Application for the Correction of
the Coast Guard Record of:
BCMR Docket No. 2000-039
ANDREWS, Attorney-Advisor:
This is a proceeding under the provisions of section 1552 of title 10 and section
425 of title 14 of the United States Code. It was docketed on January 4, 2000, upon the
BCMR’s receipt of the applicant’s completed application.
appointed members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case.
This final decision, dated September 28, 2000, is signed by the three duly
The applicant, an xxxxxxxxxx on active duty in the Coast Guard, asked the Board
to correct his military record by canceling a six-year reenlistment contract he signed on
August 5, 1999.
The applicant alleged that when he reenlisted for six years on August 5, 1999, he
was told that the reenlistment would entitle him to receive a Zone B SRB1 calculated
with a multiple of one under ALDIST 184/99. However, because he was still
eeeeeeeeee on August 5, 1999, the reenlistment did not entitle him to an SRB. He
alleged that if he had known about the requirement that he be in pay grade E-5 to
receive a Zone B SRB, he would not have reenlisted for six years but would have
1 SRBs vary according to the length of each member’s active duty service, the length of the period of
reenlistment or extension of enlistment, and the need of the Coast Guard for personnel with the member’s
particular skills, which is reflected in the multiple used to calculate the bonus. Coast Guard members in
pay grade E-5 and above who have served between 6 and 10 years on active duty are in “Zone B.”
Members may only receive one SRB per zone.
extended his previous enlistment so that he could reenlist after he was promoted to
xxxx/E-5 and receive the SRB.
In support of his request, the applicant submitted a statement signed by his
commanding officer (CO). The CO stated that the applicant was not properly counseled
concerning his eligibility for an SRB due to an administrative oversight. He stated that
the applicant entered into the reenlistment contract believing that he would be paid an
SRB. The CO stated that, if the Board cancels the applicant’s reenlistment contract, he
would extend his previous enlistment for six months, during which time he will seek
advancement to E-5 to become eligible for a Zone B SRB.
On November 6, 1995, the applicant enlisted in the Coast Guard as a seaman (SN;
pay grade E-3) for a term of four years, through November 5, 1999. Prior to this enlist-
ment, the applicant had already served over four years on active duty in another serv-
ice. Therefore, his active duty base date is October 24, 1991.
On February 28, 1997, the applicant entered the xx rating as an SN-xx (pay grade
E-3) but was not advanced to xxx until August 27, 1997, due to disciplinary problems.
On May 13, 1999, the Commandant issued ALDIST 184/99, which established
SRBs for personnel in certain skill ratings who reenlisted or extended their enlistments
after June 15, 1999. The multiple to be used for calculating Zone B SRBs for members in
the xx rating was one.
On August 5, 1999, while still at the rank of xxx and in pay grade E-4, the appli-
cant reenlisted for six years. His reenlistment contract states that he is “entitled to [a]
Zone B SRB with [a] multiple of 1.” There is no entry in the applicant’s record indicat-
ing that he was counseled concerning his SRB eligibility.
On May 1, 2000, the applicant was promoted to xxx and pay grade E-5.
On June 29, 2000, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard recommended that the
Board grant partial relief in this case.
The Chief Counsel admitted that the applicant was wrongly advised with respect
to his SRB eligibility. However, he stated, “[t]he Government is not estopped from
repudiating the inaccurate SRB counseling or the SRB provision included in Applicant’s
05 August 1999 reenlistment contract. Even assuming arguendo that Applicant had
detrimentally relied on this promise of a SRB, the doctrine of estoppel does not apply,
because, as a matter of law, Applicant was ineligible for an SRB.” Utah Power & Light
Co. v. United States, 243 U.S. 389, 409 (1971); Montilla v. United States, 457 F.2d 978 (Ct. Cl.
1972); Goldberg v. Weinberger, 546 F.2d 477 (2d Cir. 1976), cert. denied sub nom Goldberg v.
Califano, 431 U.S. 937 (1977).
The Chief Counsel stated that the applicant’s reenlistment contract is voidable
because of the erroneous advice, but that a new contract must be established prior to
voiding the August 5, 1999, contract because the applicant would have no contract cov-
ering his service after the termination date of his original enlistment, November 5, 1999.
Therefore, the Chief Counsel recommended that the Board grant partial relief by
voiding the applicant’s August 5, 1999, reenlistment contract and offering the applicant
the minimum allowable two-year extension. In the alternative, he stated, the Board
could terminate the applicant’s enlistment obligation so that he would be discharged.
