2. The applicant requests that his enlistment contract be changed to reflect his authorization of a $4,500.00 enlistment bonus.
3. The applicant states that he initially enlisted under the Loan Repayment Program (LRP) enlistment option for training as a signal intelligence analyst in military occupational specialty (MOS) 98C. When he arrived at his advanced individual training location he was informed that he should have received an enlistment bonus. He further states that he contacted his recruiter who subsequently contacted officials in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (DCSPER), who confirmed that he was eligible to have enlisted with the enlistment bonus option as well as the LRP.
4. The applicants military records indicate that he enlisted in the Delayed Entry Program on 22 December 1994 and entered active duty on 1 June 1995 for a period of 4 years under the LRP and training of choice enlistment option for training in MOS 98C. His enlistment contract indicates that there was no cash enlistment bonus authorized for his enlistment option at the time of his enlistment.
5. In the processing of this case an advisory opinion was provided by the Total Army Personnel Command (PERSCOM). The PERSCOM opined that the applicant was eligible to receive a $4,500.00 enlistment bonus at the time he enlisted in the Delayed Entry Program and that it is reasonable to presume that he would have enlisted for both the enlistment bonus and the LRP had he been made aware that he was eligible for both options. The PERSCOM recommended approval of his application.
1. It appears that the applicant was unjustly denied the opportunity to enlist for a $4,500.00 enlistment bonus option in addition to the LRP option that was being offered by the Department at the time he enlisted.
2. Through no fault of his own, the applicant has been denied a financial gain for which he was otherwise qualified.
3. In view of the foregoing, it would be appropriate to correct the applicants records as recommended below.
That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by showing that the individual concerned enlisted with entitlement to a $4,500.00 enlistment bonus and LRP enlistment option on 22 December 1994.
ARMY | BCMR | CY1996 | 9610707C070209
When he refused those MOSs, he was offered another MOS within the intelligence field, MOS 98C, Electronic Warfare Signal Intelligence Analyst, but was told that he had to waive his LRP enlistment option to be sent for that training. The LRP is an educational enlistment incentive which provides for payment of 33 1/3 percent or $1,500.00 of the unpaid principal of eligible student loans for each year of active duty a soldier completes, whichever is greater. To be eligible for benefits under...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2002 | 2002080230C070215
In so doing, they stated that the applicant’s MOS (98C) did not qualify for a BSSRB and offered that he could request separation based on an unfulfilled enlistment contract. PERSCOM again stated that the applicant could request separation based on an unfulfilled enlistment contract. The applicant met his enlistment obligations in full and the Army should honor the promise made to the applicant in his enlistment contract by awarding him the BSSRB as an exception to policy.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2004 | 2004106071C070208
By letter dated 23 October 2003, PERSCOM informed the applicant that repayment of his U. S. Department of Education loan in the amount of $4,500.00 had been made. USAHRC noted that before the Army can make any loan repayments, additional loan verification information from both the LRP participant and current loan holder(s) must be provided to that office. For three years (in 1996, 1997, and 1998), he should have received letters informing him that repayment of two of his student loans, in...
ARMY | BCMR | CY1996 | 9607678C070209
When a soldier enlists for this option, a DA Form 3286-66 must be completed indicating that he has been promised the LRP, and the soldier must disenroll from the MGIB. The PERSCOM stated that no loans have been paid for the applicant under the LRP, but a note in his file shows that he had informed that office that he has loans which would qualify under the Higher Education Act of 1965, but has not as yet submitted those notes for payment. In the applicants case, that form is not present,...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2003 | 2003087289C070212
The applicant requests, in essence, that his student loan be paid in accordance with his enlistment option for the Army Student Loan Repayment Program (LRP). In connection with this application, a PERSCOM advisory opinion (COPY ATTACHED) states, in essence, that terms outlined in the applicant's enlistment contract -- Statement of Understanding US Army Incentive Enlistment Program, DA Form 3286-66, Section 4, item a -- state, "I understand that under the LRP the government will repay a...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001052989C070420
He authenticated his DD Form 1966/3 (Record of Military Processing- Armed Forces of the United States) which shows that no changes to his enlistment contract were required upon enlistment. The DD Forms 2475 that the applicant submitted for payment of his “WFEFS” are dated 28 July 2000. His DA Form 3286-66 clearly specifies those loans for repayment under the LRP must be made, insured or guaranteed by one of two loan programs under the Higher Education Act prior to enlistment in the RA.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2003 | 2003084393C070212
He states that his recruiter was provided the "Partnership Loan" promissory note at the time of enlistment and that his DD Form 1966/3 (Record of Military Processing-Armed Forces of the United States) shows the LRP as an included option in his enlistment contract. In connection with this application, a PERSCOM advisory opinion (COPY ATTACHED) stated, in essence, that as previously indicated in their 30 October 2002 correspondence provided to the applicant, terms outlined in the enlistment...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2005 | 20050011615C070206
The LRP is a Department of the Army enlistment option authorized by Title 10 of the United States Code, section 2171 (10 USC 2171), which provides the legal authority for the education loan repayment program for enlisted members on active duty in specified military specialties. The evidence of record confirms that a Recruiter authorized the applicant's enlistment contract with the LRP benefit incentive. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2003 | 2003087287C070212
if enlisting for the LRP [Loan Repayment Program], disenroll the applicant or soldier from the GI Bill; and c.) verify that the applicant has qualifying loans if enlisting for the LRP. Wide discretions are available to this Board under Title 10, US Code, Section 1552, which includes the authority to amend the applicant’s DA Form 3286-66 to include the sentence, “If a student loan is accepted by the officials processing you for enlistment as payable under the LRP and the government fails to...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001057836C070420
By regulation, Army Guidance Counselors are required to verify that a member enlisting for the LRP has qualifying loans and to advise those members if any loan is not eligible for repayment. In doing so, the applicant’s military records may be corrected to show his DA Form 3286-66 was amended to include the sentence “If a student loan is accepted by the official processing you for enlistment as payable under the LRP and the government fails to verify that the student loan accepted actually...