INDEX CODE: 111.02, 111.05
The Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) for the period ending 1 Jan 02
be removed from her records.
This EPR was not objective because of the impact of an isolated,
unsubstantiated incident, the omission of pertinent performance
information, and inconsistencies between the EPR and the Performance
Feedback Worksheet (PFW) as well as the rater’s markings and comments.
Further, the commander was junior in grade to the rater; the 11th
Wing Squadron Section commander should have reviewed the EPR. She
received a Letter of Counseling (LOC) 30 days from the closeout of the
EPR for allegedly withholding information from a civilian co-worker.
When evidence and witnesses showed the accusation was unsubstantiated,
the supervisor still let the LOC stand. The supervisor did this to
impact the EPR. She was the first person to occupy a new position in
a new program in the Air Force. She was given no training and held to
different standards than her co-workers.
The applicant’s complete submission, with attachments, is at Exhibit
According to HQ AFPC/DPPPEP, G-series orders allow a person to act in
the capacity of the commander, giving them administrative jurisdiction
for that unit (i.e., Article 15, Unfavorable Information File, Letter
of Reprimand, LOC). AFI 36-2406, para. states “the
commander’s review may be conducted by the commander or squadron
section commander (or, in their absence, an officer so designated on G-
series orders) for administrative purposes (i.e., control roster
action, Article 15 jurisdiction, etc.) of the ratee’s assigned
organization. Flight commanders do not qualify.” Table 3.2., Note 10
indicates that if the commander is junior in grade to an evaluator
(other than the rater), the commander reviews the report before the
higher-ranking evaluator signs it. The review is performed by the
unit or squadron section commander of the unit in which the ratee is
assigned as a permanent party member.
During the period in question, the applicant was a master sergeant
(date of rank: 1 Dec 99) assigned for four months to the Women’s
Health Flight 55 MDG, at Offutt AFB, NE, and then as the International
Health Specialist (IHS) Program NCOIC with the AF Med HFO Support ME
at Bolling AFB, DC. The rater of the contested EPR was a colonel
assigned to the HQ USAF/SGT as the IHS Program Manager. The
additional rater was also a colonel assigned to the HQ USAF/SGT as the
Director, Surgeon’s Tactical Action Team/IHS Program. The signature
of the individual who signed as the commander’s review is illegible
and the position is indicated as intermediate level.
On 14 Dec 01, the rater gave the applicant a LOC because she “either
intentionally withheld information or misstated the facts” regarding
the IHS access database. The rater believed the applicant either
caused a teammate to spend numerous hours working on a database she
allegedly had but did not share, or the document she alleged had
already been developed earlier had, in fact, not been created at that
time. The applicant provided a rebuttal on 16 Dec 01, explaining that
if a document is copied or saved to another folder it will create a
new “Create” date. The original creation date was 22 Jun 01; however,
the rater had observed the new creation date of 13 Dec 01. The
technical sergeant who assisted the applicant in creating the database
provided a memo confirming that the document was initiated in Jun 01.
IHF Teleconference minutes, dated 12 Jul 01, reflect the applicant had
created the database. In a 2 Jan 02 response, the rater countered the
applicant’s contentions and noted the incident was indicative of a
trend in her behavior.
On 5 Aug 02, the 11th Wing Inspector General (IG) advised the
applicant that complainants must contact the IG within 60 days of
learning of an alleged wrongdoing, unless there were extraordinary
circumstances justifying the delay. The IG dismissed her complaint
based on timeliness and the potential to gather sufficient facts and
circumstances surrounding the alleged wrongdoing. See Exhibit E.
A 26 Aug 02 email from the Chief, Military Equal Opportunity, WG/MEO,
to the applicant advised that her allegations of racial discrimination
against the rater did not deal with anything of a racial matter but
with supervisory and possibly abuse of authority by her supervisor.
See Exhibit E.
On 29 Aug 02, the 11th Wing Deputy Chief of MEO at Bolling AFB advised
the applicant that, although her allegations against her rater may
very well have occurred, she was unable to establish that the alleged
disparaging treatment occurred due to race, color, national origin,
religious beliefs or sex. Therefore, her allegations could not be
addressed through MEO channels but should be addressed through command
channels, i.e., USAF/SG leadership. See Exhibit E.
On 4 Oct 02, the applicant submitted a similar appeal to the
Evaluation Reports Appeal Board (ERAB), which was denied.