On June 30, 2000, the BCMR sent the applicant a copy of the Chief Counsel’s rec-
ommendation and invited him to respond to it within 15 days. He was granted an
extension and his response was received on July 19, 2000.
The applicant stated that the Chief Counsel’s recommended relief would prevent
him from ever receiving a Zone B SRB because the two-year extension would not end
until November 5, 2001, at which time he will no longer be in Zone B. In addition, the
applicant stated, even if he could reenlist before or on his tenth anniversary, there may
be no SRB authorized for his rating at that time.
Therefore, the applicant asked the Board to void his August 5, 1999, reenlistment
and correct his record to show that he extended his enlistment for six months, from
November 6, 1999, through May 6, 2000, and then reenlisted for six years to earn a Zone
B SRB. He alleged that extensions of less than two years were authorized under
ALDIST 245/98.
The applicant stated that if the Board does not agree with his request, he would
prefer to have his current contract terminated as soon as possible. He alleged that he
would then be able to reenlist and receive a Zone B SRB because, under ALCOAST
084/99, xxxs may reenter the service as part of the “Open Rate List (ORL) program.”
However, he indicated that this option could create hardship for his family because he
would lose his billet and might be transferred upon reenlistment. He alleged that it
would also be expensive for the Coast Guard, which would have to train and transfer
someone else to fill his billet.
Reenlistment and Extension Provisions
Article 12.B.7.b. of the Personnel Manual states that a member’s commanding
officer may discharge him for the purpose of immediate reenlistment during the three
months prior to the end of his enlistment.
Article 1.G.2.a. of the Personnel Manual states that reenlistments must be of
three, four, five, or six years’ duration. Under Article 1.G.14.a.1., extensions of enlist-
ments requested by members must be of at least two years’ duration. Under Article
1.G.9.b., members reenlisting within 24 hours after discharge may be reenlisted at their
unit, rather than at a recruiting office. Article 1.G.3.a. provides that members reenlist-
ing the day after they are discharged shall be reenlisted in the rate held on the date of
ALDIST 245/98, issued on October 8, 1998, stated that during fiscal year 1999,
commanding officers could ask the Personnel Command to approve extensions of
enlistments for less than two years “to alleviate short-term gaps in billets.” The ALDIST
stated that approval by the Personnel Command was now required to “provide a better
balance of member needs and short-term flexibility at the unit with the longer term
assignment and workforce needs of the Coast Guard.”
ALCOAST 084/99, issued on September 7, 1999, established a new Open Rate
List, effective October 1, 1999. The ORL included members in rating xxx.
ALCOAST 302/00, issued on July 20, 2000, canceled ALCOAST 084/99 and
established a new ORL as of October 1, 2000. The new ORL also included members in
rating xxx.
SRB Provisions
Section 2 of Enclosure (1) to Commandant Instruction 7220.33 (Reenlistment
Bonus Programs Administration) provides that “[a]ll personnel with 14 years or less
active service who reenlist or extend for any period, however brief, shall be counseled
on the SRB program. They shall sign a page 7 service record entry, enclosure (3), out-
lining the effect that particular action has on their SRB entitlement.” The page 7 mem-
bers must sign states that they have been provided with a copy of the SRB instruction.
Section 3.b.(4) of Enclosure (1) states that, to be eligible for a Zone B SRB, mem-
bers must “[b]e serving in pay grade E-5 or higher.”
Section 3.d.(9) of Enclosure (1) states that “[c]ommanding officer are authorized
to effect early discharge and reenlist members within 3 months prior to their 6th, 10th,
or 14th year active service anniversary dates (not to be confused with the normal expi-
ration of enlistment), for the purpose of qualifying for a Zone A, B, or C SRB respec-
ALDIST 184/99, issued on May 13, 1999, established SRBs for personnel in cer-
tain skill ratings who reenlisted or extended their enlistments after June 15, 1999. The
multiple to be used for calculating Zone B SRBs for members in the xx rating was one.
ALCOAST 218/00, issued on May 19, 2000, established SRBs for personnel in cer-
tain skill ratings who reenlisted or extended their enlistments after July 1, 2000. The
multiple to be used for calculating Zone B SRBs for members in the x rating was one.
