) [ h i AFBCMK
/\(Ivi\c ; I I > ~ I I C ~ ~ - I I I I 01' the decision of the Board, the right to a personal appearance with/without counsel, ;uid [lie right 10
1 N;tmr\ id botch will hc rn;~dc available to the applicant at the applicant's requesl.
AI"IiQ I'OHM 0-2077, JAN 00
Prcviouh cdition will I>c u ~ d
(;ENEMl,: 'rhc applicant appeals for upgrade ol' discharge to honorable.
'Tlie applicant was offcred a personal appearance before thc Discharge Review Board (DRI3) hiit declinccl to
cxcrcise this right.
'I'hc attached brief contains available pertinent data on the applicant and the frlctors leading lo thc discharge.
FlN1)INGS: Upgrade of discharge is denied.
'I hc Board fincls that neither the evidence of record nor that provided by the tipplicant substaniiates a11
i~lcclt~iiy or inrpropriety that would justify a change of discharge.
ISSIJE: Applicant rcccivcd a Gcneral discharge for Misconduct - Drug Abusc
Appliciint \uhrniltcd no issucs. The records indicated the applicant received an Articlc 15 for wronglully
using rnari.juaria. Giver] the Air Force Lero tolerance for wrongful use of dri~gs, the Uoard co~icludcd 11ic
misconduct wa\ a significant dcparture from conduct cxpcctcd of all mililary members atid the
c.iiari~ctcrizatioli of the discharge received by thc applicant was found lo be appropriate.
CONCLUSIONS: The Discharge Review Board concludcs that the discharge was co~lsistcnt with illc
~xoccclural and substantive rcquircments of' the discharge regulatior~ and was within the discretion 01'
authority and that the applicant was provided full adminislrativc due process.
In vicw of the foregoing findings the Board further concludes that lhere exists no legal or ccluitable
upgradc o f discharge, thus the applicant's discharge should not be changed.
Lxurnitlcr's Bricf
(Former AB) (WGH SRA)
1. MATTER UNDER REVIEW: Appl rec'd a GEN Disch fr USAF Pope AFB, NC on 19 May
05 UP AFI 36-3208, para 5.54 (Misconduct - Drug Abuse). Appeals for Honorable
a. DOB: 25 Jul 83. Enlmt Age: 18 5/12. Disch Age: 21 9/12. Educ: HS DIPL.
AFQT: N/A. A-56, E-74, G-59, M-62. PAFSC: 2A351B - Avionics Systems
Journeyman. DAS: 3 Mar 03.
b. Prior Sv: (1) AFRes 23 Jan 02 - 3 Jun 02 ( 4 months 12 days) (Inactive) .
a. Enlisted as AB 4 Jun 02 for 6 yrs. Svd: 02 YrS 11 MO 16 Das, all AMS.
b. Grade Status: AB - 12 Apr 05 (Article 15, 12 Apr 05)
SrA - 19 Nov 04
A1C - 19 Jul 02
A m - 04 Dec 02
c. Time Lost: None.
d. Art 15's: (1) 12 Apr 05, Pope AFB, NC - Article 112a. You did,
within the continental United States, between on or
about 1 Dec 04 and 28 Dec 04, wrongfully use marijuana.
Reduction to AB and a reprimand, (No appeal) (No
e. Additional: None.
f. CM: None
g. Record of SV: 4 Jun 02 - 29 Feb 04 Pope AFB 5 (HAF Dir)
1 Mar 04 - 28 Feb 05 Pope AFB 5 (Annual)
h. Awards & Decs: GWOTSM, AFTR, NDSM.
i. Stmt of Sv: TMS: (03) Yrs (03) Mos (28) Das
TAMS: (02) Yrs (11). Mos (16) Das
4. BASIS ADVANCED FOR REVIEW: Appln (DD Fm 293) dtd 13 Nov 05.
(Change Discharge to Honorable)
SUBJECT: Notification Memorandum
1. I am recommending your discharge from the United States Air Force for Misconduct: Drug
Abuse. The authority for this action is AFPD 36-32 and AFI 36-3208, paragraph 5.54. This action
could result in your separation with an Under Other Than Honorable Conditions (UOTHC)
Discharge. I am recommending that your service be characterized as an Under Honorable
Conditions (General) Discharge.
2. My reason for this action is between on or about 1 Dec 04 and on or about, 28 Dec 04, you
wrongfully used Marijuana, as documented by an AF 3070, Record of Nonjudicial Punishment
Proceedings, dated 12 Apr 05 and a Report of Investigation, dated 4 Mar 05.
, - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Military counsel may be obtained to assist you. Contact TSgt i .-..-....-.. $extension 4-2362) at
the Area Defense Counsel's office, to schedule an appointment with the Area Defense Counsel
(ADC). You may have a military counsel other than the ADC, if the lawyer you request is in the
active military service and is reasonably available as determined according to AFI 5 1-201. In
addition to military counsel, you have the right to employ civilian counsel. The Air Force does not
pay expenses incident to the employment of civilian counsel. Civilian counsel, if employed, must
be readily available.
