1. An exception to policy be granted so that he may be
considered by a retroactive Special Selection Board (SSB) for
promotion to the grade of major after receiving his first
officer performance report (OPR) following the relief granted in
AFBCMR Docket No. BC-2010-00050.
2. The AFBCMR write a letter to the Board president to explain
why they are considering his OPRs although written well after
the Fiscal Year (FY) board.
3. If he is promoted by SSB, his corrected service dates and
Date of Rank (DOR) to the grade of major be adjusted and be
reflected in his record.
4. If he is promoted to the grade of major by the SSB, that the
original AFBCMR correction, that directs any nonselections for
promotion to the Reserve grade of major prior to receiving three
OPRs with at least 250 days of supervision, be set aside and
applied to his consideration for promotion to the grade of
lieutenant colonel.
Since the Board justly expunged his previous promotion boards to
the grade of major and based on his service dates, he should be
granted an exception to policy that allows him to be considered
for promotion to the grade of major through the SSB process. He
believes the promotion consideration should be based on his
current support to the Global War on Terrorism in the Air Force
Reserve and history of honorable service, to include documented
valor in combat in Iraq and Bosnia.
He served on active duty as a captain from 1 Jun 92 14 Dec 98,
in the Air Force Reserve until 6 Apr 06, and again until the
present without meeting a promotion board. Further, in
following the intent of AFI 36-2504, OFFICER PROMOTION,
AIR FORCE, it requires him to be properly considered by the
first eligible promotion board, including any SSBs, if he should
have been considered by that board. He believes that this will
give him proper consideration, an equitable opportunity to
create a promotable record, and career progression.
In support of his appeal, the applicant provides a personal
statement and a copy of the directive from his previous Board
decision, AFBCMR Docket No. BC-2010-00050.
The applicants complete submission, with attachments, is at
Exhibit A.
The applicant entered active duty on 1 Jun 88. He was
progressively promoted to the grade of captain, with an
effective date and date of rank of 1 Jun 92. He was discharged
from active duty on 13 Dec 98 and credited with 10 years,
6 months and 13 days of active duty service.
The applicant was commissioned in the Reserve of the Air Force
on 14 Dec 98, when he took the oath of office and assigned to
the Nonobligated Nonparticipating Ready Personnel Section
(NNRPS). He was considered but not selected for promotion by
the Fiscal Year 2001 (FY01) Reserve of the Air Force Major
Promotion Board, which convened on 6 Mar 00. After 2 years in
NNRPS, the applicant was assigned to the Inactive Status List
Reserve Section (ISLRS) on 14 Dec 00. Once assigned to ISLRS he
was not eligible for promotion consideration. On 7 Apr 04, the
applicant applied for and was assigned to the Air Force
Admissions Liaison Officer program. The AF Admissions Liaison
Program was responsible for notifying the applicant of his
upcoming board. He was considered but not selected for
promotion by the FY07 USAFR Other than Selected Reserve (OTSR)
Line and Health Professions Major Promotion Selection Board, on
6 Mar 06.
The applicant was discharged from all appointments in the USAF,
on 1 Nov 06, in accordance with (IAW) Title 10, United States
Code (USC), Section 14505.
The applicant submitted an appeal to the AFBCMR, dated 5 Dec 09,
requesting that:
1. His two nonselections to the grade of major be removed.
2. He be reinstated into the Air Force Reserve.
3. His inactive service from 13 Dec 98 to 7 Apr 04 be
On 14 Jun 10, the Board directed the applicants record be
corrected to reflect that:
a. He was not considered for promotion to the Reserve
grade of major by the FY01 Major Promotion Selection Board.
b. He was not discharged on 1 Nov 06 from all
appointments, but on 6 Apr 06, he resigned his commission and
was discharged from all appointments. By competent authority,
his name be removed from the FY07 Other Than Selected Reserve
Line and Health Professions Major Promotion Selection Board
Nonselect list.
c. He be reinstated in the Air Force Reserve and
transferred to the Inactive Status List Reserve Section. Any
nonselections for promotion to the Reserve grade of Major prior
to receiving three Officer Performance Reports with at least
250 days supervision, in the grade of captain, be set aside.
The applicant was reinstated in the Air Force Reserve on
8 Oct 10.
ARPC/DPB recommends denial, stating, in part, a retroactive
promotion opportunity allowed to consider performance of a
decade later is unfair and inequitable to every other officer,
regardless of grade or circumstance.
