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AF | BCMR | CY1998 | 9702969
Original file (9702969.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied


RECOF??S 2?  P F 9 C E E D I N G S  



9 7  - 0 2 9 Q 9 



3is  under  other  than  honorable  csnditions  (UOTHC) d i s c h a ~ ~ e  ~e 
d p q r a d e c   to general. 

The reasons the applicant be;i?ves  :he  records to be  in e r r s ~  3r 
unjust and the evidence submitti5 ;:I 
support of the appeal zizz  31 
Exhibit A. 

2n 6 March  1958, the applicant T~czs discharged  from the Air  Fsrce 
with an under other than hcncrzkk conditions discharge ur-der  t n e  
provisions  of  AFR  35-66  (Hc~.csexuality -  Class  11). 
:h!  2 s 
serving  ir,  the  grade  of  a i r m ~ z  second  class  (2-3'  3r-s  * , E S  
credited  with  1  y e z r ,   11  ~t-ficnz7s  and  7  days  c.f 
s e r v i c e .  

a c t i - - e   11: 

F ? 

The relevant facts pertaining :c 
s application  and  s u r r c i J n d i n q  
-,ne applicant's  separation  from  r A e  Air  Force  are  contairea  ~ r i  
his  military  recorcis  which  2 5 3  
Accoraingly,  there  is  n o   neec  tT;  recite  these  facts  i y 1   z n - s  
F ~ Z G ~ Q  ~f Proceedings. 

attacned  ar_  Exh;-,r?i- 


T h e   applicant has exhausted ail remedies provided ~y  e x i s t i ~ g  

- L .  

law or regulations. 

2.  The  application  was  not  t i m e i y   filed; hawever,  it  is  in  t h e  
interest. of justice to excuse t h e   failure to timely file. 


_z;ence  has  been 

c.  T -  

- ,  


c r   cartrary  to  the  ?revailing  regulation. 

3.  Sufficient 
ciemonstzaxe Ehe  existence  of  Frobable  injustice.  After  careful 
of  applicant’s zsquest  and  the  available  evidence 
sf z z c a r d ,   -;;z  find no evidence :hat  the applicant’s d i s c k z r g e   :hias 
A7c7,” 2°F  L , 
afz3.f  ~s-~siaering the  facts  zxd  circumstances  l e a d i r i g   zz  z r ~ e  
a p ~ l i z z r - : ’ s   separation  and 
-:-Fw  of  the  fact  t k L a t ,   ~::z;e: 
c u r r e r , t   standards,  the  applica:?:  ,ziould  most  likeiy  ha7Je, 
disc‘rAariqed ~i:h 
Lsnarabie  cocditions ,  we  belieT:e  That  clemency  is  warrantcec  ~ r ,  
tr,;s  case.  We therefore  recormerr that his  records De ccrrectec 
to  shaw  he  was  received  a  qens.Lrz1  (under honorable  condi’ions 
s e rv I ze crla r a c:  e r i z at i cc . 

service  charazEerized,  at  the  least ,  ~ n ~ e z  

Tne perIinent military  records sf the Department of the Air  F o r c e  
relztinq  to APPLICANT, be  ccrrectec to show  that  on 6 Mar  5’8, k-3 
was  discharqed  with  service  characterized  as  general  I  znder 
nonorable conditions). 

Tne following members of the Esarzi  zonsidered tnis applicstix -I-- 
E x e c u ~ i ~ v e  Session on  17  Feb  36,  ,rider  the provisions  of AFT 
; C -  
i Y ) t   3: 

r n  

Plr.  Thomas S. Markiewicz,  Panel Chair 
Mr. Joseph G .  iliamond, Member 
Ms. Sophie A. \:;ark,  Mernber 

F i l l   members  v o t e d   to  correct  the  records,  as  recommended. 
fo1low;r.g  documentary evidence was zonsidered: 

Exl-.ibit A.  DD Form 149, d a z e c   unaated. 
Exl-,ibit B.  Applicant’s Mastei-  Personnel Records. 

AFBCMR  97-0%96,9 


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