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AF | BCMR | CY1998 | 9702451
Original file (9702451.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied






Applicant requests that his pay date be changed from 25 September 
1986 to 11 May 1986.  Applicant's submission is at Exhibit A. 
The  appropriate Air  Force  office  evaluated  applicant's request 
and provided  an advisory opinion to  the Board  recommending the 
application  be  denied  (Exhibit C ) .  
The  advisory  opinion  was 
forwarded to the applicant for review and response  (Exhibit D). 
Applicant's response to the advisory-opinion is at Exhibit E. 

After  careful  consideration  of  applicant's  request  and 
available evidence  of  record, we  find  insufficient  evidence 
error or injustice to warrant  corrective action.  The facts 
opinions stated in the advisory opinion appear to be based on 
evidence  of  record  and  have  not  been  adequately  rebutted 
Absent  persuasive  evidence  applicant  was  den 
rights  to  which  entitled,  appropriate  regulations  were 
followed, or appropriate standards were not applied, we  find 
basis to disturb the existing record. 


Accordingly, applicant's request is denied. 

The Board staff is directed to inform applicant of this decision. 
Applicant should also be informed that this decision is final and 
will only be  reconsidered upon the presentation of new relevant 
evidence  which  was  not  reasonably  available  at  the  time  the 

was filed. 


Members of 
Parker, and 
15  January 

the Board Ms. Patricia J. Zarodkiewicz, Mr. Edward H. 
Mr. Patrick R. Wheeler considered this application on 
1998  in accordance with  the prgvisions of Air  Force 
36-2603, and the governing statute, 10, U.S.C. 1552. 

Exhibits : 
A.  Applicant's DD Form 149 
B.  Available Master Personnel Records 
C.  Advisory Opinion 
E.  Applicant's Response 

SAF/MIBR Ltr Forwarding Advisory Opinion 







551 East Maxwell Blvd 
Maxwell AFB A L   361 12-6106 

3 Oct 97 

I .   Reqriestcd  Action:  To cliangc pay date frotii 25 Scp 86 to  1  I  May 86. 

2. Basis for Request: 
cstablisli his pay datc.  Thc estabiislimcnt of a 25 Scp 86 pay date has affected Iiini  profoundly. 

was iiot infoi-ined that his date of commission (DOC) would 

I  ) A  May S6  DOC^  was origiiiall>r cstablishcd; 2)-did 

4.  Facts: 
rcqiiirctiieiits  (rcceipt of an Iiicotiiplctc gtxk) for cotiiniissioiiinS; 3)  Acadcmic 1-cquii-cineiits \ver-c nict 
and lie \KIS  comtiiisstoncd 25  Scp 86; 4) Pay datc bascd on DOC:  25 Scp 86; 5 )  Etitcred EAD:  1  Oct 86. 

iiot mect gradc 

5 .   Discussion:  'T'lic  iitiit coiiiiiiitiidci- has autlioi-ity to cliangc ;I  DOC when  it is witliiii the satiic fiscal ycar. 
fa i 1 ii 1.c to co t ii 13 1 c t c  ;IC ad ciii i c 1-cq 11 i r-c m eii ts I A LV  11 is coil t rac t res ii It cd  in  t li e aclJ 11 s t iii en t 

ofliis DOC to 25 Scp SO. 
DOC of May 86, the aittlioi-ity ~-cstccl with  thc i
coiniiiissioniiig only aftcr tlic u n i t  t.cccivcd  ccrtif-icatioii froin the Ilcgistrar or other institiitiorial official 
autliorized to confirm degr-cc iwpircincnts that he had coinpletcd degrcc requirements.  This coiilirtiiatioii 

Siiicc thc cliangc  fell within  the satiic fiscai year as his ot-igitially cstablislicd 


. ~ w o u l d  

have becii  eligible for 





Golden Legacy, Bouiidless Future ... Yoirr Nation's Air Force 

q a o  *5/ 

of degree requiremcnts could not have been  made until the action  that resulted  i i i  the Incomplete grade was 
in the necessary 
resolved.  Tlic Incomplcte gradc would have been resoivcd when -tut-ncd 
papcr-work. The actual DOC is the dace nii  iiidividual  ialccs the Oath of 0;'ficc. 
ex ecu tcd 
the Oath of Office on 25  Sep 86. 

