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AF | BCMR | CY1999 | 8502593A
Original file (8502593A.doc) Auto-classification: Approved

AFBCMR 85-02593



      Having carefully reviewed this application, we agree with the
recommendation of the Air Staff and adopt the rationale expressed as
the basis for our decision that the applicant has been the victim of
either an error or an injustice.  Therefore, under the authority
delegated in AFI 36-2603, the applicant's records will be corrected as
set forth in the accompanying Memorandum for the Chief of Staff signed
by the Executive Director of the Board or his designee.

                 Panel Chair

Ltr, HQ ARPC/DPP, 25 August 1999

AFBCMR 85-02593


      Under the authority of Section 1552, Title 10, United States
Code, Air Force Instruction 36-2603, and having assured compliance
with the provisions of the above regulation, the decision of the Air
Force Board for Correction of Military Records is announced, and it is
directed that:

      The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air
Force relating to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that:

      a.  He was credited with three (3) additional nonpaid inactive
duty training points during the retirement/retention year 11 August
1971 through 10 August 1972, resulting in 50 total points; and that
the period 11 August 1971 through 10 August 1972 is a year of
satisfactory Federal service for retirement.

      b.  He was credited with nineteen (19) additional nonpaid
inactive duty training points during the retirement/retention year 11
August 1972 through 10 August 1973, resulting in 50 total points; and
that the period 11 August 1972 through 10 August 1973 is a year of
satisfactory Federal service for retirement.

                 RAYMOND H. WELLER
                 Chief Examiner
                 Air Force Board for Correction
                 of Military Records

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