A profile of the applicant’s EPRs follows:
28 Apr 95 5
28 Apr 96 5
28 Mar 97 5
2 Oct 97 5
30 Jul 98 5
1 Jan 99 5
1 Jan 00 5
1 Jan 01 5
1 Jan 02 4 (Contested
1 Jan 03 5
5 Sep 03 5
5 Sep 04 5
HQ AFPC/DPPP contends the applicant failed to provide supporting
documentation relating to the unfair treatment. A supporting
memorandum from an individual was hearsay as he did not personally see
the problem. The rater has the option not to include information as
well as to include information not previously considered. The rater
wrote the EPR covering the entire reporting period, which can include
information from a previous assignment as long as it was within the
reporting period and not considered for the last report. The
applicant failed to provide support determining whether or not the
commander was, in fact, on G-series orders during the time the report
was signed. She states the report should have been reviewed by the
Command Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt). Air Force policy does not
require the review of the Command CMSgt. Some base policies may
require the review if the report requires senior rater endorsement;
however, the applicant’s report did not warrant a senior rater
endorsement. Denial is recommended.
A complete copy of the evaluation is at Exhibit C.
The applicant advises she filed MEO and IG complaints but her
complaints were dismissed. The contested EPR was reviewed and signed
by a commander not on G-series orders, it did not receive the
appropriate quality assurance review that it should have received, and
the commander was junior to her rater and thus could have succumbed to
pressure/influence from a higher ranking officer (the rater). The
Board should take into consideration her entire career, that “much of
what occurred was due to poor management,” her former position was
changed for a different skill set/career field, and the rater abused
her and a former co-worker (who was also female and black). The EPR
was a form of reprisal and not written objectively or fairly.
A complete copy of the applicant’s response, with attachments, is at
Exhibit E.
1. The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing
law or regulations.
2. The application was timely filed.
3. Sufficient relevant evidence has been presented to demonstrate
the existence of error or injustice to warrant voiding the contested
EPR. While the applicant does not provide statements from the
pertinent rating chain members, the available evidence appears to
indicate the rater’s assessment of some of her subordinates may have
been influenced by her personal feelings. The applicant’s explanation
of the circumstances that led to the LOC, and the technical sergeant’s
confirming statement, raises the possibility that this incident may
have been the result of misunderstanding rather than deliberate
withholding of information. Further, the former secretary’s statement
regarding her own circumstances suggests a possible pattern of
supervisory favoritism and prejudice by the rater. Most telling was
the fact that the applicant was asked to return to this position when
the new IHS Program Manager took over, and the Chief of Enlisted
Issues indicated he was convinced that much of what took place was in
part due to “poor management and communication.” The applicant’s
record of performance is otherwise exemplary, and the contested report
seems, in our view, to be out of character. In order to avoid the
possibility of an injustice, we conclude any doubt should be resolved
in this applicant’s favor. We therefore recommend her records be
corrected as indicated below.
The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force
relating to the APPLICANT be corrected to show that the Senior
Enlisted Performance Report, AF Form 911, rendered for the period
2 January 2001 through 1 January 2002, be declared void and removed
from her records.
It is further recommended that she be provided supplemental
consideration for promotion to the grade of senior master sergeant
for all the appropriate cycles beginning with cycle 03E8.
If AFPC discovers any adverse factors during or subsequent to
supplemental consideration that are separate and apart, and
unrelated to the issues involved in this application, that would
have rendered the applicant ineligible for the promotion, such
information will be documented and presented to the board for a
final determination on the individual's qualification for the
The following members of the Board considered this application in
Executive Session on 16 June 2005 under the provisions of AFI 36-2603:
Ms. Martha J. Evans, Panel Chair
Mr. Alan A. Blomgren, Member
Mr. Jay H. Jordan, Member
All members voted to correct the records, as recommended. The
following documentary evidence relating to AFBCMR Docket Number BC-
2005-00603 was considered:
Exhibit A. DD Form 149, dated 9 Feb 02, received 16 Feb 05,
Exhibit B. Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
Exhibit C. Letter, HQ AFPC/DPPP, dated 16 Mar 05.
Exhibit D. Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 1 Apr 05.
Exhibit E. Letter, Applicant, dated 27 Apr 05, w/atchs.
Panel Chair
AFBCMR BC-2005-00603
Having received and considered the recommendation of the Air
Force Board for Correction of Military Records and under the authority
of Section 1552, Title 10, United States Code (70A Stat 116), it is
directed that:
The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air
Force relating to , be corrected to show that the Senior Enlisted
Performance Report, AF Form 911, rendered for the period 2 January
2001 through 1 January 2002, be, and hereby is, declared void and
removed from her records.
