NAVY | DRB | 2000_Navy | ND00-00463
ND00-00463 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 000229, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. 870701: Applicant notified of intended recommendation for discharge under other than honorable conditions by reason of misconduct due to drug abuse as evidenced by 870430 nonjudicial punishment for wrongful use of a controlled substance and having been involved in a positive command directed urine sample on...
NAVY | DRB | 2001_Navy | ND01-00049
(Equity Issue) Based on the additional documentation submitted, this former member further requests that the Board include provisions of SECNAVINST 5420.174C., enclosure (1), Chapter 9, as it pertains to post-service conduct, in assessing the merits of the application. Although not imminently suicidal or homicidal, she is a continuing risk to do harm to herself or others; 3) No psychiatric contraindications to any administrative, disciplinary or legal actions deemed necessary by parent...
USMC | DRB | 2002_Marine | MD02-01242
Changes 2 – 6 not applicable to SPD Codes or Narrative Reason for Separation) GKK1 Misconduct-Drug abuse (with admin discharge board)HKK1 Misconduct-Drug abuse (admin discharge board required but waived) Characterization of service is written “HONORABLE”, “ UNDER HONORABLE CONDITIONS (GENERAL)” or “UNDER OTHER THAN HONORABLE CONDITIONS”( See page 1-37 of MCO P1900.16C Ch 4, effective 29 Jul 87. While the Applicant may feel that the urine sample in which the Applicant was found positive for...
USMC | DRB | 2003_Marine | MD03-00642
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. PART I - APPLICANT’S ISSUES AND DOCUMENTATION The complaint procedure does not permit a challenge of the merits of the decision; it is designed solely to ensure that the decisional documents meet applicable requirements for clarity and responsiveness.
NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-00688
In the acknowledgement letter to the Applicant, he was informed that the Naval Discharge Review Board (NDRB) first conducts a documentary review prior to any personal appearance hearing. Mental health Dept will provide appropriate follow-up care until service member is separated from the military or case is otherwise resolved.010610: Applicant notified of intended recommendation for discharge with an Entry Level Separation (uncharacterized service) by reason of defective enlistment and...
NAVY | DRB | 2001_Navy | ND01-00591
Applicant marked the block "I have listed additional issues as an attachment to this application." After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board found that the discharge was proper and equitable (C and D).The applicant’s issue 1 states: “I am respectfully requesting that my current discharge of "other than honorable" be upgrading to "general/under honorable conditions" based upon these factors: with 7 years 8 months of...
NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-00107
The discharge shall change to: UNDER HONORABLE CONDITIONS (GENERAL)/Misconduct- commission of a serious offense, authority: NAVMILSPERSMAN, Article 3630600.A personal appearance discharge review was conducted in Washington, D.C. on XXXXXX. PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The applicant was discharged on 870529 under other than honorable conditions for misconduct due to the commission of a serious offense (A). However, the Board found that the...
USMC | DRB | 2002_Marine | MD02-01312
Prior to being subject of this non-judicial punishment, I had completed four years and eight months of service with very little incident. I served in the Marine Corps for four years and eight months without any non-judicial punishments. Despite the positive aspects of the Applicant’s record and the short time he had remaining on his enlistment, drug abuse warranted processing for separation, normally under other than honorable conditions.
NAVY | DRB | 2001_Navy | ND01-01020
870515: Applicant placed on mandatory urinalysis program for 180 days.870619: NAVDRUGLAB, Norfolk, VA, reported Applicant ’ s urine sample, received 870611, tested positive for THC.Retention Warning: Advised of deficiency (Identified as having been involved in one drug related incident (positive command directed urine sample) prior to this date. He is not recommended for further naval service.870709: Commanding Officer recommended discharge under other than honorable conditions by reason of...
USMC | DRB | 2003_Marine | MD03-00980
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. 940509: An Administrative Discharge Board, based upon a preponderance of the evidence and by unanimous vote, found that the Applicant had committed misconduct due to drug abuse, and by a vote of 2 to 1 that the misconduct warranted separation, and recommended by a vote of 1 to 1 to 1, that the characterization of service be honorable, under honorable conditions (general), and...