Application for the Correction of
the Coast Guard Record of:
BCMR Docket No. 2003-140
The applicant asked the Board to correct his record to show that he reenlisted for 5 years
at the end of his enlistment, November 29, 2003, rather than on June 30, 2003. He alleged that
he was told that he would receive a selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) if he canceled a prior 18-
month extension contract and reenlisted on June 30, 2003. He alleged that he was not actually
counseled about SRBs until mid July 2003, when the Personnel Command asked his command
for documentation of his SRB counseling. The applicant stated that although he canceled the
extension contract and reenlisted for 5 years on June 30, 2003, he did not receive the SRB
because he was not legally authorized to reenlist until he was within 3 months of the end of his
original enlistment, which was November 29, 2003. The applicant’s reenlistment contract dated
June 30, 2003, shows that he was promised the SRB. In addition, he submitted a statement from
his Personnel Reporting Unit who confirmed his allegations.
The Judge Advocate General of the Coast Guard recommended that the Board grant the
applicant’s request because the record supports the applicant’s allegation of error. He recom-
mended that the Board reenlist the applicant for 5 years on August 30, 2003.
In response to the Judge Advocate General’s advisory opinion, the applicant stated that,
if he had received accurate and timely counseling, he would have waited to reenlist until the
end of November 2003 in order to have no deductions from his SRB for months of previously
obligated service, as would happen if he were reenlisted as of August 30, 2003. Moreover, he
stated that since November 30, 2003, has passed, he is now asking that his 5-year reenlistment
be voided and that his 18-month extension remain in effect so that he will have a chance to
reenlist in May 2005.
Under Article 3.C. of the Personnel Manual, the applicant was entitled to proper and
timely counseling concerning his eligibility for an SRB. The applicant has proved that he was
erroneously counseled that he could reenlist 5 months early to receive an SRB. Moreover, he
apparently did not receive proper counseling until several weeks after he reenlisted.
Although the applicant, now in retrospect, asks for the previously canceled extension
contract to be reinstated and the reenlistment contract to be voided, the Board is not persuaded
that this is what the applicant would have chosen to do if he had been properly and timely
counseled about SRBs within 3 months of the end of his enlistment as required under Article
3.C. Whenever an applicant proves that he has received improper or untimely SRB counseling,
the Board’s policy is not to fulfill the erroneous promises made by the applicant’s command or
to make any correction requested by the applicant, but to return the applicant to the position he
would have been in had he been properly and timely counseled. The applicant has admitted
and the Board finds that, if he had been properly counseled, the applicant would have waited
to reenlist until the end of his original enlistment to have no deductions from his SRB for pre-
viously obligated service. Accordingly, this is the relief that should be granted.
The military record of MK2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, USCG, shall be corrected by
changing the date of his 5-year reenlistment contract from June 30, 2003, to November 30, 2003.
The Coast Guard shall pay him any amount he may be due under ALCOAST 182/03 as a result
of this correction.
May 20, 2004
Harold C. Davis, MD
John M. Dickinson
Bruce D. Burkley
This final decision, dated June 19, 2003, is signed by the three duly appointed APPLICANT’S REQUEST AND ALLEGATIONS The applicant asked the Board to correct his military record to make him entitled to a full Zone A selective reenlistment bonus (SRB)1 based on his pay grade as an MK2, rather than a partial SRB reduced by previously obligated service under an extension contract. of the Personnel Manual provides that members with less than six years of active duty will not normally be...
This final decision, dated March 31, 2005, is signed by the three duly appointed APPLICANT’S REQUEST AND ALLEGATIONS The applicant, an operations specialist second class (OS2), asked the Board to correct his military record to make him entitled to a Zone A selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) calculated with a multiple of 2.1 He alleged that, prior to being transferred to his current station on July 7, 2003, he was not properly counseled about his eligibility for an SRB when he signed a...
However, instead of receiving an SRB calculated on all six years of the contract, he received an SRB based on only three years, because the canceled extension contract constituted previously obligated service that counted against number of years of newly obligated service on which his SRB was based. Article 2 of Commandant Instruction 7220.33 (the SRB Instruction) provides that “[a]ll personnel with 14 years or less active service who reenlist or extend for any period, however brief, shall...
of the Personnel Manual provides that extension contracts for terms of two years or less may be canceled prior to their operative dates to allow the member to sign a new, longer extension or reenlistment contract to receive an SRB. of the Personnel Manual, the applicant could have canceled his May 6, 2003, three-year extension contract by signing a six-year reenlistment contract on July 18, 2004, to obtain a Zone A SRB under ALCOAST 182/03. Canceling the extension contract will reduce the...
The applicant’s reenlistment contract further indicates the applicant was “obligating 48 new months for SRB purposes.” There is also a Career Intentions Worksheet in the record dated January 13, 2004, which contains a handwritten notation from the person administering the oath for the applicant’s reenlistment, which states “cancel extension that is to begin 07 Feb 04, reenlisting for SRB purposes.” The record also contains a memorandum dated June 17, 2004, submitted by a yeoman first class...
Coast Guard members who have at least 21 months but no more than 6 years of active duty service are in “Zone A.” Members who have completed at least 6 years but no more than 10 years of active duty service are in “Zone B.” Members may not receive more than one bonus per zone. On July 1, 1999, after receiving transfer orders to a new station, the applicant was advised that an SRB multiple was authorized for his rating and that if he reenlisted or extended his enlistment for at least three...
The Judge Advocate General of the Coast Guard (TJAG) recommended that the Board grant the applicant’s request because the record supports his allegation that he was not properly counseled. Under Article 3.C.5.6., on June 8, 2004, the applicant would have been entitled to cancel his one-month extension and reenlist for 6 years to receive the SRB with a multiple of 2.5. The Board finds that, if the applicant had been properly counseled, he would have extended his enlistment for one month on...
By that time, ALCOAST 182/03 was in effect and the SRB multiple for MK2s in Zone A was just 1.5.5 In support of his allegations, the applicant pointed out that his command failed to have him sign a CG-3307 (“page 7”) to acknowledge receiving proper SRB counseling when he signed the one-year extension contract on November 18, 2002. Therefore, the Board finds that the applicant has proved by a preponderance of the evidence that he was miscounseled in November 2002 that, if he extended...
Under COMDTINST 7220.33 and ALCOAST 198/01, a member whose 6th anniversary fell between May 1 and September 30, 2001, was entitled to reenlist during October 2001 for a Zone A SRB. The Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard recommended that the Board grant the appli- cant’s request because the record supports his allegation that he was not properly counseled and that if he had been, he would have waited until October 2001 to reenlist. Under ALCOAST 127/01 and the special provisions of ALCOAST...
UNITED STATES COAST GUARD, COMDT- INST M1000.6A, PERSONNEL MANUAL, Art. of the Personnel Manual, he would have reenlisted on October 2, 2009, so that he would be entitled to the SRB and not have any previously obligated service remaining to run on his prior enlistment, which would reduce his SRB.10 The Board notes that the applicant asked to be reen- 8 UNITED STATES COAST GUARD, COMDTINST M1000.6A, PERSONNEL MANUAL, Art. However, the Coast Guard transferred the applicant with only one year...