(Note: Part I deleted under the Privacy Act on Reading Room copy)
1. Character of Discharge: Honorable
2. Date of discharge (or REFRAD): 971114
3. Authority for separation:
a. Regulation: Chapter 13, AR 635-200
b. Reason: Unsatisfactory Performance
4. Prior review(s): NONE
SECTION A - Period of Service Under Review
1. Service data: 2. Awards and
a. Period entered for: 3 Years ASR
b. Entry date: 950201
c. Age: 20 Years DOB: 750107
d. Educational level: HS Grad
e. Aptitude area score:
GT: 102 3. Highest grade
f. Length of Service: E4
2 Year(s) 9 Month(s) 14 Day(s)
4. Performance evaluations:
SECTION A - Period of Service Under Review - Continued
5. Periods of unauthorized absence: NONE
Status Inclusive dates
Mil conf
Civil conf
6. Nonjudicial punishment: NONE
Date Offense(s)
7. Court-Martial data: NONE
a. SCM:
Date Offense(s)
b. SPCM:
Date Offense(s)
c. GCM:
Date Offense(s)
8. Remarks: NONE
SECTION B - Prior Service Data
Other discharge(s):
Service From To Type Discharge
USAR 931104 940125 NA
ADT 940126 940519 Uncharacterized
USAR 940520 950131 NA
l. Facts and Circumstances:
a. The evidence of record shows that on 30 September 1997, the unit
commander notified the applicant of initiation of separation action under
the provisions of Chapter l3, AR 635-200, by reason of unsatisfactory
performance, with an honorable discharge. He was advised of his rights.
The applicant consulted with legal counsel, was advised of the impact of
the discharge action, and did not submit a statement in his own behalf.
The unit commander subsequently recommended separation from the service and
waiver of further rehabilitative efforts. The intermediate commander
reviewed the proposed discharge action and recommended approval with a
general, under honorable conditions discharge. On 20 October 1997, the
separation authority waived further rehabilitative efforts and directed
that the applicant be discharged with an honorable discharge.
b. On 14 November 1997, the applicant was discharged. At the time
of discharge, the applicant had completed 2 years, 9 months, and 14 days of
active military service in the period under review and had a total of 4
years, and 11 days of active military service.
2. Legal/Regulatory Basis for Separation Action: Army Regulation 635-200
sets forth the basic authority for the separation of enlisted personnel.
Chapter 13 contains the policy and outlines the procedures for separating
individuals for unsatisfactory performance, and provides, in pertinent
part, that commanders will separate a member under this chapter when, in
the commander's judgment, the member will not develop sufficiently to
participate satisfactorily in further training and/or become a satisfactory
soldier. Army policy states that a general discharge, under honorable
conditions is normally considered appropriate, but an honorable discharge
may be granted in meritorious cases.
1. Issue(s) of propriety and/or equity submitted by applicant or counsel.
As stated on applicant’s DD Form 293.
2. Exhibit(s) submitted:
A-1: DD Form 293, dated 040414, with one (1) enclosure(s).
A-2: Counsel Issues: NONE
B-l: Other Documents: NONE
SECTION C - Medical and/or Legal Advisory Opinion
Referred to ( ) Medical Advisor ( ) Legal Advisor
a. Medical prehearing comments (if applicable):
b. Legal prehearing comments (if applicable):
SECTION A-Attendees and exhibits
1. Review/hearing information:
a. Type requested:
( X ) Records review ( ) Hearing
b. Type Held:
( X )Records review ( ) Hearing
( ) Tender Offer
c. Review/hearing location and date: Washington, DC on 1 December
d. Appearance by:
Applicant ( ) Yes ( X ) No
Counsel ( ) Yes ( X ) No
e. Applicant testified: ( ) Yes ( X ) No
f. Counsel presentation: ( ) Yes ( X ) No
g. Witness(es) testified: ( ) Yes ( X ) No
2. Exhibit(s) submitted at hearing:
1. a. Applicant's issue(s) of propriety and/or equity:
( X ) Same as those listed on DD Form 293 and Part IV, Section A
of this case report and directive.
