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AF | BCMR | CY1998 | 9800423
Original file (9800423.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved


Office of the Assistant Secretary 

AFBCMR 98-00423 


Under the authority of Section  1552, Title  10, United States Code, Air Force  Instruction 
36-2603.  and  having  assured  compliance  mith  the  provisions  of  the  above  regulation.  the 
decision  of  the  Air  Force  Board  for  Correction  of  Military  Records  is  announced,  and  it  is 
directed that: 

of  the  Department  of  the  Air  Force  relating  to 
be corrected to shorn7 that he was honorably discharged 
on 30 Noveniber  I997 and reenlisted  in the Regular Air Force on  1  December  1997 for a period 
of two (2) years. 

Chief Examiner 
Air Force Board for Correction 
of Military Records 


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