It is further directed that she be provided supplemental
consideration for promotion to the grade of senior master sergeant for
all the appropriate cycles beginning with cycle 03E8.
If AFPC discovers any adverse factors during or subsequent to
supplemental consideration that are separate and apart, and unrelated
to the issues involved in this application, that would have rendered
the applicant ineligible for the promotion, such information will be
documented and presented to the board for a final determination on the
individual's qualification for the promotion.
Air Force Review Boards Agency
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 02-01667 INDEX CODE: 111.02 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: NO _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: His Enlisted Performance Report (EPR), rendered for the period 2 Feb 97 through 1 Feb 98, be replaced with the reaccomplished EPR provided; and, that he be provided supplemental promotion consideration to the grade of senior master...
AF | BCMR | CY2003 | BC-2002-03828
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 02-03828 INDEX CODE: 111.02 APPLICANT COUNSEL: None SSN HEARING DESIRED: Yes _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: His Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) rendered for the period 26 July 2000 through 11 June 2001 and all accompanying attachments be declared void and he be considered for promotion by a special selection board (SSB). ...
AF | BCMR | CY2006 | BC-2005-03819
The additional rater believes the applicant’s contention that the EPR in question was the result of a personality conflict based on her outstanding performance at the AFDRB. The report was also considered during cycle 05E6, but the applicant was not selected. An EPR profile from 1998 follows: PERIOD ENDING OVERALL EVALUATION 4 Nov 98 5 (Ft. Meade) 1 Dec 99 5 (Ft. Meade) 1 Dec 00 5 (Ft. Meade) 5 Aug 01 5 (Ft. Meade) 31 Mar 02 4 (Contested EPR-Ft. Meade) 31 Mar 03 5 (AFDRB) 31 Mar 04 5...
AF | BCMR | CY2005 | BC-2005-02410
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: BC-2005-02410 INDEX CODE: 107.00 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: YES MANDATORY CASE COMPLETION DATE: 29 Jan 07 _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: He be promoted to the grade of senior master sergeant during promotion cycle 02E8 with a date of rank and effective date of 1 Sep 02. If the Board believes an injustice exists and...
AF | BCMR | CY2004 | BC-2003-02009
AFPC/DPPPWB complete evaluation is attached at Exhibit G. _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT'S REVIEW OF AIR FORCE EVALUATION: Applicant reviewed the Air Force evaluations and stated again, he is asking the AFBCMR to remove the EPR, period of report: 26 July 2000 through 4 December 2000, from his records based on the grounds that it was unjust and a reprisal action. Then after he got the EPR and saw the EPR, that’s when he filed the Air Force...
AF | BCMR | CY2003 | BC-2003-03247
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBERS: BC-2003-03247 INDEX CODE 111.02 111.05 COUNSEL: None HEARING DESIRED: No _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: His Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) for the period 28 Apr 01 through 25 Mar 02 be declared void and removed from his records [administratively accomplished]; his duty title be corrected to reflect “NCOIC, Evaluation...
However, based on the supporting statement from the former MPF chief and the superior ratings the applicant has received before and since, the majority of the Board believes the possibility exists that the contested EPR may be flawed. Therefore, in order to offset the possibility of an injustice, the Board majority concludes that any doubt should be resolved in this applicant’s favor by voiding the 31 Jul 99 EPR from his records and granting him supplemental promotion consideration. ...
After thoroughly reviewing the documentation submitted with this appeal, we are not persuaded that the contested report is an inaccurate assessment of the applicant's performance during the contested time period. The applicant asserts that there was insufficient supervision under the rater and additional rater for an Evaluation Performance Report (EPR) to be rendered; however, the Board finds insufficient documentation to support this contention. Exhibit F. Letter, Addendum to Report of...
On 9 September 1997, the applicant wrote to the 39th Wing IG alleging he had experienced reprisal by his squadron commander for giving a protected statement to an IG investigator during a separate IG investigation on 15 and 19 July 1997. The applicant alleged the squadron commander withheld a senior rater endorsement to [the EPR in question]. _________________________________________________________________ AIR FORCE EVALUATION: The Chief, Inquiries/AFBCMR Section, HQ AFPC/DPPPWB, reviewed...
AF | BCMR | CY2003 | BC-2002-02406
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 02-02406 INDEX CODE: 111.02 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: NO _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: The Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) rendered for the period 29 January 2000 through 28 January 2001 be declared void and replaced with a reaccomplished report. ...