6.  Rccoriirncii(l;ltion:  Disapprove - does not meet cligibility rcquireiiients for an 

Regisii-ar, Air Force ROTC 

A F  




AFROTCI36-2018  28 March I997 

I7'  DD  Form  2005,  Privacy  Act  Statement-Health 
Care Records (two copies).  Standard Form  93,  Report  of  Medical  History 
(original and one copy).  All other medical documents associated with the 
cadet's  commissioning  examination  (original).  This 
includes  but  not  limited  to,  the  EKG,  dental  x-rays, 
supplemental  medical  records,  consultation  sheets,  DD 
Form  2480,  DODMERB Report  of  Dental  Corrections, 
.  Form  1056 (original and  one  copy). Attach 
copies of current and superseded AF Forms 1056 and any 
addendums to each copy. 

.  AF Form 286,  Personnel Reliability Certificate, 
for  cadets  with  a  pilot,  navigator,  or  missile  duty 
commissioning examination (original and one copy). 

DD  Form  4,  EnlistmentReenlistment 
Document-Armed Forces of the United  States (original). 
For prior  service cadets  also  send the  prior  service DD 
Form 4 to help AFPC verify service dates. 

/ A  DD  Form  214,  Certificate  of  Release  or 
Discharge  from  Active  Duty  (for  prior  service  cadets 
only)(one copy)). 

8.8.2.  Retention of Records. File and maintain copies of 
all  documents  in  the  cadet's  UPRG  for  1  year.  Final 
disposition instructions for AFROTC student records are 
contained  in  AFI  37-138,  Disposition  of  Air  Force 
Records-Records Disposition Standards, table 45- 1 , rules 
7, 8,  9,  and  10.  Do not retire any student records to the 
staging area. 

8.8.3.  Forwarding  Application.  Before  submitting  the 
application  for appointment, use  attachment 5  to  ensure 
the  AF  Form  24  is  correctly  prepared  and  signed. 
Forward  the  AF  Form  24  (original and  one  copy)  and 
required attachments with the commissioning documents 
(reference paragraph 8.13.1).  Retain the triplicate copy of 
the AF Form 24 in the cadet's UPRG. 

8.9. Review of Cadet Qualifications.  During the weeks 
before  the  scheduled  commissioning  date,  ensure  the 
If  the 
cadet  meets  the  prerequisites  for  appointment. 
to  meet  all  commissioning 
prerequisites, take appropriate action to change the DOC, 
qualify  the  cadet,  obtain  waivers,  or  disenroll 

found  not 


8.9.1,  Medical.  Each cadet must have  a currenf medical 
examination  certified 
their  AFSC  by  HQ 


AETCfSGPS.  Do  not  commission  a  cadef on  medical 
recheck or wifhouf a current cerfijled physical for their 
AFSC ob hand at the unit. 

8.9.2.  Security  Clearance.  Each  cadet  must  have  a 
security  clearance  before  commissioning.  Counsel  in 
writing at least 45 days before scheduled commissioning, 
any cadet without a clearance that commissioning is not 
possible until a clearance is granted. 

8.9.3.  Character.  Do  not  commission  individuals  who 
have  criminal  charges  pending  against  them  or  are 
pending waiver of any involvement with civil, military, or 
school authorities.  Review  the  AFROTC  Form  35  and 
supporting documents of each cadet to ensure all actions 
accomplished.  If criminal charges are pending against the 
cadet,  forward  an  AFROTC  Form  22  package  to  HQ 
AFROTC/RRFP (reference AFROTCI 36-1 1, chapter 5). 

in  AFROTCI  36-11, 



8.9.4.  Program  Completion.  Cadets  must  successfilly 
complete  the  entire  AFROTC  program. 
completion  is  not  applicable to those  disenrolled for the 
purpose  of  early  entry  into  a  graduate-level  health 
professions school (reference paragraph 3.6). 

8.9.5. Graduation. A  cadet is eligible for commissioning 
only after the unit receives written certification from the 
Registrar  or  other  institutional  official  authorized  to 
confirm degree requirements that the cadet has completed 
degree requirements.  For nurse cadets, forward a copy of 
this memorandum to HQ AFPCDPAMN. 

8.9.6. DOGDOC.  Ensure the DOG and DOC are correct 
in CAPS. 

8.10. Failure to Meet Commissioning Requirements. If 
a cadet  is not  commissioned on  the  date scheduled, but 
will  meet  commissioning requirements  within  the  fiscal 
year, the  commander may change the DOC according to 
AFROTCI 36- 1 1, chapter 2.  Ensure a changed AFROTC 
Form  53  (reference  paragraph  8.4)  is  submitted  and 
CAPS  is  updated.  Also,  ensure 
the  certified  medical 
examination is valid for the new DOC. 

8.11.  Declination  of  Appointment.  If  for any reason a 
cadet  declines  appointment as  a  commissioned  officer, 
initiate  disenrollment  action  according  to  AFROTCI 
36-1 1,  chapter  6.  Change  the  DOC  in  CAPS  to  an 
anticipated completion date of disenrollment. 


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