( ) Revised issue(s) furnished in writing by applicant as
( X ) Additional issue(s) identified during review/hearing as
Board Issue: (2) The narrative reason for separation is
b. Request: ( X ) Recharacterization ( ) Change of Reason
2. Finding(s), conclusion(s), and reason(s) for the Board's decision(s) on
issues of propriety and/or equity:
a. Propriety: The applicant has not submitted an issue of
propriety and the ADRB has not otherwise relied upon an
issue of propriety to change the discharge.
b. Equity: The parenthetical number(s) below correspond(s) to
the issue number(s) on the DD Form 293, or in Part VI,
Paragraph 1, above.
(2) The issue is accepted. The evidence of record shows that the
primary reason for the applicant’s release from active duty was his
inability to successfully pass the Army Physical Fitness Test. Regulations
currently in effect list the reason for the applicant’s release from active
duty as “Physical Standards.” Accordingly, the Board voted to grant
partial relief by changing the narrative reason on the DD Form 214 to
“Physical Standards” with a corresponding separation code of “LFT.”
(1) The issue is rejected. The Board noted the applicant’s
contentions; however, eligibility for veteran's benefits to include
educational benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill does not fall within the
purview of the Army Discharge Review Board. Accordingly, the applicant
should contact a local office of the Department of Veterans Affairs for
further assistance. See response to issue (2) above.
3. Response(s) to item(s) not addressed as decisional issue(s): NONE
SECTION A - Conclusions/Decisions/Vote
1. Board conclusion(s):
The discharge was:
( X ) Proper.
( ) Improper as to characterization. Change characterization to
( ) Improper as to reason. Change reason to
under .
( ) Equitable.
( ) Inequitable as to characterization. Change characterization to
( X ) Inequitable as to reason. Change reason to “Physical
under “Chapter 13, AR 635-200.”
( ) Both proper and equitable, but characterization/reason for
separation cited was an administrative/clerical error and should
be changed to under
2. Voting record: Change No Change
Reason 5 0
Characterization 0 5
The names and votes of the members of the Board are recorded in
Part IX of this document and can be obtained by writing to the address
below. The request must contain the CASE NO. located in the upper right
corner of this document.
Department of the Army Review Boards Agency
ATTN: Promulgation Team
1901 South Bell Street, 2nd Floor
Arlington, VA 22202-4508
3. Minority views: NONE
SECTION B - Verification and Authentication
Case report reviewed and verified
Case Reviewing Official
TO: ARBA Support Division-St Louis Date: 1 December 2004
The Army Discharge Review Board, established under the provisions of
Section 30, Public Law 346, 78th Congress, 22 June 1944 and codified as
Title 10, United States Code, Section 1553, in the case of the applicant
named in Part I directs that the ARBA Support Division-St Louis issue a new
DD Form 2l4 to the applicant which reflects the following directed
( X ) Change the narrative reason for discharge to “Physical
Standards” under Chapter 13, AR 635-200.
( X ) Other (see remarks below).
Remarks: Change the separation code to “LFT.”
Approval Authority:
Colonel, U.S. Army
President, Army Discharge
Review Board
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
Chief, Secretary Recorder
A - Application for review of discharge C - Other
B - Material submitted by applicant
AR Number: 20040000228 INDEX NUMBERS: A9442
Date of Review: 041201 A9445
Character of Service: HD A0100
Date of Discharge: 971114
Authority: AR 635-200 C13
Reason: A4900
Results of Board Action/
Vote/Affirmation: MD 5-0 A
Name Reason Characterization
1. Mbr X X
2. Mbr X X
3. Mbr X X
4. Mbr X X
5. PO X X
ARMY | DRB | CY2000 | 2000040610
The Board carefully reviewed the applicant’s record of service during the period of enlistment under review. The Army Discharge Review Board is empowered to change the characterization of the discharge only if clemency is determined to be appropriate. AR Number: 2000040610 INDEX NUMBERS: A9105 Date of Review: 000509 A9221 Character of Service: BD A0100 Date of Discharge: 971114 Authority: AR 635-200 C3 Reason: A6800 Results of Board Action/ Vote/Affirmation: NC 5-0 A Name Reason...
