DOCKET NUMBER: AR20060004260
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the true and complete record
of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in
the case of the above-named individual.
| |Mr. Carl W. S. Chun | |Director |
| |Ms. Rene' R. Parker | |Analyst |
The following members, a quorum, were present:
| |Mr. Curtis Greenway | |Chairperson |
| |Mr. Thomas Ray | |Member |
| |Ms. Peguine Taylor | |Member |
The Board considered the following evidence:
Exhibit A - Application for correction of military records.
Exhibit B - Military Personnel Records (including advisory opinion,
if any).
1. The applicant requests, in effect, that his 1996 discharge from the
Texas Army National Guard be voided.
2. The applicant states he was discharged in 1996 without his knowledge.
He notes he was stationed in Gatesville, Texas, and was told that "the
program was a two-year program, but it only lasted about 6 months." He
states he was told that he was terminated but was not given any proper form
that indicated he was discharged. He states he discovered that he was
discharged when he received a discharge certificate in the mail. He states
he tired to reenlist but was told he could not but did finally get back in
after about 6 months.
3. He states he still does not understand why he was discharged without
his consent and notes that the lapse is causing the "Department" to
question his
20 years of service and denying him full benefits.
4. The applicant provides a copy of an August 2003 leave and earnings
statement, and a copy of his August 2003 discharge certificate from the
Army National Guard.
1. Records available to the Board indicate the applicant served on active
duty as a member of the United States Air Force between 1 November 1968 and
31 October 1972. He was released from active duty and transferred to the
Air Force Reserve in pay grade E-4. According to information contained on
one of his enlistment documents, he was a member of the United States Air
Force Reserve until 31 October 1974, the conclusion of his statutory
service obligation. There is no indication if his service in the United
States Air Force Reserve were considered creditable years of service for
retirement purposes at age 60.
2. On 8 January 1988 the applicant enlisted in the Texas Army National
Guard for a period of 1 year, in pay grade E-4. He extended his initial
enlistment for an additional year on 7 January 1989 and again on 7 January
1990. On 7 January 1991 he extended his enlistment contract with the
National Guard for an additional 3 years and extended again for 3 more
years on 7 January 1994. As a result of his various extensions to his
initial January 1988 enlistment action, his separation date was ultimately
established as 7 January 1997.
3. The applicant's signature, acknowledging his 7 January 1997 scheduled
separation date, is reflected on his 7 January 1994 3-year extension
4. A separation document (National Guard Bureau Form 22) was issued
discharging the applicant from the Army National Guard, effective 7 January
1997, upon the expiration of his service in pay grade E-4. The document
indicates the applicant was not available to sign the separation document.
His Reentry (RE) code was recorded as RE-1 indicating the applicant was
fully qualified to reenlist at the time of his discharge.
5. On 14 August 1997 the applicant executed a 6-year enlistment contract
and returned to service with the Texas Army National Guard. His separation
date, based on his 6-year enlistment, was established as 13 August 2003.
The applicant was honorably discharged, in pay grade E-4, on his 13 August
2003 scheduled separation date. His RE code was recorded as RE-1
indicating he was fully qualified for reenlistment at the time of his
separation, but the applicant was again unavailable to sign the separation
document. According to the 2003 separation document, the applicant had 18
years of creditable service for retirement purpose at age 60 and 21 years
of service for pay purposes. In May 2004 the applicant turned 60.
1. Contrary to the applicant's contention he was not discharged in 1996,
but rather was discharge in 1997 upon the expiration of his enlistment
2. The applicant authenticated his 1994 extension document acknowledging
he was extending his enlistment contract with the Army National Guard for
an additional 3 years thereby establishing his scheduled separation date as
7 January 1997. He was correctly discharged on that date when he failed to
take any action to extend his contract again or to execute a new
reenlistment contract.
3. The evidence available to the Board shows the applicant was fully
qualified to continue his service with the Army National Guard at the time
his enlistment contract expired in 1997 and again in 2003. He has provided
no compelling argument to show that any error or injustice occurred in
either discharge action.
4. In order to justify correction of a military record the applicant must
show, or it must otherwise satisfactorily appear, that the record is in
error or unjust. The applicant has failed to submit evidence that would
satisfy that requirement.
________ ________ ________ GRANT FULL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT PARTIAL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT FORMAL HEARING
___CG __ ___TR __ __PT ___ DENY APPLICATION
The evidence presented does not demonstrate the existence of a probable
error or injustice. Therefore, the Board determined that the overall
merits of this case are insufficient as a basis for correction of the
records of the individual concerned.
____ Curtis Greenway_______
|CASE ID |AR20060004260 |
|DATE BOARDED |20061114 |
|ISSUES 1. |110.00 |
|2. | |
|3. | |
|4. | |
|5. | |
|6. | |
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• • • On April 24, 1995, the applicant enlisted in the Coast Guard Reserve. of the Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29B, states that creditable service for pay purposes includes “all periods of active duty inactive service … in any Regular or Reserve component.” However, Chapter 2.B.4.a. However, the 1995 RATMAN defines an “anniversary year” as extending “from the date of entry or reen- try to the day preceding the anniversary of entry or reentry” and the 1997 RPM states that a reservist’s...
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Available records reflect that the applicant received a Memorandum of Reprimand, dated 10 June 1994, from the Commander, Headquarters Texas Air National Guard. They recommend the applicant’s records be changed to show constructive participation as a Reserve Officer for the period of time following separation from the Texas Air National Guard through the Mandatory Separation Date. After a thorough review of the evidence of record and applicant’s submission, we are persuaded that the...
Available records reflect that the applicant received a Memorandum of Reprimand, dated 10 June 1994, from the Commander, Headquarters Texas Air National Guard. They recommend the applicant’s records be changed to show constructive participation as a Reserve Officer for the period of time following separation from the Texas Air National Guard through the Mandatory Separation Date. After a thorough review of the evidence of record and applicant’s submission, we are persuaded that the...
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In connection with her intent, she executed a Contingent Enlistment Addendum on 22 September 1993 wherein she acknowledged: Various Army enlistment incentives, such as enlistment bonuses must be approved by Congress. The authorization for enlistment bonuses expires on 30 September 1993. The "Remarks" block of her DA Form 7249 (Certificate and Acknowledgement of Service Requirements and Methods of Fulfillment for Individuals Enlisting or Transferring into Troop Program Unit (TPU) of the...
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The applicant states: * he enlisted in the Army National Guard (ARNG) in 1994 but he became ill prior to attending basic training and could not go at the time directed * when he became physically able to go on active duty he did and completed training in 1996 * he should have received an honorable characterization of service not uncharacterized service * much of the information, including the rank/pay grade, utilized for the completion of his separation documents was from another Soldier's...
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He further stated that he is not interested in receiving an SRB under ALCOAST 127/01 and that, if his record had been correct, he would have extended his enlistment for another two years in November 2001 to make his new end of enlistment November 30, 2003. Under Article 1-G-14 of the Personnel Manual, when his December 1, 1995, reenlistment ended on November 30, 1999, the applicant would have been 3. required to sign at least a 2-year extension contract, through November 30, 2001, to avoid...
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According to MGIB regulations, a member must have received an Honorable dis- charge during a period of eligible service in order to use educational benefits under the program. (2) of the instruction states that “MGIB participants who request early separation from the Coast Guard, prior to meeting the minimum service requirements to be eligible for MGIB benefits are [to be counseled] on the consequences of their actions.” Article 7.g. The applicant was discharged from the Coast Guard on...
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