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AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-04530
Original file (BC-2012-04530.txt) Auto-classification: Approved














Her 11 September 2012 Fitness Assessment (FA) score be declared 
void and removed from the Air Force Fitness Management System 





The number of sit-ups she performed during the contested FA were 
inaccurately counted. The monitor/counter was making numerous 
adjustments to the way she was sitting which affected her 
properly counting the number of sit-ups performed. The Physical 
Training Leader (PTL) noted this during the assessment and 
advocated on her behalf to the Fitness Assessment Cell (FAC) 
staff, but to no avail. 


The applicant’s complete submission, with attachments, is at 
Exhibit A. 





The applicant currently serves on extended active duty as a 
member of the Air National Guard (ANG) in the grade of master 
sergeant (E-7). 


On 11 September 2012, the applicant participated in the 
contested FA. She attained a composite score of 32.50 after 
receiving the following component scores: abdominal 
circumference – 20.00 points, push-ups – 8.20 points, sit-ups – 
4.30 points, and cardio – 0.00 points. 


The remaining relevant facts pertaining to this application are 
described in the letter prepared by the appropriate office of 
the Air Force, which is attached at Exhibit C. 






AFPC/DPSIM recommends denial, indicating the applicant has 
presented no clear evidence of an error or injustice. While the 
applicant has provided a copy of her signed fitness assessment 

score sheet, a signed memo from her chain of command, and a memo 
outlining the facts and circumstances of her contested FA, she 
ultimately chose to self-terminate her test, resulting in the 
contested failure. 


A complete copy of the AFPC/DPSIM evaluation, with attachment, 
is at Exhibit C. 






She was told that her signature on the fitness assessment score 
sheet was to document that she had self-terminated the test. 
She would not have signed the form if she had known it was 
agreeing to the validity of the test. She reiterates that the 
manner in which the counter let go of her feet and readjusted 
several times while she was performing her sit-ups caused her 
sit-ups to be mis-counted. She argues that the counter’s 
actions were so disruptive that she could not recover. As a 
senior non-commissioned officer, she would take personal 
accountability if the test outcome was due to her own error or 
shortcoming. Her command has shown their belief in her and the 
necessity to have the contested FA score removed from AFFMS. 


A complete copy of the applicant’s response is at Exhibit E. 






1. The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by 
existing law or regulations. 


2. The application was timely filed. 


3. Sufficient relevant evidence has been presented to 
demonstrate the existence of an injustice. The applicant 
contends that she was unable to attain the minimum number of 
sit-ups due to the manner in which the contested fitness 
assessment (FA) was administered. We note the comments of the 
Air Force Office of primary responsibility indicating the 
applicant provided no clear evidence of an error or injustice; 
however, we believe a preponderance of the evidence indicates 
that corrective action is warranted. In this respect, we note 
the unequivocal support of the applicant’s commander and rating 
chain indicating that while the applicant’s FA failure was 
attributable to her decision to terminate the FA, she only did 
so because she was unable to attain the minimum number of sit-
ups for an overall passing score due to the manner in which the 
sit-up component of the test was administered. Although the 
physical training leader (PTL) noted this discrepancy during the 
assessment and advocated in the applicant’s behalf, the fitness 
assessment cell (FAC) staff was unable to resolve the situation 

at the scene. In our view, the applicant did everything she 
should have done to attempt to resolve the situation during the 
contested FA. Therefore, in view of the above, we recommend the 
applicant’s records be corrected as indicated below. 






The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air 
Force relating to the APPLICANT be corrected to show that her 
11 September 2012 Fitness Assessment be declared void and 
removed from the Air Force Fitness Management System (AFFMS). 




The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket 
Number BC-2012-04530 in Executive Session on 13 June 2013, under 
the provisions of AFI 36-2603: 


 Panel Chair 




All members voted to correct the records as recommended. The 
following documentary evidence was considered: 


 Exhibit A. DD Form 149, dated 13 September 2012, w/atchs. 

 Exhibit B. Applicant’s Master Military Personnel Records. 

 Exhibit C. Letter, AFPC/DPSIM, dated 11 October 2012, 


 Exhibit D. Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 30 October 2012. 

 Exhibit E. Letter, Applicant, dated 5 November 2012, 







 Panel Chair 



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