Based on the applicants return from civilian status, the first
promotion board he will be eligible for consideration is the
Calendar Year 2012 (CY12) Air Force Reserve Participating
Reserve Major Promotion Board, tentatively scheduled for Feb 12.
The applicants request for retroactive SSB consideration (FY01)
to include current participation is without basis. In Mar 00,
the applicant was not in a participating status and did not have
a Reserve assignment or a rating chain that could render a
performance evaluation. He earned no participation credit for
retirement purposes. Ten years later, the applicant has a
Reserve assignment, is participating, and will have a
performance report completed. Additionally, the world situation
is very different today compared with Mar 00. It is likely his
current position didnt exist in Mar 00. It is very obvious
that an OPR could not be rendered for a period of zero
The complete ARPC/DPB evaluation is at Exhibit C.
The applicant notes that since being back in uniform, he has
come to the realization of how his career was negatively
impacted by the injustices that the previous BCMR case attempted
to make right. However, the advisory opinions statement that
the SSB is unfair and inequitable to every other officer is
unfair and inappropriate. Every officer with whom he has
discussed his situation, from the rank of captain to major
general, feels an SSB is warranted. He does not feel a decision
made by an SSB affects others, only those who meet them. If
what happened to him happens to another officer with pure
intentions, he would certainly hope that they would be granted
an SSB with the provisions that he is requesting.
The advisory opinion unfortunately misrepresents his request.
He is not requesting an SSB for the FY01 promotion board. He
leaves all decisions to the wisdom of the AFBCMR with respect to
his application. He has no experience with this type of
decision; only gathers his own and the feelings of others as to
what might be a just conclusion.
He believes he should have been considered for promotion by the
FY09 Line and Health Professions Major Promotion board, which
should have met sometime in Feb 08. He believes the SSB for
this board will probably meet sometime around the upcoming CY12
mandatory board that would include the same current OPR. If he
is promoted by this SSB, he requests that his DOR be corrected
to the date he took the Oath of Office, 8 Oct 10.
The applicants complete response is at Exhibit E.
1. The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by
existing law or regulations.
2. The application was timely filed.
3. Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to
demonstrate the existence of error or injustice. After being
granted relief by this Board that has allowed the applicant to
resume his career in the Air Force Reserves, the applicant
asserts that to remedy the injustice he suffered, as affirmed by
previous board action, his records should be further corrected
to provide him an opportunity for promotion as an exception to
applicable Air Force policy. We disagree and are not persuaded
the applicant should be granted the additional relief he seeks.
As such, we agree with the recommendation of HQ ARPC/DPB to deny
the requested relief and we adopt the rationale expressed as the
primary basis for our determination the applicant has not been
the victim of error or injustice warranting the additional
relief he seeks. In our view, the corrections previously
recommended by this board constituted full and fitting relief
when the total circumstances of the applicants case are
considered. As noted by ARPC/DPB, the applicant will have an
additional five chances at promotion based on the action of this
board. While the applicant asserts he would have taken action
to put his career on a different track had he been made aware he
was being considered for promotion, there is no way of knowing
this for sure. Although the Board elected to resolve any doubts
regarding the issues in the applicants prior case in his favor,
we are not persuaded he had exercised reasonable diligence in
determining his status after transfer to the Reserves.
Therefore, in view of the above, we find no basis to recommend
granting the additional relief sought in this application.
4. The applicant's case is adequately documented and it has
not been shown that a personal appearance with or without
counsel will materially add to the Board's understanding of the
issues involved. Therefore, the request for a hearing is not
favorably considered.
The applicant be notified the evidence presented did not
demonstrate the existence of material error or injustice; the
application was denied without a personal appearance; and the
application will only be reconsidered upon the submission of
newly discovered relevant evidence not considered with this
The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket
Number BC-2011-00222 in Executive Session on 4 October 2011,
under the provisions of AFI 36-2603:
The following documentary evidence was considered:
Exhibit A. DD Form 149, undated, w/atchs.
Exhibit B. Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
Exhibit C. Letter, ARPC/DPB, dated 16 Feb 11.
Exhibit D. Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 25 Feb 11.
Exhibit E. Letter, Applicant, dated 20 Mar 11.
