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AF | BCMR | CY1997 | 9701394
Original file (9701394.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied




DOCKET NUMBER:  97-01394 




my  2  2  1997 

Applicant requests that he be given special selection board  (SSB) 
consideration by an unnamed central lieutenant colonel selection 
board with a corrected 28 Aug 96 officer performance report  (OPR) 
and a pending decoration included in his officer selection record 
(OSR).  Applicant's submission is at Exhibit A. 
The appropriate Air  Force off ices evaluated applicant I s  request 
and  provided  advisory  opinions  to  the  Board  recommending  the 
application be  denied  (Exhibit C ) .  
The advisory opinions were 
forwarded to the applicant for review and response  (Exhibit D). 
As of this date, no response has been received by this office. 

After  careful  consideration  of  applicant's  request  and  the 
available evidence of  record, we  find  insufficient evidence of 
error or injustice to warrant  corrective action.  The facts and 
opinions stated in the advisory opinions appear to be  based  on 
the evidence of  record and have not been rebutted by applicant. 
Absent persuasive evidence applicant was denied rights to which 
entitled,  appropriate  regulations  were  not  followed,  or 
appropriate  standards  were  not  applied,  we  find  no  basis  to 
disturb the existing record. 

Accordingly, applicant's request is denied. 

The Board staff is directed to inform applicant of this decision. 
Applicant should also be informed that this decision is final and 
will only be  reconsidered 'upon the presentation of new relevant 
evidence  which  was  not  reasonably  available  at  the  time  the 
application was filed. 

Members of  the Board Mr.  Henry C. Saunders, Mr. Allen Beckett, 
and Mr. Richard A. Peterson considered this application on 16 Oct 
97, in accordance with  the provisions of Air  Force  Instruction 
3 6 - 2 6 0 3   and the governing statute, 

Exhibits : 
A.  Applicant's DD Form 149 
B.  Available Master Personnel Records 
C.  Advisory Opinions 
D.  AFBCMR L t r   Forwarding Advisory Opinions 



H E A D Q U A R T E R S   A I R   F O R C E  P E R S O N N E L C E N T E R  

R A N D O L P H  A I R   F O R C E  B A S E  T E X A S  



550 C Street West Ste 12 
Randolph AFB TX  78150-4714 

15 July 1997 

SUBJECT: Application for Correction of Military Records (DD Form 149) 

1.  REQUESTED ACTION.  Applicant requests a pending decoration package dated 13 Jan 97 
be considered for Special Selection Board. 
2.  BASIS FOR REQUEST.  Applicant states that due to corrections, his records were unavail- 
able for past Special Selection Boards. 

3.  FACTS. 

a.  Applicant provided a copy of portions of a recommendation for the Second Oak Leaf 

Cluster t  the Air Force Commendation Medal for the period 8 Jul92-10 May 93 while assigned 

to the 4 Services Squadron, 

Air Base 

Personnel Flight states, “Our records indicate tha$AF/CC  declined to 
a decoration.  It was not revived and resubmitted in Jan 97.  We consider 

4.  DISCUSSION.  Since there is no pending decoration package, this claim is not valid. 




Recognition Programs Branch 
Promotions, Eva1 & Recognition Div 

D E P A R T M E N T   OF T H E  A I R   F O R C E  

H E A D Q U A R T E R S   A I R   F O R C E  P E R S O N N E L  C E N T E R  

R A N D O L P H  A I R   F O R C E   BASE T E X A S  



550 C Street West, Suite 8 
Randolph AFB TX  78 150-47 10 

SUBJECT:  AFI 36-2603 Application-- 

Requested Action.  Applicant requests special selection board (S SB) consideration by an 

unnamed central lieutenant colonel selection board with a corrected 28 Aug 96 officer 
performance report (OPR) and a “pending” decoration included in his officer selection record 

Basis for Request.  See block 9 of applicant’s 29 Apr 97 DD Form 149, Application for 

Correction of Military Records. 

Recommendation. Deny. 

Facts and Comments: 

a.  AFR 36-10, The Officer Evaluation System, 1 Aug 88, is the governing 
directive.  The applicant submitted an appeal under AFI 36-240 1, Correcting Officer and 
Enlisted Evaluation Reports, which was approved by the Evaluation Report Appeal Board 
(ERAB).  A copy of the letter announcing the ERAB’s decision, dated 19 Mar 97, is included in 
the applicant’s appeal package.  The applicant was twice nonselected for promotion to the grade 
of lieutenant colonel by the CY94A (1 1 Oct 94) (P0594A) and CY96C (8 Jul96) (P0596C) 
central selection boards.  He retired fiom active-duty Air Force on 30 Apr 97. 

b.  In support of his appeal, the applicant submits the letter announcing the 

E M ’ S  19 Mar 97 decision and letters of support for a “pending” decoration. 

c.  The corrected 28 Aug 96 OPR has no bearing on this case.  It was not, and 
never will be, considered in the promotion process, as it closed out after the applicant’s final 
promotion board. 

d.  We cannot address the applicant’s “pending’’ decoration.  Should the 

decoration be approved, a matter which is the responsibility of the approval official at the time 
the decoration “closed out”, the applicant may reapply for SSB consideration.  As it currently 
stands, the applicant’s record is not inaccurate because the absence of a decoration that is yet to 


exist is not an error.  As we do not believe there are corrections required to the applicant’s record 
in relation to this appeal, SSB consideration,is not warranted. 

Summary.  Based on the evidence provided, our recommendation of denial is appropriate. 

Chief, Appeals and SSB Branch 
Directorate of Personnel Program Mgt 


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