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AF | BCMR | CY2005 | BC-2004-02635
Original file (BC-2004-02635.doc) Auto-classification: Denied


            INDEX CODE:  112.00
            COUNSEL:  NONE
            HEARING DESIRED:  NO




His Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) code be changed to  one  that  will  allow
him to reenlist into the U.S. Armed Services.



He left the Air Force because he thought it would make his mother  happy  if
he returned home but he realized the  Air  Force  was  something  he  really
wanted to pursue. His mother was very angry to see  him  come  home  without
his blue uniform or stripes. He felt he had disgraced his  country  and  his
superiors while he was in the Air Force wasting time and  taxpayers’  money.
However, when he returns this time, he is going to finish  whatever  he  has
started. He is not going to try to make up excuses or lies of  any  kind  to
try to get out because he realize that he has only cheated himself  when  he
gave up his position as  an  aerospace  propulsion  apprentice  in  the  Air

He really wants to get his RE code changed because he wants  to  be  in  the
Air Force.

In support of his application, applicant provided a copy  of  DD  Form  293,
Application for the Review of Discharge or Dismissal from the  Armed  Forces
of the United States, a personal letter and a letter from SAF/MRBR.

Applicant’s complete submission, with attachments, is at Exhibit A.



On 2 March 2004, the applicant enlisted in the  Regular  Air  Force  in  the
grade of airman basic for a period of six years.

On 12 March 2004, the applicant was presented to the  mental  health  clinic
wanting to go home. Mental health evaluation concluded  with  the  diagnosis
of Adjustment Disorder  with  Depressed  mood  with  diagnosis  on  Axis  II
deferred. On 18 March 2004, the  mental  health  noted  that  the  applicant
lacked the maturity and coping skills necessary to complete  basic  training
and recommended administrative entry level separation.

On 23 March 2004,  the  applicant’s  commander  notified  him  that  he  was
recommending discharge from the Air for a  condition  that  interferes  with
military service, mental disorders. The commander recommended the  applicant
receive an entry level separation  based  on  the  fact  the  Department  of
Mental  Health,  Wilford  Hall  Medical  Center  diagnosed  applicant   with
Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood and ruled out  depressive  disorder.
The commander also advised applicant that  the  entry-level  separation  may
make him ineligible for reenlistment in the Air Force.

The applicant acknowledged receipt of the notification of discharge,  waived
his rights to consult with counsel, and did not submit a  statement  in  his
own behalf. The base legal office reviewed the case  and  found  it  legally
sufficient to support separation  and  recommended  applicant  be  separated
from the service with an entry-level  separation.  The  discharge  authority
approved the separation and directed the  applicant  be  separated  with  an
uncharacterized entry-level separation.

On 30 September 2004, AFPC/DPPRSP  changed  the  applicant’s  DD  Form  214,
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, narrative reason  from
personality  disorder  to  Secretarial   Authority   since   mental   health
evaluation  did  not  render   a   personality   disorder   diagnosis.   The
reenlistment code has remained unchanged and consistent with  his  discharge
for unsuitability for military service.

On 2 April 2004, the applicant was separated from the Air  Force  under  the
provisions of AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen  (Secretarial
Authority), with an uncharacterized entry-level  separation  and  a  reentry
code of “2C”. He served 1 month and 1 day of total active military  service.



AFPC/DPPRS recommended denial and stated that based on the documentation on
file in the master personnel records, the discharge was consistent with the
procedural and substantive requirements of the discharge  regulation.   The
discharge was within the discretion of the discharge authority.   Applicant
did not submit any evidence or  identify  any  errors  or  injustices  that
occurred in the discharge processing.  He provided no  facts  warranting  a
change to his character of service or his reenlistment eligibility code.

Airmen   are   given   entry-level    separation/uncharacterized    service
characterization when  separation  is  initiated  in  the  first  180  days
continuous active service.  The Department of Defense (DoD) determined if a
member served less than 180 days continuous active  service,  it  would  be
unfair to the member and the service to characterize their limited service.
 Therefore, his uncharacterized character of  service  is  correct  and  in
accordance with DoD and Air Force instructions.

AFPC/DPPRS’s complete evaluation is at Exhibit C.

The BCMR Medical Consultant is of the opinion that no change in the  records
is warranted.  The fact  he  is  functioning  well  at  this  time  at  home
confirms his diagnosis of adjustment disorder however, it does  not  predict
he will respond well to the stresses of  military  operations,  deployments,
or combat when he is  separated  from  his  family  surroundings  and  usual
support system of family and friends. His past experience  of  inability  to
cope with  basic  training  is  predictive  of  recurrence  of  debilitating
adjustment disorder if re-exposed to the rigors  of  military  training  and
service and  the  reenlistment  code  should  not  be  changed.  Action  and
disposition in this case are  proper  and  equitable  reflecting  compliance
with Air Force directives that implement the law.

BCMR Medical Consultant’s complete evaluation is at Exhibit D.



Copies of the Air Force evaluations were forwarded to  the  applicant  on  5
October 2004 and 3 August 2005, for review and response within 30 days.   As
of this date, no response has been received by this office.



1.    The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing  law  or

2.    The application was timely filed.

3.  Insufficient relevant evidence has been  presented  to  demonstrate  the
existence of an error or injustice warranting  a  change  to  his  RE  code.
After a thorough review of  the  evidence  of  record  and  the  applicant’s
submission, it is our opinion that given the circumstances  surrounding  his
separation from the Air Force,  the  narrative  reason  for  separation  and
separation  codes  assigned  were  proper  and  in   compliance   with   the
appropriate directives.  The applicant has not provided any  evidence  which
would lead us to believe otherwise.  Therefore, we agree with the Air  Force
offices of primary responsibility and adopt their rational as the basis  for
our conclusion that the applicant has not been the victim  of  an  error  or
injustice. In the absence of persuasive evidence to the  contrary,  we  find
no compelling basis to recommend granting the relief sought.



The applicant be notified that the evidence presented  did  not  demonstrate
the existence of material error  or  injustice;  that  the  application  was
denied without a personal appearance; and that the application will only  be
reconsidered upon the submission of newly discovered relevant  evidence  not
considered with this application.


The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket Number  BC-2004-
02635 in Executive Session on 15 September 2005,  under  the  provisions  of
AFI 36-2603:

                 Mr. Thomas S. Markiewicz, Chair
                 Mr. Gregory Parker, Member
                 Ms. Jan Mulligan, Member

The following documentary evidence was considered:

    Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 30 Aug 04, w/atchs.
    Exhibit B.  Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
      Exhibit C.  Letter, AFPC/DPPRS, dated 5 Oct 04.
    Exhibit C.  Letter, BCMR Medical Consultant, dated 1 Aug 05.
    Exhibit D.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 8 Oct 04 and 3 Aug 05.

                                   THOMAS S. MARKIEWICZ

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