Panel Chair
AF | BCMR | CY2010 | BC-2010-00050
An Officer Selection Brief (OSB) and a promotion letter were sent to all eligible officers in this status approximately 90 days prior to the board convening date. Based on the applicants submission, including the letters of support submitted in his behalf, we find it reasonable to believe the applicant was completely unaware of his promotion consideration during the FY01 Major Promotion Board, particularly since it appears he had not received any correspondence from the Air Force Reserve. ...
AF | BCMR | CY2005 | BC-2005-00088
On 1 April 2004, the AFBCMR considered and, by a majority vote, recommended approval of applicant's request for removal of the OPR, closing 10 February 2002, LOCs, LOA, UIF, and all references thereto, from his records and SSB consideration, with his corrected record. As to the Board’s previous decision, DPB indicates that HQ ARPC complied (all available references to the LOC, LOA, UIF and the OPR were removed from the applicant’s record), and awarded SSB in lieu of the FY03 and FY04 Line...
_________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT CONTENDS THAT: His personnel record did not contain his OPR closing 31 May 00 and was not a matter of record to compliment his promotion recommendation. In support of his appeal, the applicant provided copies of his OPR closing 31 May 00 and his Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF). Applicant’s complete submission is at Exhibit A.
AF | BCMR | CY2003 | BC-2000-02455C
The Air Force evaluation stated that there were some errors in the applicant's record as it appeared before the selection boards in question and recommended to the Board that corrections be made to his Officer Selection Briefs (OSBs), he receive SSB consideration for the FY00 and FY01 boards, and if not selected by either board, he be considered for continuation by Special Review Board (SRB). The Board concurred with the recommendation of the Air Force evaluator and recommended that he...
AF | BCMR | CY2005 | BC-2005-01935
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: BC-2005-01935 INDEX CODE: 131.01 COUNSEL: GUY J. FERRANTE HEARING DESIRED: YES MANDATORY CASE COMPLETION DATE: 19 Dec 06 _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: He be given Special Selection Board (SSB) consideration for promotion to the grade of major by the Fiscal Year 2005 (FY05) Line and Health Professions Major Promotion Selection...
AF | BCMR | CY2005 | BC-2004-01430
The applicant was considered and nonselected for promotion to the grade of colonel by a Special Selection Board (SSB) for the FY01 and FY03 USAFR Line and NonLine Colonel’s Promotion Selection Boards. If a late OPR negatively impacts a selection board, HQ ARPC/DPB evaluates the record for SSB consideration, provided the officer requests a review of his/her selection record and an error (the late OPR) is established. DPB states that feedback and PRF preparation do not depend on an OPR being...
AF | BCMR | CY2006 | BC-2005-01320
Although the effective date of his promotion to lieutenant colonel was delayed to 11 Sep 01, his date of rank (DOR) was back-dated to 6 Jun 01, within the OPR reporting period. The applicant contends that his nonselection for promotion to colonel by the FY05 colonel selection board was due to the fact his record as it met the board, only contained one OPR reflecting service in the grade of lieutenant colonel. After careful review of the applicant's submission and the available evidence of...
AF | BCMR | CY2008 | BC-2008-00482
_________________________________________________________________ AIR FORCE EVALUATION: HQ ARPC/DPB recommends denial of the applicant’s request for the non- selection to “not count.” The applicant did compete for promotion; however, his record was incomplete at the time of the board. Once the signature dates are corrected to reflect dates prior to the promotion board, the applicant will be entitled to special selection board (SSB) consideration in lieu of the FY08 Major Promotion Selection...
AF | BCMR | CY2004 | BC-2004-00137
His commander received an informal email in late November 2002 requesting that an Officer Performance Report (OPR) be prepared for the February 2003 major board. Since he is no longer a member of the Air Force Reserve as a result of the two nonselections, he is not eligible for consideration by a Reserve promotion board. All of the officers selected for promotion by the FY03 board had completed SOS and 94% of the officers selected by the FY04 board had completed SOS.
AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-00914
AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS DOCKET NUMBER: BC-2012-00914 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: YES IN THE MATTER OF: _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: Remove her non-selections for promotion to the grade of major (0- 4) from her records. The applicant’s Officer Selection Brief (OSB), dated 25 Jan 11, reflects no errors. Exhibit C. Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 30 May 12.