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ARMY | BCMR | CY2002 | 2002076200C070215
Original file (2002076200C070215.rtf) Auto-classification: Approved

         IN THE CASE OF:

         BOARD DATE: 21 November 2002
         DOCKET NUMBER: AR2002076200

         I certify that hereinafter is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual.

Mr. Carl W. S. Chun Director
Ms. Wanda L. Waller Analyst

The following members, a quorum, were present:

Mr. Fred N. Eichorn Chairperson
Mr. Lester Echols Member
Mr. Thomas Lanyi Member

         The applicant and counsel if any, did not appear before the Board.

         The Board considered the following evidence:

         Exhibit A - Application for correction of military
         Exhibit B - Military Personnel Records (including
         advisory opinion, if any)


1. The applicant has exhausted or the Board has waived the requirement for exhaustion of all administrative remedies afforded by existing law or regulations.

2. The applicant requests award of the Mobilization “M” Device for wear on his National Defense Service Medal.

3. The applicant states, in effect, that the “M” device did not exist at the time he was mobilized on 24 November 1990 for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. In support of his application, he submits a DD Form 215 (Correction to DD Form 214), dated 17 June 2002; a DD Form 215, dated 25 January 1993; and a DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) with an effective date of 31 March 1991.

4. The applicant’s military records show that he enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) on 10 June 1954 and was commissioned a Reserve officer on 10 June 1955. On 21 November 1990, the applicant was ordered to active duty in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and served as a combat surgeon. On 31 March 1991, the applicant was released from active duty and transferred to the USAR. He was subsequently discharged from the USAR and placed on the retired list effective 9 October 1996 in the rank of colonel.

5. The applicant’s DD Form 214 shows the National Defense Service Medal with one bronze service star as an authorized award.

6. Army Regulation (Military Awards) does not authorize the “M” Device for wear on the National Defense Service Medal.

7. The applicant’s DD Form 214 shows the Armed Forces Reserve Medal as an authorized award.

8. Based on his dates of service in the USAR from 10 June 1954 through
27 September 1993, the applicant completed 35 qualifying years of inactive service.

9. Army Regulation 600-8-22 provides, in pertinent part, that the National Defense Service Medal is awarded for honorable active service for any period between 27 July 1950 through 27 July 1954, 1 January 1961 through 14 August 1974, 2 August 1990 through 30 November 1995 and 11 September 2001 to a date to be determined.

10. Army Regulation 600-8-22, as amended by Military Personnel Message Number 96-196, provides for award of the Armed Forces Reserve Medal (AFRM). It is awarded for honorable and satisfactory service as a member of one or more of the Reserve Components of the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of 10 years. The conditions for award of the AFRM require that a minimum of 50 retirement points be earned for each of the 10 qualifying years and that the qualifying service be completed within 12 consecutive years. Service in a regular component of the Armed Forces, tenure in elected state office, tenure as a member of a legislative body of the United States or a state, and service as a judge of a court of record of the United States, a state or territory or District of Columbia is excluded from credit toward this award but does not constitute a break in service. The Ten-year Device (hourglass with Roman numeral “X”) is authorized for wear on the AFRM to denote each succeeding 10-year period of Reserve Component service. The first 10 years is denoted by a bronze hourglass, the second 10-year period of Reserve Component service is denoted by a silver hourglass and the third by a gold hourglass. Forty years of Reserve Component service is recognized by a gold hourglass followed by a bronze hourglass on the AFRM.

11. Army Personnel Command Message with a Date/Time Group of 231630Z August 1996 authorized award of the Armed Forces Reserve Medal and Mobilization (“M”) Device for qualified personnel who were mobilized during the Persian Gulf War, Operation Restore Hope in Somalia, Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti, and Operation Joint Endeavor in Bosnia.


1. The Board considered the applicant’s request for award of the “M” Device for wear on his National Defense Service Medal. However, there is no basis for granting the applicant’s request.

2. The applicant’s DD Form 214 shows the Armed Forces Reserve Medal as an authorized award.

3. Evidence of record shows the applicant completed 35 qualifying years of inactive service in the USAR. Therefore, the applicant is entitled to award of the Armed Forces Reserve Medal with a gold hourglass.

4. The applicant is also entitled to award of the Armed Forces Reserve Medal with “M” Device for his service during the Persian Gulf War. Therefore, the applicant is entitled to correction of his military records to show award of the Armed Forces Reserve Medal with “M” Device with a gold hourglass.

5. In view of the foregoing findings and conclusions, it would be appropriate to correct the applicant’s records, but only as recommended below.


1. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by showing that the individual concerned was awarded the Armed Forces Reserve Medal with “M” Device with a gold hourglass.

2. That so much of the application as is in excess of the foregoing be denied.



________ ________ ________ GRANT FORMAL HEARING

________ ________ ________ DENY APPLICATION

                  __Fred N. Eichorn______


CASE ID AR2002076200
ISSUES 1. 107.0000

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