ARMY | DRB | CY2003 | 2003090548
Prior review(s): NONE PART III - SERVICE HISTORY SECTION A - Period of Service Under Review 1. Regulations currently in effect list the reason for the applicant’s separation as “Physical Standards.” In view of the forgoing, the Board determined that the narrative reason for separation is now inequitable. AR Number: 2003090548 INDEX NUMBERS: A9442 Date of Review: 031210 A0101 Character of Service: HD Date of Discharge: 980731 Authority: AR 635-200 C13 Reason: A4900 Results of Board...
ARMY | DRB | CY2000 | 2000042988
Applicant's issue(s) of propriety and/or equity: ( X ) Same as those listed on DD Form 293 and Part IV, Section A of this case report and directive. PART VII - BOARD ACTIONSECTION B - Verification and Authentication Case report reviewed and verified Ms. McKim-Spilker Case Reviewing Official PART VIII - DIRECTIVE/CERTIFICATIONSECTION A - DIRECTIVE NONE SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority:WILSON A. SHATZER Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board EXHIBITS: A -...
ARMY | DRB | CY2003 | AR2003098593
The Board noted that the separation authority approved the applicant’s release from active duty with an honorable characterization of service. Regulations currently in effect list the reason for the applicant’s release from active duty as “Physical Standards.” Accordingly, the Board voted to change the narrative reason on the DD Form 214 to “Physical Standards” with a corresponding separation code of “LFT.” 3. Remarks: This action entails a change to the applicant’s separation code to...
ARMY | DRB | CY2003 | AR2003097134
Remarks: NONE SECTION B - Prior Service Data NONE Other discharge(s): Service From To Type Discharge PART IV - PREHEARING REVIEW SECTION A-ANALYST’S ASSESSMENT l. Facts and Circumstances: a. Applicant's issue(s) of propriety and/or equity: ( X ) Same as those listed on DD Form 293 and Part IV, Section A of this case report and directive. ( X ) Change reason and authority for discharge to Physical Standards, AR 635-200.
ARMY | DRB | CY2003 | AR2003096543
Remarks: NONE SECTION B - Prior Service Data NONE Other discharge(s): Service From To Type Discharge PART IV - PREHEARING REVIEW SECTION A-ANALYST’S ASSESSMENT l. Facts and Circumstances: a. Regulations currently in effect list the reason for the applicant’s separation as “Physical Standards.” Accordingly, the Board voted to grant relief in the form of a change to the narrative reason for discharge to “Physical Standards” and a corresponding change to the separation code to “LFT.” (1) See...
ARMY | DRB | CY2003 | 2003084473
Prior review(s): NONE PART III - SERVICE HISTORY SECTION A - Period of Service Under Review 1. Evidence of record shows that on 30 October 1997, the unit commander notified the applicant of initiation of separation action under the provisions of Chapter l3, AR 635-200, by reason of unsatisfactory performance, with a general, under honorable conditions discharge. EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material submitted by applicant
ARMY | DRB | CY2003 | 2003093529
Accordingly, the Board voted to grant relief by changing the characterization of service to fully honorable. Regulations currently in effect list the reason for the applicant’s release from active duty as “Physical Standards.” Accordingly, the Board voted to change the narrative reason on the DD Form 214 to “Physical Standards” with a corresponding separation code of “LFT.” EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material submitted by applicant
ARMY | DRB | CY2004 | AR20040000538
Remarks: NONE SECTION B - Prior Service Data NONE Other discharge(s): Service From To Type Discharge PART IV - PREHEARING REVIEW SECTION A-ANALYST’S ASSESSMENT l. Facts and Circumstances: a. On 14 October 1997, the separation authority approved the applicant’s request and directed he be discharged with an under other than honorable conditions discharge. SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority: ROBERT L. HOUSE Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board Official: MARY E....
ARMY | DRB | CY2000 | 2000035814
On 24 December 1997, the applicant was discharged. Applicant's issue(s) of propriety and/or equity: ( X ) Same as those listed on DD Form 293 and Part IV, Section A of this case report and directive. PART VII - BOARD ACTIONSECTION B - Verification and Authentication Case report reviewed and verified MR. RON WILLIAM Case Reviewing Official PART VIII - DIRECTIVE/CERTIFICATIONSECTION A - DIRECTIVE NONE SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority:THOMAS J. ALLEN Colonel, U.S. Army President,...