NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06505-00
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAV BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAVAL RECORD Y S 2 NAVY ANNE X WASHINGTON DC 20370-510 0 LP:dd_j J Docket No: 27 November 2001 6505-00 This is in reference to provisions of title 10 of your application for correction of your naval record pursuant to the the tlnitctl States (‘ode, section 1552. the Board for Correction of Naval Records, sitting in executive wtx reviewed in A three-member panel of session. considered your application ;ICC~II-~~IK~ injustice to the...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06505-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, tiled enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06506-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06507-00
A three-member panel of the Board for Correction of Naval Records, sitting in executive session, considered your application on 30 August 2001. Documentary material considered by the Board consisted of your application, together with all material submitted in support thereof, your naval record and applicable statutes, regulations and policies. Consequently, when applying for a correction of an official naval record, the burden is on the applicant to demonstrate the existence of probable...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06507-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06508-01
The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and Petitioner’s allegations of error and injustice on 22 August 2001 and, pursuant to its regulations, determined that the corrective action indicated below should be taken on the available evidence of record. On 13 May 1988 Petitioner enrolled in the OCC/PLC Program, whichever was applicable, and was directed to report to the applicable Recruiting Office for one (1) day of active duty for training without pay effective 13 May 1988. ...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06509-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer,...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06510-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06511-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06512-00
A three-member panel of the Board for Correction of Naval Records, sitting in executive Your allegations of error and injustice session, considered your application on 7 June 2001. were reviewed in accordance with administrative regulations and procedures applicable to the proceedings of this Board. Documentary material considered by the Board consisted of your application, together with all material submitted in support thereof, your naval record and applicable statutes, regulations and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06512-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, tiled enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06514-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06515-01
The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and Zsalman, reviewed Petitioner’s allegations of error and injustice on 22 August 2001 and, pursuant to its regulations, determined that the corrective action indicated below should be taken on the available evidence of record. On 10 August 1987 Petitioner enrolled in the OCC/PLC Program, whichever was applicable, and was directed to report to the applicable Recruiting Office for one (1) day of active duty for training without pay...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06516-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06517-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06518-01
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAVAL RECORDS 2 NAVY ANNEX WASHINGTON DC 20370-5100 LCC:ddj Docket No: 65 18-01 22 August 2001 From: Chairman, Board for Correction of Naval Records To: Secretary of the Navy Ref: (a) Title 10 U.S.C. Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06519-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, tiled enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06520-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, tiled enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06521-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06522-01
Pursuant to filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course ( PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and Zsalman, reviewed Petitioner’s allegations of error and injustice on 22 August 2001...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06522-99
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) DD Form 149 w/attachments Ltr of 22 Jul 97 to President of FY 97 Staff Sergeant Promotion Board Request of 20 Jan 98 to expunge fitness report CMC ltr of 3 Apr 98 approving the removal of fitness report Request to extend on active duty for remedial promotion consideration and denial Ltr of Apr 98 requesting remedial promotion consideration and denial CMC MMPR-2 memo of 10 Jan 00 Microfiche Records Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), subject, that the...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06523-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and Zsalman, reviewed Petitioner’s allegations of error and injustice on 22 August...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06524-01
The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and Zsalman, reviewed Petitioner’s allegations of error and injustice on 22 August 2001 and, pursuant to its regulations, determined that the corrective action indicated below should be taken on the available evidence of record. (2), the Board finds the existence of an injustice warranting the Docket No: 6524-01 RECOMMENDAI ’ION: That Petitioner ’s naval record be corrected, where appropriate, to show that: January 1987 Petitioner...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06525-01
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAVAL RECORDS 2 NAVY ANNEX WASHINGTON DC 20370-5100 LCC:ddj Docket No: 22 August 2001 6525-01 From: To: Chairman, Board for Correction of Naval Records Secretary of the Navy . Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06526-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06527-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06528-00
A three-member panel of the Board for Correction of Naval Records, sitting in executive session, considered your application on 12 July 2001. Documentary material considered by the Board consisted of your application, together with all material submitted in support thereof, and applicable statutes, regulations and policies. After careful and conscientious consideration of the entire record, the Board found that the evidence submitted was insufficient to establish the existence of probable...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06528-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06529-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06530-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer,...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06531-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer,...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06532-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06533-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (l),with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06534-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06535-00
You requested removal of the performance evaluation report for 3 September 1996 to 15 March 1997, and you impliedly requested retroactive advancement to electronics technician first class previous case, docket number 5948-98, was denied on 9 March 2000. Documentary material considered by the Board consisted of your letter of 12 June 2000 with enclosures, your commanding officer’s undated letter with enclosures, the Board’s file on your prior case, your naval record and applicable statutes,...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06535-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06536-00
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAJAL RECORD S 2 NAVY ANNE X WASHINGTON DC 20370-510 0 TRG Docket No: 5 June 2001 6536-00 This is in reference to your application for correction of your naval record pursuant to the States Code section 1552. provisio:>s of Title 10 of the United A three-member panel of the Board for Correction of Naval Records, sitting in executive session, considered your application on 22 May 2001. injustice were reviewed in accordance with...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06536-01
The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and Petitioner’s allegations of error and injustice on 22 August 2001 and, pursuant to its regulations, determined that the corrective action indicated below should be taken on the available evidence of record. On 2 August 1989 Petitioner enrolled in the OCC/PLC Program, whichever was applicable, and was directed to report to the applicable Recruiting Office for one (1) day of active duty for training without pay effective 2 August 1989....
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06537-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06538-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06539-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06540-01
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF NAVAL RECORDS 2 NAVY ANNEX WASHINGTON DC 20370-5100 LCC:lc Docket No: 6540-01 22 August 2001 From: Chairman, Board for Correction of Naval Records To: Secretary of the Navy Ref: (a) Title 10 U.S.C. Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06541-01
The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and Zsalman, reviewed Petitioner’s allegations of error and injustice on 22 August 2001 and, pursuant to its regulations, determined that the corrective action indicated below should be taken on the available evidence of record. The Board, having reviewed all the -facts of record pertaining to Petitioner ’s allegations of error and injustice, finds as follows: a. In correspondence attached as enclosure (2), the office having cognizance...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06542-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06543-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06544-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06545-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06547-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06548-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...
NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06549-01
Pursuant to the provisions of reference (a), Subject hereinafter referred to as Petitioner, filed enclosure (1) with this Board requesting, in effect, that the applicable naval record be corrected to show the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) was established as the date the Petitioner signed the documents enrolling in the Officer Candidate Course (OCC) or the Platoon Leaders Course (PLC), whichever Program applied to the Petitioner. The Board, consisting of Messrs. Goldsmith, Pfeiffer, and...