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AF | BCMR | CY2003 | BC-2000-01985A
Original file (BC-2000-01985A.doc) Auto-classification: Denied

                                 ADDENDUM TO
                            RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS


            COUNSEL:  NO

            HEARING DESIRED:  NO



Applicant requests  the  reenlistment  eligibility  code  (RE)  2X  be
changed to 1A to allow him to continue his military career.



During the contested time period, the applicant was  serving  in  the
Regular Air Force, in the grade on master sergeant.

Applicant was denied reenlistment on 17 Dec 97.  The Secretary of the
Air Force denied his appeal to the nonselection for  reenlistment  on
24 Aug 98.  He was discharged on 27 Oct 98 after serving 16 years,  2
months and 5 days total active service and given a RE code of 2X.

On  30  August  2001,  the  applicant’s  request  for  the   enlisted
Performance Reports (EPRs) closing out  31  August  1997,  31  August
1996, and 31 March 1995 be removed; the  denial  of  reenlistment  be
nullified and he be given full credit for the time since  his  forced
separation toward  retirement,  with  back  pay  and  allowances  was
considered and denied by the Board, see the Record of Proceedings  at
Exhibit K.

On 9 April 2003, the applicant now request  his  RE  code  of  2X  be
changed to 1A to allow him  to  continue  his  military  career.   In
support of his request, he provides a personal statement, a  copy  of
DD Form 293, Application for the Review  of  Discharge  or  Dismissal
from the Armed Forces of the United States and copies of his previous
supporting documentation.  The applicant’s complete submission is  at
Exhibit L.



Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to  demonstrate  the
existence of an error or injustice that would warrant  an  upgrade  of
his RE code.  After a  thorough  review  of  the  record,  we  see  no
evidence of an error in this case and remain unpersuaded that  he  has
been the victim of an injustice.  At the time he was  discharged  from
the Air Force, he was furnished an RE code of 2X which was  predicated
upon  the  quality  of  his  service  and  the  circumstances  of  his
discharge.  We are not persuaded by the evidence provided  in  support
of his appeal that the corresponding RE code was improper  or  unjust;
or, that an upgrade of the RE code  is  warranted.   In  view  of  the
foregoing, we find no basis favorably consider this request.



The  applicant  be  notified  that  the  evidence  presented  did  not
demonstrate the existence of probable  material  error  or  injustice;
that the application was denied without  a  personal  appearance;  and
that the application will only be reconsidered upon the submission  of
newly  discovered  relevant  evidence   not   considered   with   this


The following members of the Board considered Docket  Number  00-01985
in Executive Session on 12 August 2003, under the provisions of AFI 36-

                 Thomas S. Markiewicz, Vice Chair
                 Ms Barbara J. White-Olson, Member
                 Mr. Lawrence M. Groner, Member

The following documentary evidence was considered:

      Exhibit K.  Record of Proceedings, dated 28 Sept 01,
                with Exhibits.
      Exhibit L.  Applicant’s Letter, dated 9 Apr 03, with

                                   THOMAS S. MARKIEWICZ
                                   Vice Chair

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