5. You have the right to submit a statement on your behalf. Any
Separation Authority to consider must reach me by
receive an extension for good cause shown. Any
Separation Authority.
6. If you fail to consult counsel or to submit statements on your behalf within three duty days,
your failure will constitute a waiver of your right to do so.
7. You have been scheduled for a medical examination. You must report to the Pope AFB Flight
Medicine Clinic on b h y at /3W hours for the examination.
8. Any personal information you furnish in rebuttal is covered by the Privacy Act of 1974. A copy
of AFI 36-3208 is available for your use at http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/.
9. Execute the attached acknowledgment and return it to me immediately.
1. AF Form 3070, 12 Apr 05 (3 pgs)
2. Report of Investigation, dated 4 Mar 05 (19 pgs)
3. Receipt of Notification Memorandum
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00431
thus the applicant's discharge should not be changcd. d. Art 15's: (1) 13 Jun 03, Minot AFB, ND - Article 134. (Atch 4-5) c. You, who knew of your duties at or near Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, on or about 5 Apr 03, were derelict in the performance of those duties in that you willfully failed to refrain from consuming alcohol while under the age of twenty-one years of age, as it was your duty to do, You were punished under Article 15 of the UCMJ on 1 May 03 and a UIF was established.
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00428
ISSUE: Applicant received a General discharge for Misconduct - Civilian Convictioli Applicant coillends discharge was inequitable because il was based on onc isolated incident in ltis 57 ~ n o n t l i ~ ot wrvicc and there was no judicial action and one year uilrestricted probation, Thc rccords indicated the i~pplicanl rcccivcd two Letters of Reprimand and one Lxtter of Counseling for misconduct to iiicludc rccciving ;i tickct i i ~ r fiiling lo stop at a stop sign and then not notifying his...
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00387
SERVICE UNDER REVIEW: a. Enlisted as AB 13 Dec 95 for 4 yrs. b. Grade Status: AB - 6 Apr 99 (Article 15, 6 Apr 99) SrA - 13 Dec 98 A1C - 13 Apr 97 A m - 13 Jun 96 c , Time Lost: None. d. Art 15's: (1) 6 Apr 99, Howard AFB, Panama - Article 134.
AF | DRB | CY2005 | FD2005-00263
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE KEVlEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable. For these actions, applicant was convicted in a Civilian Court o f Assault on a Female and Coinmunicating Threats and received 60 days in jail. In addition to military counsel, you have the right to employ civilian counsel.
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00359
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NIIMRER FD-2005-00359 GENEFIAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable, to change the reason and authority for the discharge, and to change the reenlistment code. Attachment: Examiner's Brief DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD ANDREWS AFB, MD (Former AB) (HGH AMN) 1 . (No appeal) (No mitigation) Additional: VBC, 5 MAR 03 - Counseled of the consequences of continued violations of Air...
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00314
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATlONALE CASE NliWBER F1)-2006-0031 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to Honorable. Attachment: Examiner's Brief DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD ANDREWS AFB, MD (Former AMN) (HGH A1C) 1. (Change Discharge to Honorable) Issue 1: 1 am requesting an upgrade of my discharge because with time, I have learned a lot from mistakes made at the time.
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00385
Advise applicant of the decision of the Board, the right to a personal appearance withlwithout counsel, and the right to submit an application to the AFBCMR Names and votes will be tilade available to the applicant at the applicant's request. A -a I (EF-V2) Previous edition will be used -2 AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD DECISIONAL RATIONALE CASE NIJMBER FD~2005-00385 GENERAL: The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to general. Room 6600 Washington, DC 20593 I DD FORM 293, MAR...
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00321
Attachment: Examiner's Brief DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD ANDREWS A m , MD (Former AB) (HGH A1C) 1. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS 72D AIR BASE WING (AFMC) TINKER AIR FORCE BASE OKLAHOMA MEMORANDUM FOR 72 ABWICC FROM: 72 ABWIJA SUBJECT: Legal Review of AFPD 36-32 and AFI 36-3208 Discharge Action: -. I am recommending that your service be characterized as an Under Honorable Conditions (General) Discharge.
AF | DRB | CY2005 | FD2005-00255
BASIS ADVANCED FOR REVIEW: Appln (DD Fm 293) dtd 20 Jun 05 (Change Discharge to Honorable) Issue I: I am requesting an upgrade in my discharge to an honorable discharge. For this misconduct you received a Letter of counseling, dated 28 Jun 04. Military legal counsel is available to assist you.
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2005-00292
ImIIIv1IIU.x FD-2UUs-00292 I CKNEKAL: Thc applicant appeals to change thc rcason and authority for the dischargc and to changc the reenlislment code. I Attachment: DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE A I R FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD ANDREWS AFB, MD (Former A l C ) (HOH A I C ) 1. I am recornn~ending ydur discharge from thc United States Air Force for unsatisfadory duty performance.