The Board makes the following findings and conclusions on the basis of the
applicant's military record and submissions, the Coast Guard's submissions, and appli-
cable law:
The Board has jurisdiction concerning this matter pursuant to section 1552
of title 10 of the United States Code. The application was timely.
Under Section 2 of Enclosure (1) to Commandant Instruction 7220.33, the
applicant was entitled to proper counseling concerning his eligibility for a Zone B SRB
under ALDIST 184/99 when he reenlisted on August 5, 1999. Proper counseling would
have provided him with a copy of the instruction, whose terms would have informed
him that as an xxx/E-4, his reenlistment would not entitle him to an SRB. COMDTINST
7220.33, Enclosure (1), Section 3.b.(4).
The reenlistment contract the applicant signed on August 5, 1999, proves
that he was wrongly counseled about his eligibility for an SRB and wrongly promised
an SRB for which he was not eligible in consideration for his reenlistment. The Coast
Guard erred and committed an injustice in inducing the applicant to reenlist for six
years with this false promise.
The applicant alleged that if he had been properly counseled in August
1999, he would have chosen to and been permitted to extend his enlistment for a short
period until some then-unknown future date when he would be advanced to ET2/E-5.
Under Article 1.G.14.a.1. of the Personnel Manual, extensions of enlistments requested
by members must be of at least two years’ duration, but the applicant alleged that such
a short-term would have been permitted under ALDIST 245/98. ALDIST 245/98 per-
mitted short-term extensions “to alleviate short-term gaps in billets,” and such exten-
sions had to be approved by the Personnel Command.
Although the applicant’s CO indicated that he would grant him a six-
month extension, the applicant has not proved that in August 1999, his command
would have requested that his enlistment be extended for six months under ALDIST
245/98 because of any gap in billets. Nor has he proved that the Personnel Command
would have approved any such request by his CO in August 1999. Moreover, the
applicant could not have known for certain in August 1999 that he would be promoted
to xxx on May 1, 2000. Therefore, the applicant has not proved that if he had been
properly counseled in August 1999, he would have been advised to or allowed to
extend his enlistment for six months.
Therefore, the minimum amount of service that the applicant would have
been required to obligate upon the termination of his enlistment was two years. The
Chief Counsel recommended that the Board correct the applicant’s record to show that
he extended his enlistment for two years, through November 4, 2001. However, the
applicant stated that since the Chief Counsel admitted that his contract is voidable, he
would prefer to be discharged and reenlisted as soon as possible, despite the hardship
this might cause for his family, because a two-year extension might preclude him from
ever receiving a Zone B SRB if none was authorized for his rating prior to his tenth
active duty anniversary in the fall of 2001.
The Coast Guard’s administrative error in advising the applicant does not
entitle him to a short-term extension against regulations or to an immediate discharge.
When the Coast Guard commits an error by misadvising a member about his SRB eligi-
bility, the Board’s practice is to correct the member’s record to appear as it would have
if the Coast Guard had properly advised the member. The applicant has not proved
that, if he had been properly advised about his ineligibility for an SRB in August 1999,
he would have left the Coast Guard upon the termination of his enlistment in Novem-
ber 1999. The record indicates that the applicant intended to continue his career in the
Coast Guard and was required to obligate at least two additional years of service.
A two-year extension contract would not necessarily prevent the applicant
from ever receiving a Zone B SRB, as he alleged, even though the term of the extension
would end after his tenth active duty anniversary. For example, if the applicant must
sign a new contract to obligate service to accept transfer orders before his tenth anniver-
sary and an SRB remains authorized for his rating, he may receive the SRB. Likewise, if
an SRB is authorized for his rating at any time during the three months before his tenth
anniversary, October 24, 2001, his CO could discharge and reenlist him for the purpose
of receiving an SRB under Section 3.d.(9) of Enclosure (1) of COMDTINST 7220.33.
Accordingly, the Board should grant relief by voiding the applicant’s six-
year reenlistment contract dated August 5, 1999, and replacing it with a two-year exten-
sion contract.
The application of XXXXXXXXXX, USCG, for correction of his military record is
hereby granted in part as follows:
His record shall be corrected to show that on August 5, 1999, he extended his
enlistment for two years. The six-year reenlistment contract he signed on August 5,
1999, shall be null and void.
Barbara Betsock
George Kuehnle, Jr.
