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NAVY | BCNR | CY2002 | 02723-02
Original file (02723-02.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved

B O A R D   F O R   C O R R E C T I O N  O F   N A V A L   R E C O R D S  

2   N A V Y   A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

LS7(':  lc 
1)ockt.t  No:  2723-02 
12 .1u1ie 2002 



( a )   Title  I0  ll.S.('.  1552 

( 1 )  111)  Form  149 wiat txIi~iicnt\ 
(2)  N N '   menlo  1430 Scr  8 I  1 . 3  hilay  02 
(3)  Sul!ject's  naval  I-ecortl 

I  .  1)iirsuant to  the  provisions  of' reference  (a). Sulljec.1 Iierci~i;~f'ter- I-ekrretl to  as  f'etitioner, 
in  cflkct.  that  the  applicahlc riawl  rccord  he 
filed  enclosure ( 1 )   with  this  I3o;irtl  req~~csting, 
correctctl  to  show  atlvanc~d w l i c v   I'irst  c.ligil>le. 

3.  The Roartl,  having  revieuwl  all  tlic 
of  error and  inji~stice, find\  a\  tollow\: 

of  record  pert;~ining to  Petitioner's allegations 

a.  Before  applying  to  this  I3oard,  I'etitioner  cxliaiisted  all  administrative  remedies 

available  under  existing  law  ant1  regulations  within  tlie  Iklxtrt~iient of the  Navy. 


In  correspondence att;iclietl ;is enclosure  (2), the  ot'fice  having  cognizance  over  tlie 

sul?ject  ~iiatter addressed  in  F'etitioner's  application  lias co~n~iientetl to  the  effect  that  tlie 
request  lias  merit  and  warrants  tiivoral~le action. 


I l l m i   review  and  considel-ation of  all  tlie  evidence  of I-ecortl, and  especially  in  light  of  tlie 
contents  of  enclosure  (2). tlie  L3oartl  finds  the existence 01'  an  injustice  warranting  the 
following corrective action. 





























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