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AF | BCMR | CY1998 | 9801223
Original file (9801223.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied



DOCKET NUMBER:  98-01223 
HEARING DESIRED:  NO  m 1 9  1999 

He be given supplemental consideration for promotion to the grade 
of master sergeant for cycle 9838. 

The citations for award of  the Meritorious Service Medal  (MSM), 
the Aerial Achievement  Medal, and the Aerial Achievement  Medal, 
Third Oak  Leaf  Cluster, were  not  in his Senior Noncommissioned 
Officer (NCO) Select ion Folder. 
In support of his appeal, the applicant provided  a copy of his 
selection folder (Exhibit A). 

Information  extracted  from  the  Personnel  Data  System  (PDS) 
indicates that the applicant is currently serving on active duty 
in  the  grade  of  master  sergeant, having been  promoted  to  that 
grade on  1 Nov  93.  His Total Active  Federal Military  Service 
Date (TAFMSD) is 17 Aug 78. 
The relevant facts pertaining to this application are contained 
in  the  letter  prepared  by  the  appropriate  office  of  the  Air 
there is no need  to recite these  facts in 
this Record of Proceedings. 


The Enlisted Promotion and Military Testing Branch, AFPC/DPPPWB, 
reviewed this application and recommended denial. 

DPPPWB  indicated that  the  Senior NCO  Evaluation Board  for  the 
9838  promotion  Cycle  convened  on  20  Feb  98  and  promotion 
selections were  completed on 11 Mar  98.  The applicant's board 
His  total  score  was  663.52  and  the  score 
score  was  390.00. 
required for selection in his Air Force Specialty Code' (AFSC) was 
6 6 3 . 5 5 .  
According  to DPPPWB, a review of the selection 'folder reflected 
that  the  citations  for  his  MSM  and  Aerial  Achievement  Medal 
(Basic and Third Oak Leaf Cluster) were placed in the applicant's 
folder on 1 May 98 and were not reviewed by the Evaluation Board. 
These  decorations were  reflected  on  the  Senior NCO-  Evaluation 
Brief and the Evaluation Board reviewed the applicant's records 
and assigned the  390.00  board  score with  full knowledge of  the 
Consequently,  no  further  consideration  by  an 
Evaluation  Board is either appropriate or authorized. 
A complete copy of the DPPPWB evaluation, with attachments, is at 
Exhibit B. 

In his response, the applicant indicated the decoration citations 
are placed  in  selection folders so that  the  board  members  can 
review  them.  If  it  is  not  important  to  have  the  decorations 
citations in the selection folders, then they should be  removed 
from  future  boards  for  all  individuals  and  just  apply  the 
objective point  value for decorations and keep the subjectivity 
out of  it.  In the applicant's view, it  is very unfair to give 
some people an edge and handicap others because of something that 
is out of their control. 
Applicant's complete response is at Exhibit D. 


The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing 

law or regulations. 
2.  The application was timely filed. 
3.  Insufficient  relevant  evidence  has  been  presented  to 
demonstrate the  existence  of  probable  error  or  injustice.  We 
took notice of the applicant's complete submission in judging t h e  
merits  of  the  case.  However, we  agree  with  the  opinion  and 
recommendation of the Air Force office of primary responsibility 
(OPR) and adopt their rationale as the basis for our conclusion 
that  the  applicant  has  not  been  the  victim  of  an  error  or 
injustice.  We  note  that  the contested  citations were  properly 
reflected  on  the  Senior  NCO  Evaluation  Brief.  Therefore,  it 


AFBCMR 98-01223 

appears the board was aware of the decorations.  In view of this,, 
and  in  the  absence  of  sufficient  evidence  to  support  a 
determination that the applicant's record reviewed by the Senior 
NCO  Evaluation Board  was  so inaccurate  or misleading  that  the 
board  was  unable  to  make  a reasonable  decision  concerning  his 
promotability in relationship to his peers, we find no compelling 
basis  to  recommend  granting  the  relief  sought  in  this 

The  applicant be  notified  that  the  evidence  presented  did  not 
demonstrate  the  existence  of  probable  material  error  or 
injustice;  that  the  application was  denied  without  a personal 
appearance; and  that  the  application will  only be  reconsidered 
upon  the  submission of  newly  discovered  relevant  evidence  not 
considered with this application. 

The following members of the Board considered this application in 
Executive Session on 1 Dec  98,  under the provisions of AFI  36- 
2603 : 

Mr. Michael P. Higgins, Panel Chair 
Mr. Patrick R. Wheeler, Member 
Mr. William E. Edwards, Member 

The following documentary evidence was considered: 

Exhibit A. 
Exhibit B. 
Exhibit C. 

DD Form 149, dated 24 Apr 98, w/atchs. 
Letter, AFPC/DPPPWB, dated 13 May 98. 
Letter, SAF/MIBR, dated 8 May 98. 

Panel Chair 


AFBCMR 98-01223 


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