Michael J. McMorrow
This final decision, dated April 5, 2006, is signed by the three duly appointed APPLICANT’S REQUEST AND ALLEGATIONS The applicant asked the Board to correct his record so that he will be entitled to receive a Zone A selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) for reenlisting on his sixth active duty anniversary in May 2001 and a Zone B SRB for reenlisting on his tenth active duty anniversary in May 2005.1 The applicant alleged that he was eligible for a Zone A SRB when he extended his original...
This final decision, date May 22, 2003, is signed by the three duly appointed APPLICANT’S REQUEST AND ALLEGATIONS The applicant asked the Board to correct his record by canceling the reenlistment contract he signed on August 15, 2000 and reenlisting him for six years to obtain a Zone B selective reenlistment bonus (SRB). On May 19, 2000, the Commandant of the Coast Guard issued ALCOAST 218/00, which authorized members in the XX rating in Zone A to receive an SRB with a multiple of one-half,...
The Chief Counsel contended that the Board should find that the Coast Guard had no duty to counsel the applicant regarding the potential effect of his April 30, 1997 reenlistment on future SRB eligibility. of the Personnel Manual provides that members who receive PCS orders must be counseled about obligated service requirements and sign a page 7 documenting that counseling. The Board finds that if the applicant had received proper counseling, as urged by the Chief Counsel, the required...
He also alleged that during this time, he was away from his servicing personnel reporting unit (PERSRU) and did not receive counseling about his eligibility to reenlist for an SRB on September 17, 2001, his tenth anniversary on active duty. The applicant alleged that, had he been counseled, he would have reenlisted for six years in order to obtain a Zone B SRB under ALCOAST 198/01. [ORDER AND SIGNATURES APPEAR ON NEXT PAGE] ORDER The six-month extension agreement, dated April 25, 2001 but...
This final decision, dated August 11, 2005, is signed by the three duly appointed APPLICANT’S REQUEST AND ALLEGATIONS The applicant asked the Board to correct his military record by canceling his five- year extension contract dated April 2, 1999, and replacing it with a seven-month extension followed by a six-year reenlistment to receive a Zone B selective reenlistment bonus (SRB)1 calculated with a multiple of 2.0. to obligate sufficient service to transfer and reenlisted when the SRB was...
VIEWS OF THE COAST GUARD On June 26, 2000, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard recommended that the Board grant the applicant’s request. (3) of Enclosure (1) to Commandant Instruction 7220.33 (Reenlistment Bonus Programs Administration) states that to be eligible for a Zone B SRB, a member must “[h]ave completed at least 6 but not more than 10 years active service on the date of reenlistment or the operative date of the extension.” Section 3.d. The Chief Counsel recommended that the Board...
The Board finds that the Coast Guard committed an error by not counseling the applicant on a Page 7 when he reenlisted on September 13, 1997, as required by Article 2 of Enclosure (1) to COMDINST 7220.33. The applicant alleged that he would not have reenlisted on September 13, 1997, if he had known that he was not required to do so until his enlistment expired on July 12, 1999.5 The Board finds that if the applicant had been properly counseled on September 13, 1997, he would have had the...
This final decision, dated September 12, 2002 is signed by the three duly APPLICANT’S REQUEST AND ALLEGATIONS The applicant asked the Board to correct his record to show that he was discharged, and immediately reenlisted for a period of six years on his tenth anniversary of military service1 for the purpose of receiving a Zone B selective reenlistment bonus (SRB). (1) of Enclosure (1) to the Commandant Instruction 7220.33 (Reenlistment Bonus Programs Administration) states that members with...
This final decision, dated July 13, 2000, is signed by the three duly appointed RELIEF REQUESTED The applicant, a xxxxxxxxxxxx on active duty in the Coast Guard, asked the Board to correct his military record to show that he was discharged and reenlisted for a term of six years on March 13, 1999, his tenth anniversary on active duty. VIEWS OF THE COAST GUARD On June 26, 2000, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard recommended that the Board grant the applicant’s request. The Chief Counsel...
2001-132 XXXXX, XXXXXXX X. XXX XX XXXX, XXX SUMMARY OF THE RECORD GARMON, Attorney-Advisor: The applicant asked the Board to correct his record to show that he reenlisted for six years on June 28, 1999, his tenth anniversary on active duty, for the purpose of receiving a Zone B selective reenlistment bonus (SRB). On January 31, 2002, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard recommended that the Board grant FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Under COMDTINST 7220.33, the applicant was entitled to proper...