INDEX CODE: 107.00
Applicant requests he be awarded the Good Conduct Medal with two Oak
Leaf Clusters. Applicant's submission is at Exhibit A.
The Chief, Review Boards Office, SAF/MIBR, informed the applicant, by
letter, dated 26 Jul 01, that the National Personnel Records Center
(NPRC), St. Louis, Missouri, was unable to locate his personnel
records. The Chief requested the applicant confer with his military
personnel representatives for assistance in locating pertinent records
and if he had other documents relating to his Air Force service other
than the DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active
Duty), he should furnish these documents (Exhibit B). As of this
date, no response has been received by this office.
After careful consideration of applicant's request, and the limited
information furnished, we find insufficient evidence of error or
injustice to warrant corrective action. Absent persuasive evidence
applicant was denied rights to which entitled, appropriate regulations
were not followed, or appropriate standards were not applied, we find
no basis to disturb the existing record.
Accordingly, applicant's request is denied.
It has not been shown that a personal appearance with or without
counsel will materially add to our understanding of the issues
involved. Therefore, the request for a hearing is not favorably
The Board staff is directed to inform applicant of this decision.
Applicant should also be informed that this decision is final and will
only be reconsidered upon the presentation of new relevant evidence
which was not available at the time the application was filed.
Members of the Board Ms. Peggy G. Gordon, Mrs. Carolyn J. Watkins, and
Mr. John B. Hennessey considered this application on 6 November 2001
in accordance with the provisions of Air Force Instruction 36-2603,
and the governing statute, 10, U.S.C. 1552.
Panel Chair
A. Applicant's DD Form 149
B. Letter, SAF/MIBR
The Chief, Review Boards Office, SAF/MIBR, informed the applicant, by letter, dated 26 Jul 01, that the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), St. Louis, Missouri, was unable to locate his personnel records. The Chief requested the applicant confer with his military personnel representatives for assistance in locating pertinent records and if he had other documents relating to his Air Force service other than the DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty), he...
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 01-00798 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: NO _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: Applicant requests the reenlistment eligibility code (RE) 2C be changed to allow him to continue his military career. A complete copy of the evaluation is attached at Exhibit C. The Special Programs and AFBCMR Manager, AFPC/DPPAES, reviewed...
However, if the decision is to grant the relief sought, applicant’s record should be corrected to reflect an RE code of 3K, “Reserved for use by HQ AFPC or the Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR) when no other reenlistment eligibility code applies or is appropriate.” A complete copy of the Air Force evaluation is attached at Exhibit D. _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT'S REVIEW OF AIR FORCE EVALUATION: On 19 January 2001 a...
Applicant’s request for a fully honorable discharge was considered, however, a review of his overall record does not support a further upgrade. _________________________________________________________________ THE BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT: The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force relating to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that at the time of his discharge on 14 September 1982, he was discharged with service characterized as general (under honorable conditions). PEGGY...
The appropriate Air Force office evaluated applicant's request and provided an advisory opinion to the Board recommending the application be denied (Exhibit C). The advisory opinion was forwarded to the applicant for review and response (Exhibit D). After careful consideration of applicant's request and the available evidence of record, we find insufficient evidence of error or injustice to warrant corrective action.
The appropriate Air Force office evaluated applicant's request and provided an advisory opinion to the Board recommending the application be denied (Exhibit C). The advisory opinion was forwarded to the applicant for review and response, within 30 days (Exhibit D). After careful consideration of applicant's request and the available evidence of record, we find insufficient evidence of error or injustice to warrant corrective action.
The appropriate Air Force office evaluated applicant's request and provided an advisory opinion to the Board recommending the application be denied (Exhibit C). The applicant’s response to the advisory opinion is at Exhibit E. After careful consideration of applicant's request and the available evidence of record, we find insufficient evidence of error or injustice to warrant corrective action. PEGGY E. GORDON Panel Chair Exhibits: A.
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 00-00349 INDEX CODE: 110.00 APPLICANT COUNSEL: None SSN HEARING DESIRED: No _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: His discharge be upgraded to honorable. _________________________________________________________________ AIR FORCE EVALUATION: The Separations Branch, Directorate of Personnel Program Mgmt, AFPC/DPPRS, reviewed the...
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 01-01155 INDEX CODE: 131.01 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: NO ___________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: The duty title on his Officer Selection Brief (OSB) be changed from “Staff Psychiatrist to “Outpatient Mental Health Element Chief” and he be considered by a Special Selection Board (SSB) for promotion by the CY00A Central Colonel...
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 01-01577 INDEX CODE: 110.02 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: NO _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: His general (under honorable conditions) discharge be upgraded to honorable. On 30 June 1964, the applicant was discharged under the provisions of AFR 39-17 (Unfitness), with an under honorable conditions (general) discharge. ...